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Orlando Buffalo

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Posts posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. 16 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    CNN can take care of that.................






    The argument is beyond absurd since of the top 20 paid nba players in 1991 at least 16 were black- I don't remember a couple of dudes- and the comment is weighing security vs maximum potential. Currently if Isaiah Thomas never got hurt a few year back he is likely worth 25 million a year, now he is getting 3 million a year. Many guys make the same decision every day.

  2. On 4/24/2020 at 4:42 PM, RealKayAdams said:


    No, not quite. I only agree that some people will make (sometimes laughably) inaccurate predictions and that this phenomenon is independent of the date in time. The overall quality of prediction-making from climatology experts has been getting noticeably better since 1970, as it probably should, since 50 years is a long time for a scientific subject to mature. The biggest variability seen in today’s climate change predictions may come from determining how exactly the methane trapped within the permafrost soil of the Northern Hemisphere tundra gets released. I do often roll my eyes, however, at some of the doomsday scenarios proposed. Yes, man-made climate change will make life different and more difficult in many ways for us, but it’s not going to end human civilization altogether.


    Rest of my comments from posts:


    1. Greta Thunberg, AOC, Al Gore, Bill Nye: I don’t get as worked up about them as others do. They serve a useful purpose, which is to raise public awareness of man-made climate change. You can make a fair argument that their sometimes outlandish, hyperbolic, and downright scientifically inaccurate claims hurt the cause overall…but the bottom line is that they are not scientific experts and should never be treated as such. I blame the mainstream media here for deifying these 4 as climate change authority figures. I also blame climate change scientists for harboring a culture of disdain toward science popularizers, which creates a knowledge void within the public that charlatans can fill. Oh yeah, and I also blame liberals in general for peddling nonsense like Russiagate and “Wuhan virus” racism shaming because then it makes it that much harder for the public to take anything else a perceived leftist says seriously.

    2. Era of pollution regulations (like EPA) and agricultural innovation (like GMO’s): What I was intending to say is that the greatest rate of positive change occurred during the 70’s and 80’s. Progress spilled over into the 90’s and beyond, of course.

    3. Decade of big hair: Wasn’t this more of an 80’s thing? I’m going by movies and music videos, primarily.

    4. Weather versus climate: I know y’all having fun with this, but just make sure you understand the difference.

    5. Biden and anything related to Green New Deal: Won’t happen with him as president. They are empty words to win votes from the far left. The fossil fuel industries have purchased both Republicans and establishment Democrats like Biden.

    6. Hypocrisy of liberals: Agreed. You can’t proclaim man-made global warming is a problem and then behave in your own personal life like it’s no big deal. This is especially true for liberals who are public figures.

    7. Supreme Court and Clean Water Act: It’s interesting how these kinds of arguments generally tend toward the left taking the side of public health over the economy, while vice versa with the right. The politics surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic seem to mirror this. In my not so controversial opinion, both matter and the devil is in the details. Each environmental health case needs to be treated as its own unique situation with its own unique set of factors. The rabid lefty in me can’t help but fear how many more Love Canals and Flint Michigans exist throughout the country but go unreported.

    The issue with Climate Change is that scientists are never present to answer hard questions and always turn to computer models. I personally know many people who went ESF and graduated with environmental science degrees from there and more than half call Greta and the like stupid and even the ones who agree humans are a major source of the warming believe we need to prep for it since we can't stop 90% of the world's population.

  3. 1 hour ago, Tipster19 said:

    Here’s a highlight video to support your post. Enjoy!



    After watching the highlights I will state he is definitely a good athlete but the ability to get off the line is huge at the next level and I don't know how to judge it when some of the lineman were clearly so overmatched.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Straight Hucklebuck said:

    Bills are checking all the boxes for me.


    A 21 year old DE to improve the aging DE rotation, check.


    A productive RB to pair with Singletary, check.


    A productive WR with some size, without giving up all speed. 

    Now a QB from a major program to compete with Barkley. I really like this pick. 

    Our depth across the board is improving, with three picks on offense.


    The Bills still need a LB.

    I was thinking same but wonder if they go with a Safety to use as a big Nickel. Any LB we get now is unlikely to be much help this year.

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  5. 8 hours ago, Limeaid said:


    No the Pegulas will not for Beane will not be stupid enough to call one of their daughter a ***** like Polian did and this is something he admitted he did.   A daughter who worked in scouting department and actually found some players.


    I am sure if you were a boss and someone called your daughter a ***** you would have said "You are right. If I am lucky maybe I can get lucky with her."

    I had never heard that about Polian, obviously that changes things.

  6. 2 minutes ago, BillsVet said:


    Which ones?  Tennessee is the outlier, not the standard.  

    AFC- Titans Baltimore


    NFC- San Fran, Minn, Sea, Phi


    I will admit Philly is based on what they did to us but the rest I watched to know running is as important as throwing to them. Before you argue Seattle 481 times to 341 throws. That is absolutely a run first offense.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:



    Not sure what 1998 was, but everybody who watched the Bills knows their struggle to score is what limited their advancement.  This isn't even a bit difficult to understand.

    I meant 1996 when our GM lied every day for a month about what we wanted and then took Moulds. But we did improve our offense by adding a top 10 WR and more line depth. I agree with you our offense was not SB worthy last year but once again no one at 54 would have been the difference maker this year.

    1 minute ago, Mr. WEO said:




    Many here are arguing as though it has already happened.

    Are you stating my stating we have some of the pieces is arguing " it already happened"? That is just dishonest.

  8. 1 minute ago, Mr. WEO said:


    Brown has been around for 6 years and barely hit 1000 yards twice. For a team's leading receiver, that's nothing these days.   Singletary had one 100 yard game over the last 8 games.


    Ok...everyone is great.  Just because.

    As I said if you want to be a pessimist I can't argue. Our Offense is much better then the numbers show and our defense is what the numbers show 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    Come on....back up your post! No need to run away.  No one is regarding Brown and Beasley as "possibly great"---a d that's OK. And Singletary has a LONG way to go to be considered such.  All of this is obvious.  No need for silly hyperbole.

    I hate being challenged like this?- Brown is  great(top 20 in entire NFL) and Beasley is good. Arguing Diggs is not great means you think only a few  WR are great. Singletary is great and I will state based on last 8 games last year. I will also state that no one drafted at 54 will be a starter on this team this year without injury. Lastly many people are predicting Buffalo to the SB next year due to our offense being better, so the hyperbole is not just me but several non Bills fans.

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