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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. In past 4 games he has thrown more picks than TDs thrown. I watched game this week and he was slightly better than Bridgewater. It is a trend, I understand he could change it but I doubt he will for more than a few games this year.
  2. Can't help but notice you can't show me source of your Italy claim along with accusing me of doing-being holier than thou-when it is exactly what you are doing.
  3. I showed you were I got my info- of which there is tons- where did you find info about Italy? And your concern for your fellow man does not seem to extend to those who had their business burned down during the protests this summer. Please stop with the good citizen while you condone those threatening to burn down towns if their candidate does not win.
  4. You want proof that masks protect others mainly? Are you trying to prove how ignorant you are? I just pulled the first one but feel free to look up more https://www.umms.org/coronavirus/what-to-know/masks/wearing-mask " Cloth masks mainly keep you from unknowingly spreading the disease to others" I know you will now pretend that this was not your contention because you really were trying to nitpick my argument but science is on my side.
  5. I am not one to defend officials, and this was a bad call, but when I watched it live I thought it was a cut back because of way player fell. The NFL can clean up these kind of bad calls by using officials in the booth but I understand why mistake was made.
  6. I am sorry but you are the liar and most on here know it. I challenge you to show me one lie I have told- if you can not, by your own standard, it proves you are the liar.
  7. But Biden loves them right?
  8. I truly suggest you do not respond to him- he has literally admitted he holds conservatives to a much higher standard than he does himself. He is not very bright and tries to bring others down to his level.
  9. There is no possible way you can logically take what I said and extend it to my hoping Dems die, you can logically come to the conclusion that having the protests is having a negative effect on our fight against Covid. Also just so you are aware the counties that have had the mask mandates have the worse rate of infection compared to ones without the mandate because too many people believe the mask protect them while the mask mainly protects others and social distancing protects ourselves
  10. Nazis had lots of useful idiots, like you, who carried the water until they were no longer needed.Unions, Communists, media all praised him until he destroyed them.
  11. https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_sep18 Tibs how about the only poll that at least attempts to be honest and the only one who was close on all 50 states last time?
  12. So authoritarian rules and no protests is all we needed? I at least understand what you and I call leadership are very different.
  13. In his last three games combined he has more picks than TDs and 3 pick sixes. This is a trend not a blip
  14. You still want others to be held to a higher standard than yourself and can't figure out why people don't respond to you too much.
  15. I want you to show me what you are talking about in topic one? That first line is absurd, that almost half the cases could have been prevented with more testing. Also as for the 4th one, here in FL the media made a hero of a liberal who was posting inaccurate info because it made Trump look bad. Her entire job was to report confirmed cases and she intentionally reported those along with the suspected cases, got fired and then praised by the media. Also NY has lost so much data about who dies where the info would be garbage
  16. You are funny, all your "specifics" are general ideas except for the rally. He encouraged social distancing in March as NYC encouraged people to get out. He gave much more help to NYC than any other area, and Cuomo agreed to that back in early April before he realized he killed so many. But you did give me one, the indoor rally.
  17. My wording was poor but I meant that if Minshew got good like them, they are already really good and young.
  18. What does he did not lead? Do you think a mask mandate would be leading? What specifically should he have done? If you come up with one concrete example you will be the first and I have asked many here and in real life.
  19. He looks great as a rookie behind a crap line but I am not ready to put him the same echelon as Allen much less Mahomes. But it would be fun if Minshew, along with Jackson and Watson, got good and the AFC would loaded for a while.
  20. I understand that is the current plan but are people in Buffalo discussing scrapping it? The author admitting her work is crap happened recently and was wondering if there was any push from parents to get real education since. I am wondering if anyone in Buffalo has heard anything.
  21. Is Buffalo still going through with the 1619 project? The woman who is the main author has admitted it is not history but narrative. I would be upset if I was told my student in history was not being taught history but a narrative
  22. He clearly gets amped to play but it seems he is able to not let it be too big a negative. To my eyes he made 4 bad plays but only really hurt us. The other two we got to fight another play which is an improvement.
  23. Why do you point out that the only areas worse as a per capita death than sweden, who did nothing, is 4 extremely liberal states? Is that constructive? You are a mean man, or woman we never met.
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