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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I liked Fitz because he beat Tom Brady and the Pat's at full strength, along with the fact he had a "bigger" personality. Besides that I like both and hope they both do well this year unless against Buffalo.
  2. Closer to Todd Packer, only less successful.
  3. Was also Jackie Robinson in a movie that made me uncomfortable during some of those scenes.
  4. Football is by far my favorite sport to watch and the rest are just time fillers( even though I have season Tix to Magic) so boycotting them is easy. Football though is my distraction of choice- I would rather watch MACtion football than NBA basketball. I am hoping they allow the politics to drop and just let the kids play tomorrow and into the future but I would put money on they will discuss the MLB and NBA crap at least 30% of the time and make the game not enjoyable
  5. Don't respond to him- his tactic is always to be absurd. He is is the guy in the office who is always playing for the laugh but doesn't understand what is appropriate.
  6. At the point that the firing of journalist makes a list of a sport teams problems I know it is a worthless write up.
  7. How is it an illegal weapon? possession of a weapon is legal that was lawfully owned and legally given. If I give my cousin a gun to use he can legally use it.
  8. I am not sure but I think you are stating that since not all Dem run cities are on fire pointing out that all of the cities that are on fire are Dem run is inappropriate. Is that your overall point?
  9. I was in Philly in 2008 during election and I went through neighborhoods were literally every yard had an Obama sign. Obama won Philly by 400k votes because of the huge turnout against a boring opponent. I bet Joe wins by closer to 100k and Trump kicks him around the rest of the state. Boring candidates don't get many people to show My grandmother went through it and I only had to deal with it when I visited and I feel for you. I probably dealt with 1% of what you do and found it hard. Please keep being the good guy.
  10. I just read that the NBA is resuming tomorrow- what did this boycott show? They are already kneeling in protest do they think people will now go " wow that 48 hours changed my opinion"? What has changed?
  11. I think it was the MLS who wrote in a memo to fans that they are not here to distract you from the real world but to force you to deal with it. I would literally watch sports 350 days a year as my escape, but this decision tells you these guys think they are far more important than they are. I was out on the NHL when they flew in a Canadian citizen who was not playing the game to kneel for the US national anthem and stand for the Canadian National anthem.
  12. So you pick a list that only counts the top ten countries of income per capita and then say " all countries"- you seem to feel that only white majority countries count along with Japan.
  13. The man who killed Floyd is in jail and will stand trial for murder. I do not know a single person who condones chauvin or says he should not be tried. I truly believe that was a personal thing because it is hard to believe that two dudes working security don't know each other. But if I am playing the confidence game I am much more confident I am alive if I listen to cops then if I don't and comments like yours seem to exude confidence in your ignorance.
  14. Where did you get this drivel- it is wrong and not even close to true. There are 13 countries with a rate that is 4 times our.
  15. I think there are tiers of backups 1) can win you a game(Bridgewater) 2) it is decided by other 10 guys(Case Keenum) 3) he won't lose the game(Barkley) 4) just hand off each time(Peterman)
  16. Your parents never had this conversation with you? My parents sat me down at 13 and told me some cops sucks and to do as I was told. I have friends who are cops and they have had this conversation with their kids, obey the cops and sue after if needed. There is something wrong with you if you don't tell your kids this when they become teens.
  17. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/who-was-george-floyd-the-gentle-giant-who-loved-his-hugs-11997206 Plenty of people were exalting George Floyd, which does not exonerate cops, but this was first headline I found
  18. Stating a guy with warrants for domestic abuse and sexual assault is the same as someone just running from cops is dishonest. NoSaint you and I disagree but I respect your willingness to deal with repurcussions. I disagree because the worst people will never listen to cops in that situation and the decent folks will be most inconvenienced.
  19. I am not asking this sarcastically but seriously about where the line is for a cop to shoot. It seems some on here think that unless the person is an immediate threat then they should not be shot with almost no exceptions. If this were to be the policy wouldn't the criminals know that cops can't shoot unless they have a weapon and just outrun cops? In California they know that they will not be pursued for less than $500 and petty theft jumped. I want less shootings from cops also but I don't think your policy is proper
  20. I thought we were talking people with power but these do qualify as right wingers so I concede the point. Good work.
  21. He was not going to be detained without inflicting major damage on the cops- he made that clear when they stun gunned him and walked away- unless you feel that cops job require them to accept getting hurt. Breonna Taylor is unacceptable, George Floyd is unacceptable, but this is not anywhere near those.
  22. Actually I have seen several quotes from mom who seems reasonable. She is pissed at cops but does not agree with all this other crap that surrounds her son being shot. It is possible she talking out of both sides of her mouth but the quotes I have seen paint her well.
  23. You think they should allow a guy who had warrants out for sexual assault and domestic abuse walk away simply because he is unarmed?
  24. Moulds was a "bust" until his mother told him she was disappointed in him and he understood that his work ethic was poor. Davis will have the high work ethic from day one and will be our 4th reciever, not 1 or 2. Davis probably will be better in the first two years but that comparison will not mean much in 10 years
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