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Orlando Buffalo

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Posts posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. 4 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!


    This is embarrassing for Trump mainly because it means he trusted the Chinese and WHO without verifying it further. Of course the WHO is the organization that suppose to verify these things and instead lied and covered it up for China. 

  2. On 4/14/2020 at 8:35 AM, Bleedbuffaloblue said:

    Yeah, unless this virus is miraculously wiped out this summer by natural or synthetic means which is highly unlikely all this talk of sports starting back up is just that, talk. A lot of overly optimistic hot air. The logistics are just too daunting when you start really seriously thinking about it and all the ramifications.

    As the article says a vaccine is the key. Who knows how long the development and distribution of such will take. I’ve heard anywhere from this fall until this time next year, but no one really knows.

    No one wants to fathom the idea of no sports until 2021, but it sure is getting to look like that could be the way this thing ultimately shakes out.

    Figures just when our Bills team is ready to make some serious noise the whole thing gets put on hold. Guess we can plan to add “no season” to the list of frustrating moments for our favorite sports teams.

    The article is wrong in stating there needs to be a vaccine to restart the leagues- the TV money is so great that the leagues- can play without fans and still be profitable. The leagues also do not want people to realize that sports are superfluous to their happiness- not my happiness but other people's.

  3. 1 hour ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    Perhaps you’re comfortable living in a totalitarian state.  I am not.  By endorsing this you forfeit the right to oppose future applications by parties and ideologies you oppose.


    I’ve long believed that most individuals claiming to want smaller government, and claiming to adhere to conservative principals actually want no such thing.  What they really want is to live under a monarch who happens to believe exactly as they do, and imposes his absolute will in a way they prefer.


    He’s cost himself my vote, and is destroying any good will he has earned with libertarians in many cases.  I am once again returning to vocally advocating that libertarians cast protest votes in favor of Joe Biden.




    The President wants to be a dictator.  I say we make him into a bird.



    You twist others word to your admittedly previous decided viewpoint. You then claim Trump is less Libertarian than the guy who told the country that the government was their only hope for healthcare and tried to nationalize even more. Truly it amazes me that anyone can be as aware as you and  realize Trump has not enacted executive order 13603 of Obama while spewing it.

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  4. 39 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Do you mean to say that smoking weed isn't good for your lungs?

    Sadly enough many- and I by that I mean the majority- of high school students believe pot is not bad for your lungs. I have no moral qualms with smoking it but I am sick of hearing pot never killed anyone. It is smoke into your lungs therefore it is bad, maybe not as bad as cigarettes but still bad.

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  5. On 4/8/2020 at 1:12 PM, Joe in Winslow said:

    Yes. Yes they should, with ONE exception: Active duty military personnel. Everyone else should get to a polling place or get stuffed.


    I disagree because of what happened in my district in 2012. I live in Orange county Florida and I live in an area that is growing very quickly and we had to wait 3+ hours to vote because I live in a democratic district. I have done voting by mail since and I am thankful for it.

    On 4/8/2020 at 12:51 PM, Gary Busey said:

    According to some (although Trump's voter fraud commission failed to find any evidence of voter fraud) mail in ballots are rampant with fraud. Should absentee ballots then be made illegal?

    Mail in ballots are easy to commit fraud with but to prove individuals committed said fraud is extremely difficult. I do not do this but I could easily take my wife's ballot and fill it out and send it back. To prove it is not her would be impossible.

  6. 57 minutes ago, Codyny13 said:

    Bills want a downhill runner to compliment Devin. That came out of Beane’s mouth. That’s why Gore played over Yeldon. There will be a downhill runner added to this roster.

    This is more the reason then Shady being washed up- I think Shady would be effective 10 touches a game but not the type of touches we need. Gore became very ineffective the last month of the season.

  7. 12 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    I think he did the Ravens game too. I seem to remember Lamar floating a ball over the head of a WR and Fouts saying the WR let him down. Then John brown didn’t get his feet inbounds one a throw from Allen and Fouts says “Allen really needs to make that play” 

    The game I watched and realized how bad he was while watching a Denver game last year- he literally got everything wrong for the last 10 minutes of the game. He got players names wrong, did not know rules, and when a play was under review did not acknowledge that it had to be obviously wrong. I am glad he is gone and he was worse to me than Booger.

    7 hours ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    I liked Fouts.  Fouts did a good job pointing out flaws in technique at QB and many other spots.  He just didn't do a good enough job of praising good technique as well.  I think Davis is far worse.  Gannon is the guy I really don't like.  He is slow to analyze and rarely gets strategy correct when he even bothers to bring it up.

    The Bills have sucked for 18 of the last 20 years.  While the best QB and perhaps best franchise in NFL history relentlessly beat us.  What are the announcers supposed to say?  "Brady to Gronk for another TD. But honestly Brady didn't put enough air under that pass.  He made Gronk move his hands about 6 inches farther than he needed to"

    When the Bills win consistency my guess is this board will find the announcers are better.  

    Why would you defend a guy who was obviously bad at his job that he was let go. He has been there for at least 20 years but the past years he was awful, I do not expect an announcer to praise my team- I expect him to know players, rules, and have some idea of what is going on. You obviously have different standards.

  8. 20 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    He and his agent seem to be really  just trying to convince everyone that he’s healthy. Which he may be, but the fact remains that no team can have him physically examined by their own medical team which is a big part of drafting so someone that high. 

    Who did physical on him if no team can do a proper physical? Or should I be reading headline as 2 teams think he is too risky right now to draft?

  9. 3 hours ago, Chandler#81 said:

    But, but he’s not fast! He’s not big! We need a big strong receiver for contested short yardage TDs! He’s just another John Brown!

    I know this, cuz I’ve read it RIGHT HERE!

    And we’re an authoritative lot, dammit!


    Waste of way too many late round picks that could have put us over the top!


    I was until this under the impression he was not that fast- I am quickly learning exactly how good his physical traits are beyond his motivation.

  10. I am not defending him but a little background on Chris-

    He went to high school in Orlando and his high school coach  was my neighbor and we have discussed him.

    He was definitely in a gang circle while in high school and it was suggested he leave the state for college to get away from the gangs.

    It is possible these guys came after him for leaving the gang because those who knew him believed he left that part of his life behind.

    He had a hard life until his football skills became apparent and he made dumb choices when he was young and I hope he left those dumb choices behind and this is all a misunderstanding.


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  11. 3 hours ago, aristocrat said:


    he's got tre as the 45th best cb in the league there? is that right?  mother of god

    If he has Tre that low he definitely weights "usage" to highly. Since smart QBs do not throw his way he does not have opportunities to be better by his stats. All stats have limitations but that seems ridiculous.

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