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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Two ideas here that you don't understand - many people watch sports as a reprieve from the real world, it is dumb and pointless and supposed to be fun. Anyone who thinks sports really matter are too dumb to debate. Secondly the national anthem represents the US military which as a whole has done more good for the world in the past 120 years than any other single entity has done in history, and if you disagree I would love to hear what you have. They have the right to do it but they should be smart enough to look at the whole situation.
  2. Taking a RB in the top 10 is awful but not comparable to taking one at 30. We should take the BPA unless it is QB even if it is a RB. At pick 30 if we get 4 goods year of a RB I think it is a good value pick.
  3. I hope you are correct in regards to the ability to hide him but right now he is absent from every major event and all the liberals still over him. We have so many low information voters I know he will have a chance.
  4. The reason I was asking is that then we should look into the health outcomes of officers who have been at these other outcomes and see if strokes or heart attacks occurred shortly there after because clearly Tibs would be crusading that all those cops were honored in the same way.
  5. So are you trying to state that the stress caused by a riot that causes a stroke means the person died from the riot?
  6. what happens if the jury is deadlocked on whether it is murder or manslaughter? I could see a version of events where some jurors insist it not debatable and they won't budge. I have never heard of that but I could definitely see it happening here.
  7. Do you believe that less than 20 million chinese are enslaved or in a situation worse than an american jail? If you do you are worse than stupid. Please think before you simply repeat what google tells you. The Uighers are at least 12 million in camps. Now count the people in forced camps in the middle east. Your comment is the epitome of not understanding life outside the US and thinking jail is worse thing you can experience while alive.
  8. I believe you are a real person so I will try with you. Google " antifa burns portland" and see if you can find an article that is from a "legitimate" news- I have the hill, oregon live, nypost- so not sure who is good to you. But the bigger issue you and I have is that you are clutching pearls over people delaying a vote for a few hours. Throw them all in jail, very few are against that, and then let us discuss the billions of dollars and 10 of thousands of lives ruined by your side. Your comparison is the definition of myopic vision, ignore your own widespread destruction and focus on the small idiots.
  9. If you are buying a new car I can give advice from doing well and doing poorly myself. Make sure you know what financing is available to you, I had a dealer offer me 8% as best offer but when I showed him I could get 3% elsewhere I suddenly got 3%. I also will warn you that often they will try to wait you out, it took me 3+ hours but I got the advertised special as written. Finally make sure you are willing to walk away, unless you are making millions 10 hours is worth 5K.
  10. I am curious who you consider a trustworthy source- CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, NYT "They misconstrue or inaccurately describe what actually occurred, again and again and again." All of them simply google and you will see. No one should take anyone side and run with it but you don't even dispute the facts you just tried to justify it by claiming something with no evidence.
  11. Mario only seemed to care when he thought we could win, so his effort would be awesome now. But I think that Kyle Williams rotated into those tackles would make our Dline awesome and I loved him as a player. I actually have a student who says Kyle is his favorite non steeler in NFL.
  12. I should have added that- it is important that adult citizens have an ID for when it matters.
  13. You are such a racist that you are literally saying that blacks are too dumb and lazy to do what whites do.
  14. Show me the person who can not vote this next election due to these laws, it is the straw man argument. To pretend that election security is not a concern when it literally changes who owns trillions of dollars is the realm of an intellectual midget.
  15. It is amazing that you can see being completely political as a no brainer. You might be pretending it is a civil rights idea but many liberal states have more restrictions on voting so that would simply be pointing out your ignorance.
  16. Here are the two major issues with your proposal 1) cost, who is doing this research? Do we really want to give govt more reason to spend money? 2) I will tell you the reason being on a FBI watchlist is not enough to stop buying a gun. I had a friend who was on the FBI watch list because he and his cousin had the same name and his cousin was a questionable person back in Syria, therefore every time he flew he was searched and patted down. This went on for at least 5 years while we were traveling for work. I do not have a good answer but with our privacy laws it is difficult to determine how to keep guns out of bad guys hands.
  17. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wistv.com/2021/04/15/neighbors-react-protest-following-confrontation-outside-summit-home/%3foutputType=amp I need someone to explain to me the defense of the black dude besides you are a racist? The black dude was harassing a girl and then hanging around her house after her neighbors intervened. The back dude was not physically assaulted despite taking steps towards the man's wife. He had no reason to be there except to annoy the residents. If this was my son I would be embarrassed not trying to turn him into a victim.
  18. It is the cycle that someone in the family must break. You can look all around but good parents make the largest difference. I have poor students with great parents who are going places and rich students with parents who kowtow to their every wish, who are going to have issues. You can't force parents to be good and schools have little recourse otherwise.
  19. So your argument is that due to the bad intentions of cops you should give them reasons to shoot you? Speak to people from the old soviet block, where cops were untouchable, and the people all did as told and gave no guff to cops EVER. I am aware that there is issues for black people especially in large city areas, but that is not what is causing these guys to be shot.
  20. I would appreciate someone explain to me why I should willing give up my protection when the same people are telling me that police are killing people without consequence or remorse? Literally within days of each other many people are arguing that cops are state sponsored killers but I should trust said state sponsor killers to protect me from other bad guys
  21. Two things that will help: 1) general public needs to stop thinking of cops as mediators or anything other than person who is there to finish a situation. 2) police need to be more active in the communities they represent. IMO a little distrust is ok, I don't trust cops unless I know them personally. People can video tape everything now and I will be video taping any interaction with cops I have and I have told my kids the same. I have also told my kids to do as cop says and I will sue later if cop is wrong.
  22. The three biggest commonalities of going to jail- male, no father figures, and "wrong" zip code. If you have all three your chances of going to jail are very high. If you are my daughter it is basically 0. We can't fix the male part, we can fix the zip code thing a little bit but the lack of father's is a hard one to tackle. I truly think you mean well but unless we are going to combat the largest indicators we are tilting at windmills.
  23. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/548069-poll-mlb-favorability-sinks-among-gop-amid-voting-law%3famp This shows that overall baseball took a large hit from this decision. What I find most interesting is that baseball of all the sports seems the most linked to old conservative fans, NBA doing it makes much more sense than MLB.
  24. As much as I hate to try and stem the flow of rich people coming to Orlando but we can't build fast enough and my friends who rent can't keep up with increasing cost.
  25. I can understand how you missed it but it was MSNBC during their afternoon shift, I don't know name of host.
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