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Orlando Buffalo

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Posts posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. 4 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    I think my bottom line from all the changes on our DL, is that McDermott felt we struggled on run D at times last year and it cost us games.

    We also didn't have enough pass rush.


    Since you can't improve something by keeping it the same, it did not make sense to pay $10/yr each to Phillips and to Lawson.


    Though it is a bummer to hear that we offered 3 years/$27.5M to Lawson and he went to Miami for 3 yrs/$30M.

    One thing on the money- is that NY takes another 2 + million of that 27.5 where Florida takes 0 of the 30 therefore the difference is really almost $5 million at end of three years. That is real money even to rich dudes

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  2. 27 minutes ago, Reed83HOF said:

    Bears $5yrs $70M $30Mgtd

    Wow- I thought Quinn would get 3 years at 15 per year- though maybe that is what it turns into

    4 minutes ago, Seoulofstone said:

    I'm amazed that people think 10 per for a DE who has 40 sacks in his last 4 seasons is an overpay. You know that he has more sacks than Ngakoue who is asking for 22 right?


     He isn't a guy who is often injured, knows McD scheme. Very strong run defender. What are people expecting here?

    In a Mc Beane defense the lineman are not the stars- the LBs are the stars and therefore we will not likely have any dominant players along the line but have great LBs.

  3. 3 hours ago, stuvian said:

    I'll still give Jacksonville the #1 dumpster fire ranking but this is the closest thing i've seen to the Herschel Walker trade in my lifetime

    This is much worse since the Cowboys lied about their intentions with the players traded. Minnesota thought the Cowboys were taking players they did not need or use, Cowboys just cut them and turned them into draft picks.

    1 hour ago, dneveu said:


    Said top 10 QB's salary is about to go massively up.  They also likely want to pay tunsil and fuller.  I don't think it was wise to trade hopkins for so little, or at all.  But i think i understand the reasoning.  

    I can understand the trade if he got back a 1st and a second without taking on Johnson but this trade makes no sense since Hopkins is currently under the team friendly part of contract for 3 more years. This is a move you make during a year down.

  4. 23 minutes ago, HappyDays said:

    There are 2 possibilities that would make me okay with this:


    1) We are trading for OBJ

    2) We already have an agreement in place to move up for Ceedee Lamb/Jerry Jeudy on draft night


    If not I will be sick that we didn't end up with Hopkins.

    A few items- every crazy Texan trade has been to an NFC team I believe or the Browns. Why would you want OBJ who has been a problem for every team he has been on?  your point is very vaild.

  5. 5 hours ago, transplantbillsfan said:




    I must be the one who's arrogant.


    Oh wait... I'm not the one crowing about all the things I teach my students in the classroom (that I shouldn't be) or all the personal things you do for your kids that kinda make me have to ask you this follow up (but rhetorical, since we'd never get an honest answer in the negative, anyway) question:


    How much further do you take things in their personal lives?

    I love the insinuation but I realized last night I can put your mind at ease about what I am teaching- I do not tell them to like Trump or any single political theory- I bash all dishonest politicians which the vast majority. Lastly I am very proud of helping students in their lives both within and beyond the walls when I see them. 

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  6. 17 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


    Uhhhh... first of all, are you a teacher?


    I am.


    I'm very well aware of the interaction with students. Your opinion of it has little merit.


    Second, did he say he speaks to his kids about politics outside of the classroom and not in it? I mean, I guess you could read that post as him saying he's at election sites coaching his students before they vote.


    That's just obviously worse.


    What the hell kind of interaction do you think is appropriate for teachers and students outside of the classroom, anyway?



    only thing I respond to this post is that I am called by a large portion of my students "school dad" because I help them when they need it. I have food for them every day, I provide all classroom materials everyday, I have provided clothes on occasion, I give them counsel when they need it. Your arrogance is why so many people speak ill of teachers, please stop trying to attack me. I do not make my students agree with me, but I make them deal with life with facts and reason not emotion and lies.

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  7. 46 minutes ago, transplantbillsfan said:


    Why in the hell are you talking to your students about politics when you teach math?


    And not just talking politics, but pretty clearly trying to sway your students to believe a specific political viewpoint.


    You're a math teacher. 


    Politics simply don't belong in your class.


    As much crap as I get from some on this board specifically about somehow working to indoctrinate my students with overly liberal views, in actuality I leave current politics out of the classroom. Not saying we don't talk some overarching political ideas. Hell, the 1st book my AP Lit students read is Atlas Shrugged and it's always a Super interesting way to start the year.


    But good grief, unless you're a College Professor (you say you teach Seniors so I assume you aren'), focus on your subject rather than manipulating your students minds conscientiously and purposefully as it relates to your own political views.

    Why am I teaching students who are seniors how to think? Politics are not assignments but when we are discussing stats-which is a topic I teach- I make students show me misleading stats. I make them do it many times and I make them show me why the stat is absurd. The students almost every time come back with stats from politicians and they can explain it well. As for "  clearly trying to sway your students to believe a specific political viewpoint." you are incorrect and I simply show my students how trusting the media is dangerous and how easily things  can be manipulated. other things I teach that are not taught to most high schoolers: how to do taxes, how to budget, and how to behave at an interview. But I will state I am not surprised you are a English/Lit teacher since in my experience since I was in high school myself, I have every single one pretend to be non biased as they basically recite the communist manifesto throughout the year and then discuss " some overarching political ideas."

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  8. I teach in Florida and about 40% of the teachers in my school are libertarian/conservative. The seniors can vote and I try hard to make sure they think before voting. I explain that an educated electorate is the most important thing in our country and to those worried I teach math- there is no way disagreeing with me could matter to their grade.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Chandemonium said:

    these guys trying to paint Trump as an authoritarian would be hilarious if so many people didn’t believe it. 

    I explain to my students that he has removed govt from my life and I challenge them to find one time he passed a law after Congress said no- ala DREAMER act. I explain they can dislike him but understand why.

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  10. On 3/13/2020 at 12:36 AM, NFLBighits said:

    I cannot understand why anything is cancelled,  it's being pushed on us as I'd call it a Medical Marshall Law..it's B.S. basically to put people in fear as we should be more worried about the 5G going up everywhere!  Spain Flu killed 50 Million in 1918.  How many have died from this virus?  Flu kills in the 60'000 sum a year.  Keep people in fear, nothing more nothing less but brainwash and control the population.  Six-pack of corona with one lime disease please!??

    Your facts are correct but your conclusion is crazy. I do believe that our govt could be sitting on more info about the virus but this thing spreads fast and kills people with lung issues. If 50% of the population was infected a lot more than 60k die. People need to be safe, don't touch anyone else unnecessarily, and use lots of soap and hand sanitizer.

  11. On 2/24/2020 at 5:21 PM, HOUSE said:

    Personally I think Lawson is gone. Contract year performances are always a concern.


    Hope I am wrong because I love the guy

    I am usually more concerned about the " contract year" performance since he was injured when drafted and was truly full health only the past two years- he was ok in 18 and good in 19 which could certainly be from his limited time the first two years.

  12. 54 minutes ago, MJS said:

    Can someone explain the safety vs TD scenario?

    EDIT: Oh, because people are interpreting him tossing the ball to the ref as a forward pass. Hmm, not sure I see it that way. You can fumble the ball forward.

    He clearly intentionally pitched ball forward therefore a safety. If you intentionally throw it forward it is a pass even if not to another player.

  13. 9 hours ago, Seoulofstone said:

    Some fans just can't be excited unless their team sign the most expensive contract for a player at that position in FA.


    Norman is slow (this is a fair truth), and was continually left on an island against fast WRs. If you put him in a position to attack in zone he will make plays on the ball and get interceptions. Hes great at defending the run and watch for his ability to 'peanut Tilman' punch the ball out of receivers hands. He will work in McDs system.


     What you don't want is him covering defenders deep without help. That was true even in 2015.

    any CB that can cover a WR downfield without over the top help is going to cost $15 million per year for 5 years minimum, definitely not what we are paying Norman.

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  14. 3 hours ago, BillsFan17 said:

    Let it not be forgotten that Carr was also handsomely paid once upon a time. Its how the market works sometimes. The evil you know is better than the one you dont, and even marginal QBs seem attractive to franchises because it's better than not having one at all...

    This is too true- I hope our issue is trying to convince Josh to take a hometown discount not if he is worth 30+ million.

    28 minutes ago, BringBackOrton said:

    And yet the Redskins have only been able to win 10 games since letting him walk.

    True but they lost the big money QB they signed to a horrific injury so the plan is not as envisioned either.

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