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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I would not have overturned it on a review unless there is another angle, I am not sure the ball was in. I also think the fact we were at one plays a part here and we should have just bashed it in.
  2. I thought about this too long but I heard Renegade today and thought of Josh's 40 yard dagger vs Steelers last year right after song. At that moment I new he was would never be overwhelmed by the moment.
  3. ESPN screwed itself by making such huge jumps in pay for live sports. I think we will see some interesting negotiations for the NBA in a couple of years since I doubt they have the viewership in two years that they had 2 years ago. But to fix it they must focus on sports and plays, not players and their lives.
  4. When I saw that we were 7-2 last in 1993 I realized I was my son's age at that time. So in high school, playing lots of video games and yelling at a TV on Sundays.
  5. Why do respond to questions when you can't answer? The sad part is you think you are clever, which is something the stupid aspire to be.
  6. I don't understand how you think it was not Riverton himself, he makes up rules as he goes and then makes up evidence.
  7. This title is hilarious, as if at any point in our countries history Conservative voters have ever shown as little class as liberals the past 4 years. More importantly I would hope liberals would try and explain to us conservatives how Trump is a racist but Biden is not when Biden sponsored a bill that decimated the Black community and did a eulogy for a KKK member?
  8. My one complaint is that Daboll did not adjust well in the 3rd quarter when they changed their D. I could see the way they were lining up we needed to run some quick hitters and it took him too long to realize. The reason it bugs me so much is that I think Josh was getting sacked and no recievers had even turned around.
  9. This was known when we brought him in, surprised they kept trying to force his square peg into a round hole style.
  10. I wrote last week I thought they were not using him properly, apparently the Bills staff read that and decided I was right.
  11. Maybe I missed someone else pointing out that they finally used Klein properly . Klein is limited but when used well can still make plays as he did today.
  12. How is anyone not optimistic being 6-2 and 4-0 in division? We have not been 100% and the two teams we lost to had more rest. All my friends who watch football think if we get healthy we have a punchers chance at the super bowl
  13. I was responding to a specific person- your argument vs the OP is fine, but the guy I called out has often brought up race as the reason for some beliefs.
  14. This kind of comment can only be made by a racist- I can think Mahomes and Wilson are the two best QBs for the next 5 years but because I would rather have Allen than Jackson it is racially motivated. There is something seriously wrong with you dude
  15. This is what I don't understand- PS is for guys you either want to groom or guys that might step in quickly. Familiarity is a good thing for a guy there. If he sucks no damage.
  16. This seems a tad harsh since Beasley had more sacks in a season than Maybin had in his career.
  17. I really think you need to buy a dictionary before posting- the video shows exactly what he claims- propaganda it most certainly it is not, would you tell us the context where he is wrong?
  18. Stopping traffic is now violent? Well then every protest this summer was violent.
  19. Your response to questioning violence in FL is to point out something in NJ that is not violent? You are either unhinged or just flat out dishonest.
  20. How did you even find this? This paper admits that they had to make assumptions about the effect and then found data to confirm beliefs. Multiple times through the paper admit they have limited data and are extrapolating from small sample size.
  21. Do you actually have something you are referring to or at just bald face lying again?
  22. I assume you are young because of your tendency to have such shortsighted takes, we in the 90s won against overmatched division teams by a few when we much better. When you know your opponent so well it causes close games often. Today's game was a big win from a mental stand point, next week we need to be better.
  23. This is the game that I think will tell us more about this team then any other game this year. Seattle might roll us, which would be telling, or we might fight and have a chance to win, but either way I think we learn a lot this week.
  24. I will say with 99% certainty that we will have a much more attacking D this week then against KC. The style of NE is not the same as KC and obviously the talent level of NE is not in the same echelon.
  25. As you point out the upside is high and the down side is very limited- he can't be much worse than Klein who I think is miscast- so as long as he does not cost too much cash I don't see much problems
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