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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2021/05/18/614610.htm This is in the politics section because I don't want it to shut down immediately. The NFL when dealing with concussions start blacks at a lower intelligence so blacks much show less intelligence to be able to claim injury. This is insane because how to you argue Donovan McNabb is dumber than Incognito or Ozzie Smith is dumber than Ryan leaf? I truly get why these guys are pissed about it.
  2. I don't understand how it could be argued a clean hit, it was high, and he left his feet. The intent was to clean his clock and that hit has been outlawed. If intent was to save goal he dives to block shot, the hit was a message. Old school fans might have liked it but league has been getting rid of that for years.
  3. I was discussing through text this with a friend exactly how much lying happened with the Corona origin and I was literally called a Qanon believer because the person I was discussing with still believes the information available last year was honestly presented. I gave up after that.
  4. I understand it now, but I think they are trying to make a cause and effect relationship, which while related are likely more related to simply larger groups of people in the area. This relationship is true in my area but we are expanding it based on people already here. The numbers are clearly correct but I think the impetus wrong. Thanks for showing me this though, I had never given it any thought
  5. If I have to pick one it is the final drive of half vs Colts. It fits all the criteria- difficult situation, efficient, long, multiple great plays, 4th down converted, a TD, and we win the game.
  6. Why are you crushing our dreams? Basically we would have to offer 3 1st round picks, 2 for his talent and one for the insanely good contract that is left.
  7. I know the math is hard for you but 1.9 trillion is more than 1.75 I can have my 5 year old explain it to you
  8. Washington post has stated 1.75 trillion is bigger than 1.9 trillion many times.
  9. When was the klan run by a Black/Hispanic guy? Stop being so proud of your ignorance. I will never be a proud boy but to compare them to the klan is either ignorant or disengenous.
  10. That seems illogical unless people are going out of their way to get to the higher speed roads, which I guess is possible In Orlando I rarely take I-4 because it is not the best way but if I need to go straight across town I always take the highways
  11. Any time you are quoting the WAPO it is a 50/50 shot of a flat out lie so I will wait for a real news organization to report on it.
  12. That was the throw that I realized he might be the best QB in the league- in that situation I would have said that throw was impossible until I saw it.
  13. Who is that guy? That year off might have done him some good and allowed him to get his body right. Our Dline will be brutal if that is our new Star.
  14. The issue I have with the article is that all of the cities being studied have lost at least 35% of their population from the peak. If they are discussing shrinking cities they likely have a point but not growing cities.
  15. The boring version is that this is just to make sure we have some wiggle room this season in case we need someone come week 3 due to injury, which is really what I think it is.
  16. I will not read the article but I assume the comment is based on a mentality similar to the announcer on MNF vs 49ers. I think it was Griese who said Allen should not have thrown a ball that was completed because most QBs can't make that throw. It was a terrible take because it was a perfect throw and no defender had a good shot at the ball. Allen is "arrogant" like Kobe or Mariano Rivera, they simply know they can do what no one else can.
  17. Tucker is by the far the best rated host on the cable news networks and what is best to me is that when I googled "best rated cable news" what popped up was 6 MSNBC and CNN shows of which none are even top 5.
  18. The fact that you can't even admit the blanket message that paying someone to vote is inappropriate is telling. The reason I ask is that I had a coworker who took off Election day last year and was driving people to the polls, the issue is she stopped to get food with some people and bought them food. She was also explaining to them why they should vote for Biden on the way. So details matter for this law but this law is appropriate.
  19. I will admit I am a little uneasy about the law and want to see the details but have a related question for you, should it be allowed to pay someone to vote?
  20. You are a glutton for punishment if you even looked at the Bills the rest of that week. I had not heard that but I am not surprised.
  21. For a single boneheaded play for me it is McKelvins return because he simply had to not be horrible and he did the worst thing possible. Kneel the ball is good, fall down right before they hit you is fine, let the first man tackle you is acceptable, but he had to fight for an extra yards when it did not matter
  22. So now we know several of Trump's "lies" according to WAPO are the truth. 1) the tax cuts were the largest of all time(1.9 trillion with no others as large) 2) Russian collusion was never true. 3) coronavirus started in a lab. 4) the border would become a crisis without him. 5) he spent more money on the military than any president in a year. All of these are in their top ten "lies" by the WA PO which are all true. The rest of list is simply arguable opinions.
  23. I am getting confused by the new NBA rules- you watch Russell Westbrook and Kyrie complain about these people's behaviours as they defend it happening to others. Literally whining about popcorn while defending a wife beater, quite the confusing times.
  24. This is appalling, how anyone believes this kind of crap brings anyone to your side is beyond me. Portland seems to have turned into a 3rd world crap hole.
  25. When the highest death rates are in the liberal parts of the country I think your "thin out the stupid" comment is pretty telling.
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