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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. At this point it is Greg Rousseau and he could, by the end of the year, be a guy who can cause issues for an Offense. A couple sacks in the playoff game and it would be very direct.
  2. I think for many it is justification for staying somewhere that is crappy. I moved and would move again if I lived someplace that was not great.
  3. I was being obnoxious- I don't doubt you were here but your comparison of Orlando to NJ is not accurate. NJ has its nice parts but comparing the nice parts of NJ to the worst of Orlando is not proper.
  4. I did respond then- why did you bold that? When did I say I did not respond then? You also say derogatory things to me all the time and I am a teacher, that is why you are a liar.
  5. Got it- all those facts don't matter. I right now doubt you have ever been to FL.
  6. I am not going to go search for something that you would have deleted before challenging me. I can't believe you think I would put in the effort when you could simply delete it and then pretend it was never there.
  7. Literally Orlando's crime rate is half that of Camden's(7 per thousand vs 16 per thousand) i won't argue anymore because you are just making stuff up.
  8. Orlando is a war zone? Interesting since I live in Orange County and I can not find anything remotely stating that. I have several friends who live in the downtown area and they have not complained about an increase either. Tampa I am less familiar with but I did a quick search and can find no articles to back up your claim. I think you are simply spouting crap.
  9. What do you mean you know everything about Florida? We can't keep people out but you act like we are worse than NJ.
  10. You are lying because you know these laws will not help someone who plows into a crowd of protesters that way. I am confused about how else I would back it up.
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/totally-offensive-justin-bieber-accused-004119370.html This kind of stuff cracks me up- Vikings use to style their hair like this and we know this because they wrote it down. The only argument is one cultures is based on ignorance and anyone who understands history is therefore racist.
  12. It is a lie because the dude who killed Heather Heyer would not be protected by any of the laws and you know it. The rest of what you wrote is stupid opinions.
  13. Their per capita GDP is 20% of ours so I define success a little different than you, they have 2 billion people which is why they can "compete" with us.
  14. Do you understand you are as whacked out as Alex Jones only with less charisma? If you have to lie this much why bother?
  15. You must be a government employee to make such a comment about government. If your theory was not completely stupid than the USSR and Cuba would be dominating the world.
  16. Why do you think it leads to sustained corruption? Do you think rich people are inherently dishonest? I am trying to connect that dot but I do not see how junior getting his father's money causes him to be corrupt
  17. Raising your kids to be self sufficient is the best gift but leaving them what you worked so hard to create should be a persons choice, not the government
  18. Actually since I wrote this I read that they apparently have audio of it happening. If it was done due to incompetence he needs to be fired and all security clearance stripped, if it was intentional he should be arrested.
  19. I have huge doubts that Iran recieved this intel from Kerry, especially since it benefits them to simply make the accusation. We though must investigate because it is a danger to our country if true.
  20. The title of the article is stupid because the math is not given context. In fact while reading about Josh and his short throws they don't mention the short throws are due to no time at all. But the math does not predict him, the human made algorithm does. But truly if you look at the last 20 years of first round pick QBs you have many more missed based on these numbers than hits
  21. I was discussing this law with a friend who is a big democrat supporter, who does not like the laws but admitted they are not racist at all. You need an ID in GA to have a job so at most it is against people who are unemployed. As for the drop boxes, how is security not a concern for someone when literally billion/trillion of dollars on the line?
  22. I understand he would not initially be used as star but I feel he would be a good 3rd down lineman from the jump and potentially the best D line player in draft. Then again he might just be fat and lazy once he gets paid, I am glad it is not my decision.
  23. It is an even more bold prediction than I thought 😀
  24. I am actually hoping this happens- I want Christian Barmore because I think he is the highest ceiling player available outside the top 10 for Buffalo, he could help day one but still learn from Star. I also believe we only take him if Beane believes he will work hard while in Buffalo.
  25. I looked it up and this first article that popped- I am curious what exactly will be a recognized exemption. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nj.com/coronavirus/2021/03/nj-students-teachers-with-health-issues-will-have-virtual-school-option-this-fall-murphy-clarifies.html%3foutputType=amp
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