This is the exact response I expect from Liberals when questioned on why they do not show us the way things should be done. Liberals understand that they need conservative people to do the heavy lifting for any of their ideas to work properly.
I do not understand how your win rate can be low but your overall grade good with these guys. I know they are not studs on run plays so their better plays have to be passing plays.
The officials in the NFL suck. The officials in the Raiders games made more bad calls than good calls and it went both ways. I believe the worst is Riverton, he is incompetent to the highest level.
My father in law is a Pat's* fan and does not watch game unless I invite him over, I don't recommend it because I could not control my hatred of BB and Brady. He and I even disagreed with whether the Gronk elbow drop was terrible.
Why don't you volunteer wherever you live? I assure you there are mentally ill people everywhere
Ii can be difficult to see sarcasm on here, and some of the poster seem to think that way, but if you were mimicing them you did a great job.
So if you question a violent riot now you are KKK? What kind of response is that? Just shows you are intellectually vapid and only have name calling in defense of your thoughts
I did not realize how much more he touched the ball than Singletary until I watched the shortcut. He did very well and the only time he looked like a rookie to me was when he missed a block on a Josh run.
Not sure of others but voting in Florida is extremely easy. To get a mail in ballot you have to log on and confirm information which took 3 minutes. Then I just drop it off at any of the early voting sites. Not sure why you think Florida is difficult to vote in.
In 2004 I gave more to charity and paid a higher rate on my income then he did, and that was the first year I looked at. You insult Trump for doing exactly what Biden does when Biden had power over the tax rate for the past 50 years.
Comparing apples to oranges- the average house cost was in 1974 was not even 40k so that house was more than 4.5 times average. So not misleading and still accurate
Everyone pays the smallest amount of taxes they can legally do, in 2010 I paid more than Biden despite making 1/4 of his total income. Lifetime public servants should not be living in multi.million dollar houses
Can you give me the context that this reaction is proper? He had been asked the question several time before this moment so please don't say he was unaware it might come up.
Our Dline is built to be rotated in and out, if he gives us quality plays when in there I think a second is a great deal. How much Epnesa play when fully acclimated? I still bet less than 75%.
In 2017 they had three straight bad weeks and then went to KC and beat a team that was pretty good. McD seems to throw out a few true stinkers each year.
If it is a second rounder only I would go for it. He is a great talent and contract is reasonable now- would be possibly hold out for more money is my only concern of investment
I think it also shows all QBs are "system" QBs. Vrabel has done a good job of tailoring his skills to his requirements. Few QBs can run multiple offensive styles well.
Bad officiating is not a bad thing for NFL as long as popular teams win. The Seahawks were gifted a first down to ice the game against the phone a few weeks back. I am just glad we are now a "good" team and might get out fair share of bad calls. In Vegas we got the benefit of a phantom block in the back, it is one of few phantom calls I remember going our way