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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. We are a top offense already and the only thing that makes us one of the all time greats is a great RB. TE would be nice to upgrade but we throw well already, need to be able to run.
  2. Nice one, you lie about me, then act like I am the problem because you can't read.
  3. Your reading comprehension is quite poor, I wrote I " have stated multiple times that this election was not decided by cheating". I am gonna stop arguing with you because you are not arguing with me but some figment of your imagination.
  4. Senate races are often 10k votes, so it is definitely possible if someone who is supposed to stop it just is busy saying it did not happen. The best part of your comments is that you can not argue without mentioning Trump- I don't love Trump and have stated multiple times that this election was not decided by cheating. Unlike you I am able to think critically and when a government official tells me it is the most secure election ever when Pennsylvania is changing their rules of operation on the fly, Nevada is sending out ballots to people who died 10 years ago, and Michigan can't count properly I won't trust them. It scares me how adamant you are that this govt is being honest but the last one was the most dishonest ever when 80% of the federal employees are the same.
  5. It does not need to be millions but often 100k that makes the difference and that can be done through many ways. When literally 100 billion is being swayed by a few people to speak as if the motivation is i not there is being intentionally oblivious
  6. Confusion over how to sign your name? 10% were confused by signing their name? It is either fraud or extreme incompetence but your defense of it shows you willing to believe anything to not have to admit that our elections should be more secure
  7. Signature mismatch is not a sign of fraud? What is the point of the match if not to find fraud? You believe 10% of the population can't sign their own name in NY? Seriously what is the point of signature match except to catch fraud?
  8. If not fraud then why did they throw out so many votes? As for it being a primary, it is in an area where the primary decides the congress person. Those votes very likely could have changed a member of congress. As for believing anything Trump says, I don't believe this election would have been changed because of cheating but this election had many issues, and to believe this was the first election in US history without cheating makes one of us naive. It does seem as if your definition of fraud is different than mine, it would appear unless I can prove intent you do not believe in fraud.
  9. Your first point is valid, I did not realize how lax there law is about what ID means and I ask the question of how often they go through the rolls because it would seem that I could just move to another part of the state and get a second ballot, maybe someone with more details could comment. As for the second part of "substantial" in NY they threw out 8k votes during the primary that had only 80k total votes. This should be unacceptable in any situation but it indicates either vague laws, that people do not know what to do, or corruption at that scale. Good clear laws make it easier for all sides to deal with.
  10. In new york they tossed 10% of the votes in one of the primaries. That is either evidence of fraud or incompetence because you can't toss ballots unless you think they are fraud. I swear you Biden people will believe those ballots were tossed just to help the republican.
  11. What is the joke? Maybe it was lost in the medium
  12. To register to vote in colorado you need an ID before they will mail you a ballot. The only large "good" difference between GA is that CO mails out ballots to everyone who is registered, where as in GA you must request it and in CO you can register on election day, but you need an ID anyways. We can debate these two points but neither is racist. Her best line is "no widespread fraud" which is true but shouldn't our goal be to eliminate as much fraud as possible? These laws help with security.
  13. Please elaborate on who you don't want coming back to Canada but I will extend my description of these friends- one family is 2nd generation from Mexico and one family is first generation from Guyana.
  14. This is the best you have? Georgia allowed each county great latitude to get the votes collected properly, the fact that so many blue counties are not well run is not due to conservatives. As for the hours, I can't give a good reason besides incompetence. I can't come up with a good reason why my line in 2012 was so long while 4 miles away in the next county everything went well. My town and the next town are similar in all ways except the county.
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/white-supremacy-root-race-related-120244625.html This article should be from the onion- that white supremacists cause black people to attack asians- but this lady actually portrays white supremacists as the original people to take away rights from "others". The ignorance it takes to print this is mind boggling for a person who is educated
  16. Your comments about long waits being only in blue areas is correct, in Florida I live in a county that is slightly blue but in a town that is very red, the times I do anything in town things run great but when I have to deal with county offices it takes longer. In 2012 I had wait 3 hours to vote while the next county over had enough places that all were in and out within 30 minutes. You are blaming republicans for allowing democrats to screw it up.
  17. I appreciate the honesty and I will state visiting Canada is always a treat but your healthcare is not better than what I receive and your govt has screwed the pooch on Covid. I have several people in my area who have family from Canada that flew down before Thanksgiving and are still here, going back sounds awful to them.
  18. Every fee will be waived for people who are unable to afford it, I have had several students who have applied for it in order to get a job and their parents could not afford it. The paperwork is not even that long, about 2 pages long.
  19. I understand it is not CNN but the CBS story on Desantis and "pay for play" is horrible journalism. They literally ignored anyone who did not say what they wanted to report. When all of his political opponents are coming out and defending him you know CBS lied.
  20. This is sad how right you are- people will shame you either way if you say that you want more information before deciding. I wish there was some evidence shown- I would take some DMs- but right now it is simply allegation and denials with nothing to back up either.
  21. I will state absolutely that with a few exceptions that the teachers that will not go back to the classroom are selfish. You can easily keep things safe for in person learning, which benefits students the most, by simply wearing a mask and keeping your distance from students. A normal 30 year old acting as if Covid is a bigger risk to their health than the lack of school is to a students health is a selfish person.
  22. I agree with everything you are saying but want to point out that it is only to morons the fact that you are a minority matters at all to this conversation, but I am sure it is a fact that "wins" many arguments with these woke morons.
  23. I know you won't understand because it takes comprehension without being told by a media mouth piece, but the fact that the MLB website is not mentioning what they did means they know they screwed up. If what they did was actually popular they would trumpeting for all to see. Truly if it was even 50/50 they would be trying to explain their viewpoint, but it is hard to argue your revulsion to the law if you never actually read before reacting.
  24. Tibs you live in NY where voting is much more restricted than GA. Please stop with your projection.
  25. I ask for specifics to "muddy the water"? Please just admit you have not read the bill and literally have no clue what was in it. Biden has already been called out as a liar by the WP for saying the crap you are.
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