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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I am truly confused by the hate on the guy- he is a truly great athlete who has done nice things for many people. Bringing him in is no different than us having Christian Wade on our team at the worst. He is unlikely to make the team but all the teams have training camp bodies, he is simply more famous.
  2. I assume ATL is looking for a 1st round pick back and between his contract and the compensation I doubt there is much of a market.
  3. I can only find one left wing group who admits the data is there. "The bottom line is that there is a large body of literature showing that children of single mothers are more likely to commit crimes than children who grow up with their married parents" https://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2012/12/the-real-complex-connection-between-single-parent-families-and-crime/265860/ I can only find one left wing group who admits the data is there. "The bottom line is that there is a large body of literature showing that children of single mothers are more likely to commit crimes than children who grow up with their married parents" https://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2012/12/the-real-complex-connection-between-single-parent-families-and-crime/265860/ I can only find one left wing group who admits the data is there. "The bottom line is that there is a large body of literature showing that children of single mothers are more likely to commit crimes than children who grow up with their married parents" https://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2012/12/the-real-complex-connection-between-single-parent-families-and-crime/265860/
  4. Your final comment is not similar to your initial statement. You initially said racism is main reason blacks are behind. Of course racism exists and it still holds back some people. It is bad that our country held back quality people and our country has benefited from allowing all of our people to flourish.
  5. It takes hard work to make money- I have several minority friends who grew up dirt poor but make more than me now. Your point is invalid against the immigrants also. It is culture.
  6. That is stupid and has been disproven a hundred ways in America by the fact we can easily show the actions that keep you out of poverty. If this was true then the Africans that come directly from Africa would not be 30% richer than native borns unless you are gonna argue that those coming from Africa are richer to start. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.blackenterprise.com/black-immigrants-in-u-s-earning-30-more-than-u-s-born-blacks/amp/ As I said your actions directly harm minorities greatly. No can fix the injustice their ancestors faced.
  7. Your statement is generally correct but your solution is detrimental and does not actually solve anything. The best way to help minorities is to help them do well in school but the worst schools with the most minorites in the country are in the most blue areas (Chicago,NYC, Baltimore,LA) and until they fix those cities the majority of minorities do not have much of a chance. In the schools near me the minorities compete well with all other groups, so it does not appear to be racial issue but a school issue.
  8. https://twitter.com/MaryAnnAhernNBC/status/1394766979450425360 I am not sure if it copied properly but it is a tweet from a NBC news person stating Chicago mayor only does interviews with black people.
  9. So you agree that it has been ineffective on the war on poverty?
  10. Once again when you stop working your income goes down, but let is discuss the great society, it has cost us how much money and yet out poverty rate in 2020 is the same as it was 1965, it would seem to me to be woefully ineffective.
  11. Are you intentionally using pointless economic points? The poverty rate is based on my income, when you retire your income drops dramatically, often times to the point you are legally impoverished. My parents have likely been part of that rate since they retired in 2006 but they have always had a nice house and money to have a nice life. Also you are comparing being 70 in 1965 vs today, which are very different, but the funniest part is you are giving the Federal government credit for the improvement in Americans lives that would have happened without them.
  12. You believe that most people would not have health care without the government stepping in? The sad part is you are serious, most people would have a different version of healthcare but 90% of people would still take care of themselves. Secondly your math sucks- as usual. The only way my parents will even get back more from the government in healthcare costs is if my parents at some point need long term care. Of course you probably count all the layers of government employees as part of their healthcare.
  13. This is why Democrats rarely lose power once they obtain it, they will punish you if they lose. Medicare is needed because my parents and all of the people who have worked for the past 50 years of his life has paid into it instead of being able to save it or put it into a long term care plan. You simply made it so getting rid of it would mean people would forfeit literally hundred of thousands of dollars to a government agency.
  14. The reason it is the neighboring towns is simple. Good honest people are not armed and criminals know that. In Indiana and Wisconsin the good and honest are likely armed therefore criminals don't go there. Taking away the ability of good people to defend themselves is stupid.
  15. Where there is a problem with messaging is that the CDC does not respond quickly to new info. It has been obvious since Thanksgiving at the latest that schools could be open safely with some simple precautions but they still are not because the CDC drags it's feet. We have known since last summer that being outside masks are not needed unless you are on top of each other, and maybe not even then. If you are that slow then your "expertise" is useless. I will also state that giving kids a vaccine that does not have any proper long term studies for an illness that has a 99.999% recovery rate for healthy kids under 20 is questionable at best. I have had multiple students miss days from symptoms from the shots but none missed days from being symptomatic from COVID itself.
  16. The only evidence that is was accidental is that the lab has been cited before- I believe by WHO- for poor security and oversight. So I do believe it was accidental but if intentional we will never know.
  17. I will add the clause that you have to consume all the versions of news. I look at Fox, CNN, WSJ, MSNBC, and other smaller ones and see which each is saying. I can't do all of them each day due to time but in a week I see a lot of pages from different sources.
  18. The request are not made to the President but to the house leadership and mayor of DC. Thank you for showing your obsession again.
  19. The investigation of January 6th needs to include why more police were not on hand- it was requested multiple times by multiple levels of police before the riot but somehow no support was allowed to happen. It was known that the people showing up that day were the lowest level people on the political right but no one with authority acted on the known information.
  20. I pointed out Occam's Razor to a coworker last August when we restarted school and they actually argued the simplest explanation is that a bat traveled hundreds of miles and ended up near the research facility, and that diseases just popping up Wuhan is normal. This is a well educated person who understands the concept but could not admit that China was at fault because it would prove Trump was not the main problem.
  21. I have been many times both for work and with family. There is plenty to do for a family and my biggest suggestion is stay on other side of Canal St from French Quarter. The city does get crazy in FQ at night but until at least 8 nothing "adult" has happened around me. There is lots of history and cool things there to see even if you have no interest in Bourbon St.
  22. One thing I heard past year is that Josh would listen to hype music the first two years before a game and last year he switched to more mellow music pregame. I think that is a good sign for when crowds return
  23. This year I will be rooting for Darnold since I feel he was put in an impossible situation in NY and he is now in the NFC. I always root for Fitz, except against us. I also always root for Matt Ryan because I was at his last college game and he not only won the game for BC but he apparently was very nice to everyone he dealt with in Orlando.
  24. It is not a blankie but I spent 17 years perfecting those arguments, it is gonna take some time to break that habit. 😀
  25. If you do not like the beach than Jax is probably not the best trip for you. Jax is not built like most cities so do not expect it to be like Vegas or Chicago. I have been to several good breweries there, there is good seafood and barbeque but it is much more chill than most NFL cities.
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