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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Why do you believe a child who has basically zero chance of symptoms should take the vaccine?
  2. Right now I will make a bet that the house and Senate is red in January of 2023. I will put up a picture in my profile of Obama and you must put up a bice picture of Trump if you lose. You keep looking at Trump and watch as your candidates get blown away.
  3. Do you think Trump is the guy you have to worry about? Trump is important but 2022 is all about the local elections and I doubt it becomes more blue.
  4. This is too funny because only incompetent people could have thought this up. Stamps to denounce racism where the darker the stamp the less value it has. https://www.yahoo.com/news/racism-row-spanish-equality-stamps-111003678.html
  5. Bill what do you want to know about what happened January 6th? I am serious. I can tell you who, how, why, and they advertised it for weeks prior to the event. Do you want to know how to stop it in the future? Do you believe there is a conspiracy? Truly stop being sanctimonious and give me what information this commission could come up with?
  6. The problem is politicians will sell children down the river to get votes.
  7. Why do you only care about Sicknick but not any other cops? He actually did not die from the riot but why pet facts bother you
  8. Nice job- it was incompetence by liberals not fraud that caused a total of 1200 votes to go to republican candidates and a loss of 100 to democrats in a district of 13000 people. Basically 10% of votes were wrong but since it was gross negligence it proves Trump wrong. You are not smart enough for this discussion.
  9. Nate silver comes off as an absolute buffoon with any comments on the origin of corona. To put the odds at anywhere near 50/50 ignores two large facts- this lab has been cited for problems prior to this event and the Chinese will lie to cover themselves. Once you add in those two facts the chances of it being not from the lab drop to a small amount. Silver run numbers well but he can't account for the unknown and that is exactly what he trying to quantify.
  10. Russell Westbrook, who apparently is unaware of cause and effect, has been a huge proponent of Defund the Police but this week whined like a little girl when an opposing fan poured popcorn on him. He is quoted as saying"To be completely honest, this s--- is getting out of hand, especially for me," he said. "The amount of disrespect, the amount of fans just doing whatever the f--- they want to do" and "Any other setting ... a guy were to come on the street and pour popcorn on my head, you know what happens." the truth is I have no idea because because my response to guy pouring popcorn is to tell him to F*** off and move on but then again I have to use my brain during a normal day.
  11. I have a friend of the family who has a set of tickets to the Bucs in the club seat area- high quality free food and drink- and I will go whenever he offers me tix. I have been to one each of the last two years and it is hard to say no.
  12. If this is true it is definitive proof of fraud. Obviously not enough to overturn election but will prove beyond a doubt that this election was not the most secure in history.
  13. No one has mentioned the border crisis, or the fact that the middle east exploded for the first time in 5 years? Or the Russians hacking the pipeline? I deal with liberals who still like him but no one who voted for Trump has been impressed since the rest of the world sees him as weak.
  14. I think you misunderstood the comment, his mental fitness makes him hard to keep up with, half the stuff he says makes no sense. You made a point I had never considered to point out just how terrible these pills are. No one voted for Biden, just against Trump which means that they are trying to argue that people who voted for Trump are now on board with Biden? Please find me one of these people, seriously only the most diehard Dems I know like Biden the rest simply say crap along the lines that Trump was mean.
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/25/politics/wuhan-lab-covid-origin-theory/index.html I did not actually read the article but I can write the answer in one sentence- it is not a conspiracy theory anymore. https://abcnews.go.com/US/conspiracy-theorists-study-concludes-covid-19-laboratory-construct/story?id=69827832 To anyone who called it a conspiracy theory previously you are one of two things: such a political hack that you should reexamine your life or too stupid to think for yourself. Yes those are only two options because there was far too much missing information to make a conclusion and we should always know the Chinese will hide bad info from us.
  16. So you think that partisan people without confirming their actions would do something dishonest?
  17. I was reading that the computers that were used during the Arizona audit are probably not usable again, why is that? There is no reason they can't check the computers quickly and make sure they are fine.
  18. The report does not debunk they are sick, they have simply not confirmed it for that report. I will ask two questions to you- what does this study prove? And why was it started?
  19. For him to be horrible and make the playoffs means you believe he was the guy holding the team back. Outside of Shady that Offense was below average and the defense was good but not world beaters. He was mediocre but knew how not to lose a game, which has legitimate value.
  20. You wrote "It says those are just reported and not confirmed and no case study to match or do a baseline". It does not prove causality but it shows an increase of reported cancer, perhaps read what YOU wrote.
  21. Yes facts and logic are difficult to accept when you are a political hack. I love your believe that NIH created a study that acknowledges the spike in cancer around windmills before Trump was president in order to give him cover.
  22. So you believe the NIH created a report for Trump years before he was president just to give him cover? That has to be your rationale to call him a liar. You are truly just a political hack.
  23. The study shows spikes in areas with windmills. I attached the study earlier and quoted some of it. Why would you reply if you had no idea what was in it? It is like you are proud of your ignorance.
  24. So you agree that the NIH is legitimate and that the study has validity?
  25. The NIH is phony research? This was from before Trump and is clearly what he is referencing. If you think it is poor research that is fine, explain why. Your retorts are what I admonish 1st graders to stop using.
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