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Orlando Buffalo

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Posts posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. 34 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:


    I am sorry but how did $70 million get paid without materials being delivered? I am betting the materials arrived but something is wrong with them, which is not much better but gov't usually do the slow walk to pay.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Rocky Landing said:


    I've been misrepresented several times in this thread. I did not say that LBs don't miss tackles. That would be a dumb statement. I said they don't miss tackles like the one shown in this highlight. Jauronimo, you found an example (from how many years ago, btw?), and that is anecdotal. I will maintain that running straight at a defender, no juke, no stiff-arm, is not an effective running style in the NFL. And, while this is a real nice clip, I'm not going to get too excited about it and expect to see Moss running over defenders in this manner in the regular season. It's not going to happen.

    Last year we had Knox who routinely did it to  DBs and Derrick Henry did it all game long when I watched him play other teams. I agree that he can't always do that but he will flatten a few DBs this year. 

  3. On 5/9/2020 at 9:02 PM, B-Man said:





    ● Shot: Polar vortex set to bring rare spring snow and record colds to US this weekend.

    —Headline, the London Independent, yesterday.


    ● Chaser: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.

    —Headline, the London Independent, March 20, 2000.






    ● Hangover:



    This article is great- it says don't be fooled by weather being 30-40 degrees below normal this week because in a few months it will be a few degrees above normal. They also say Florida will be hotter than normal this month but it has been cooler than normal almost every day so far. 


  4. On 5/1/2020 at 11:13 AM, Wacka said:

    Cronkite was as bad as any "jouro" out there now.  We had won the Tet Offensive in Nam, but after he was through "reporting" people were sure we had lost.  

    I am much to young to remember any of that on my own but seeing the clip and then seeing the numbers tells you that Cronkite was telling a narrative not the facts. That I believe is the day my father stopped trusting anyone in the media.

  5. 53 minutes ago, SectionC3 said:

    This is why in my house we only watch OAN.  It’s not just only news channel.  It’s the only channel.  Period.  I even leave it on when I sleep so that the libs can’t sneak anything into my brain when my guard is down. 

    I would recommend checking out multiple sources since all sources have their own slant. Also sleeping with a TV on is not good for your health. Hope this helps.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. On 5/6/2020 at 7:34 PM, simpleman said:

    What percentage of the income from stadium related revenue goes toward the cap? I thought there were two revenue streams, Local Revenue(stadium income) ticket sales, concessions, and corporate sponsor income which went directly to the individual teams.And National Revenue, TV contracts, licensing, merchandising etc. to the league to be allocated to all teams though revenue sharing and determine things like cap.  Even if the season is played without fans present, I thought TV contract revenue was a big contributor to the cap. That would not change even if the games are all not played in front of the fans, and just televised. The contract revenue from the networks would not change if the full number of games are played and televised according to the existing contracts. As long as the televised games have the ratings expected, TV income should be stable. Isn't most stadium revenue shared with the home team and the visiting team under some formula? How much of stadium related revenue (local revenue) is actually shared with the league? Wouldn't lack of stadium revenue impact the individual team's bottom line more so than the league's itself?


    ticket revenue.JPG

    I can not find a specific break down of the new CBA but you are correct about the one from last year. I assume numbers are similar but I am assuming

    On 5/7/2020 at 9:46 AM, dneveu said:


    Right - how many teams rely on fans to ya know... pay the players.  Or for loans for stadiums in LA that are 3 BILLION dollars over budget.  I feel like 90% of the licenses and season tickets in that stadium were purchased by brokers for 30 cents on the dollar.  And now brokers are all cash poor, so eventually you have to give them their money back if the seats can't be sold.  That's a big problem when you may have already spent it paying contractors to get your giant empty stadium ready.


    Ticket business is a mess right now.  Ticketmaster has no money coming in, so they can't cancel anything.  Brokers likely had an insane number of chargebacks so they have no money to give ticketmaster, so they probably have to do chargebacks too (a big no-no in ticket biz).  

    Assuming the TV contracts pay for the player salaries, I can not believe the bad Luck of Rams and Chargers. They probably need 20 years in the new stadium just to break even and to receive no revenue now compounds the problem, even a man who had 10 billion 6 months ago might have issues with cash flow at this point.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Coronavirus Live Updates: Fauci to Warn of ‘Needless Suffering and Death’ if States Open Too Soon

    The United States’ top infectious disease expert plans to testify at a Senate hearing that moving too quickly to ease restrictions could undermine the country’s quest to return to normalcy.


    The New York Times will be providing live coverage of the Senate hearing at 10 a.m. Eastern.

    “The major message that I wish to convey to the Senate HLP committee tomorrow is the danger of trying to open the country prematurely,” he wrote. “If we skip over the checkpoints in the guidelines to ‘Open America Again,’ then we risk the danger of multiple outbreaks throughout the country. This will not only result in needless suffering and death, but would actually set us back on our quest to return to normal.”

    It is a message starkly at odds with the “things are looking up” argument that President Trump has been trying to put out: that states are ready to reopen and the pandemic is under control.

    Most of the country is ready to reopen. This past weekend I went a brewery and sat at a table without anyone helping me, I wiped it down ala Niles from Frasier, and I ordered my beers for me and my wife without coming within 5 feet of others except when I put my credit card in the machine. There is no reason most of the country outside the 5 largest cities can't open with some intelligent distancing. BTW I live in Orlando which is a top 25 city in America.

    • Like (+1) 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Fan in San Diego said:

    Does the NFL monitor the refs bank accounts to make sure they are not getting paid off? The opportunity is certainly there, just saying.

    They can not just monitor the accounts unless they have some reasonable proof that shenanigans is going on, and at that point they need the authorities to get involved 

  9. 54 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Mr. Trump’s legal position contradicts clear Supreme Court precedent. In U.S. v. Nixon, a unanimous Supreme Court ordered President Richard Nixon to turn over Oval Office tapes subpoenaed by the Watergate special prosecutor, Archibald Cox. In Clinton v. Jones, a unanimous court held that a sitting president can be forced to testify in response to a subpoena in civil litigation. Taken together, these cases make it clear that the president is not immune from investigation, whether criminal or civil, while he is in office.

    I am not sure what this source is- probably your own imagination- but the right wing extremist at the NY times itself states Clinton voluntarily testified at the trial. He could have kept the subpoenas until he was done as president but did not. 



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    He had to give terstimony, courts ruled the trial could move forward 

    He could have waited until his presidency ended but chose not to wait. Please stop with this concept that any president was not exempt WHILE president, it is sad.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  11. 8 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    You are incorrect about Executive Privilege against prosecution. And Trump would never be convicted by the Senate for anything. Clinton was investigated and the courts allowed it, he had to give testimony. He was not above the law, this is new with Trump. 


    As to governors or any elected officials, I'm just following the logic Koko laid out, if investigations are just partisan, then why only make Presidents above the law? I get koko loves Trump and his logic flows from that love, but it equally applies to all politicians, right? Or not? But if investigating corrupt people like Trump makes the government meaningless (as Koko says), then the states would supposidly be in the same boat, right? 


    Clinton did NOT have to give testimony at that time- he simply felt he could lie and no one would prove otherwise, then the dress showed up. Secondly me, Koko and others recognize that the President position is special so he gets special executive privlege that no one else gets.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 32 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    What part of the federalist papers are you referring to? Can you point us in that direction? 


    I love how if Trump is investigated, it means the federal government is meaningless, ha ha. What does that even mean? 


    This point of view declares a President can commit a crime, keep committing crimes, and no one would be allowed, by law, by precedent to even investigate it. For purely partisan purposes this opinion puts us on the road to creating an office that is immune from any oversight at all. And Trump is already doing it,  he blithely declared his intention not to follow the law with transparency on the stimulus bill. Trump is even not sending his officers for confirmation. And now the Trump cult wants him totally immune. So much for the rule of law, it’s Trump Uber Allen’s for these people. 


    To your misguided point that the president “controls” the DOJ, I’d say you have been drinking too much of Trump’s bleach. The president appoints the AG, but that doesn’t mean he controls the whole system, just ask Roger Stone about that. What happened with Flynn was pure corruption and is not how the system is suppose to work. 


    Does this work with all public officials? If you are a politician, wouldn’t all this nonsense apply to all politicians? You claim that everything against Trump is simply partisan. So you want all politicians above the law, too? Should Blagovich of been prosecuted? Or do you admit you are being ultra partisan with your opinion and want to do whatever is possible to side with your favorite politician? (Don’t worry, I know you won’t answer that question, I’ll just assume you do want all politicians above the law.) 


    Tibs when did anyone insinuate that Governors could not be prosecuted? The executive privlege against prosecution goes back as least to Jefferson and it has been used by FDR based on his promoting Social Security, and Clinton with White Water to make him immune to prosecution so he can run our country. If Trump shot someone in broad daylight he could be impeached within a week and immediately turned over to local authorities at that point. 

  13. 51 minutes ago, GETTOTHE50 said:

    it’s not fair to throw all those who suffer from chronic diseases into the ‘they chose this lifestyle’ category. 

    Genetics has a huge say in a persons health. There are skinny people who diet, but still have high blood pressure. Type 2 diabetes has a big genetic component to it, and people who suffer from type 1 are either born with it or develop it out of the blue in childhood. 


    True but lifestyle is the number 1 indicator of most of our ailments. And unless you have multiple pre existing conditions then unless you are old you are 99.9%safe.

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  14. 4 hours ago, ScottLaw said:

    Jesus really? Will Bills fans ever stop blaming refs??

    I think many Bills fans think we get screwed a lot but truly the NFL officials have become the worst officials in sports- they miss far to many obvious calls( facemask and helmet to helmet) and call too many phantom calls- but they do it to everyone. 

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