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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I agree with your overall premise that the straight welfare for doing nothing is worse than minimum wage but minimum wage should be considered your first step, so keep it low
  2. The principal still messed up but this kind of parenting is not surprising. I once had a mother email me to discuss with her daughters boyfriend that a "gentleman does not go into a young girls bedroom" because the mom did not want to tell her daughter no because their is only the one reason for saying no. I declined to get involved.
  3. I am challenging you if you can come up with something as "cancel culture" from the right as the ATL cop who lost his job without due process for doing his job properly? You might be able to, but I doubt it. That to me is the definition of cancel culture- do as we say, because we say it, or we destroy things.
  4. The second part of the question is the issue. The "experts" are not particularly good at their predictions but politicians know how to use the numbers to their advantage
  5. Dude your math sucks- which explains why you are a democrat.
  6. That is a lie. The states "that took it more seriously" are doing terrible while the states that let us live our lives(FL, TX) are doing well. You are stupid enough to believe that, you are simply trying to justify the fact liberals are terrible people.
  7. If she was literally shaking when ever walking near a white person in Denver then she was shaking whenever she went out since Denver is a really white city. But more importantly she is a bigot, to hold people responsible for actions they do not take or approve of is the height of privilege and bigotry
  8. Since 90+% of doctors said kids should be face to face in school last fall why did so few liberals believe them? As for climate change, pollution is bad and we should work to pollute less but I have been told every 5 years since the early 90s that we are 12 years from death unless things change and yet things did not improve in China or India but here we are. It is literally 15+ years since "An Inconvenient Truth" and literally not one thing that was warned has happened.
  9. You have incorrect information and then you beliefs. The investigation into Burisma started in 2012 but continued into Shokin, and Shokin claims he was still investigating when he was fired. I obviously do not know what Shokin was doing there but the investigation was ongoing and Hunter Biden would have been part of Burisma probe. As I stated there might be a legal difference but Biden getting the guy fired whose job it is to investigate Burisma was inappropriate. Please do some research on the timeline before trying to correct me again, it is the second time in two posts you were "correcting" me when you were wrong.
  10. Shokin was only the prosecutor general for 13 months total- in fact Shokin had only been in office 10 months when Biden made his declaration. Not sure how is responsible for what his predecessor did
  11. I will ask you a direct question- if liberals are not racist but conservative people are racist why do the minorities that live in conservative areas do so much better than the ones who live in large cities (NYC, LA, CHI, BAL) which are run by liberals?
  12. So the guy who was fired before was investigating the company his son works for but it is not improper? He tells the president directly that a billion dollars is tied to firing the guy who might be investigating his son, but it is fine? If we are discussing legally there might be a difference but the outrage is absurd.
  13. If Guiliani got the guy fired I would agree it is a bad look and it is inappropriate but it is exactly what Biden admitted to doing a few years back so how is it now illegal? This raid is looking like they were trying to find some evidence to accuse him on, not that they were searching for data on a specific crime.
  14. It is a google number but it said 550 of the 1700 are undrafted, and this article is a couple years old but you can see the quality of player the NFL misses initially. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.si.com/.amp/nfl/2019/05/08/nfl-all-undrafted-team-nick-mullens-phillip-lindsay-adam-thielen-chris-harris
  15. This kind of reporting is disgusting but not surprising, the headline must grab your attention while being slightly related to the facts. We had an issue in Orange County where the Sentinel ran an article about how many teachers got Covid in the first couple months we were back but did mention that the levels were equal for in school teachers vs at home teachers, or in other words, the open schools did not effect it.
  16. Not only was she racist but she acted like being a teacher makes her a good person. I would bet a lot that she is a terrible teacher and her administration wants her gone based on her victimhood behavior.
  17. Biggest part of cultural norms that is overlooked is being raised by a mother and father. In general the best students I have are in a two parent home and the lowest are raised by just their mother. That is why so few blacks do well that are from NYC, so few father's raising them.
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/news/only-8-black-students-admitted-000358377.html What is the reason for these disproportionate stats? Why is it that blacks do not test well but Asians are dominant? Not admitting the answer is not the same thing as not knowing what it is.
  19. I am hoping that the Jax game is weekend before Thanksgiving, that we get KC early and Jets early in year. I don't have any predictions just desires.
  20. ignoring the presidential race, in FL in 2018 if 18000 votes were flipped we would have Gov Gilliam and my life would have sucked for the past year but since we do have good voter verification we know we have the governor we voted for and my life was better than at least 45 other states. This is not only about presidents since rarely one state decides it.
  21. Your vote is scrutinized because it effects how trillions of dollars are spent, not a few thousand. Also I have recieved a call from my credit card company when I was in Europe and forget to mention one of the countries on my itinerary. Your argument that there is no voter fraud is just none that can be proven but as I have asked many times, why do we match signatures? It is to find fraud and many elections have enough spoiled ballots to change the results. To pretend that having an ID is an imposition is pathetic.
  22. You are completely incorrect about Hackenburg we saw him in the AAF and he was impressive they benched him almost immediately. We know exactly how bad he was, even at a minor league level. Your point is completely valid but I wanted to mention how bad he was.
  23. There is multiple levels of verification for all large transactions, when I buy a car I have to show my license to get it, to buy a house, anything over $2500 usually they want a picture ID. In order to set up the bank account I had to have a picture ID, and my account is set to notify me if anything over my mortgage goes out. I am still missing where you buy large things without showing ID.
  24. Where are you doing large transactions in cash? In the past ten years I have not done a single transaction in cash over $100. Every account I had to open to do all the larger things require picture ID to open. So I might be missing something but where do you use cash?
  25. I think we only keep 4 lbs and keep an extra DL and an extra db and we go 5 DL sometimes since so many of the are athletes you drop one into coverage if need be.
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