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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I think this is most likely the case at this point, that we are partially responsible, and if that is true Fauci himself is personally responsible. Which would make his "hero" round of time especially disgusting.
  2. You have several misconceptions based because you don't realize how much the press worries more about the narrative than facts. Fauci is a politician first and a scientist second and that has been true for at least a decade. He has legitimate credentials but his actions have been political for a long time. Second the "natural creation" theory was a political decision because there still is no evidence it was natural and he knew we were running Sars testing in that lab and it had a history of leaks and problems. No rationale person takes all the available info last March and says that it is most likely natural much less state it is a conspiracy theory and debunked to state it started in the lab. Lastly, and this is speculation, if we admitted it started in a lab and we forced China to give up all of the known info so we were starting a good position on the vaccine. I actually want to make it clear your statements here are well thought out but I think you believe the media wants facts not narrative.
  3. I think you are actually being serious, which is scary
  4. Every one of my comments has mentioned his cost, the fact that I thought it was 2017 and 2018 and forgot it was 2019 also really doesn't make your point that I don't know the NFL. Or are you of the mindset that knowing everyone's stats for every year they have ever played is a requirement to be a NFL fan? I also want to add I never once insinuated he was not elite. I said I would have paid him an elite contract in 2017 but not now.
  5. Because the past year has felt like a few years I don't know about the NFL? Or is it because I don't think this Bills team would be best serve by giving Jones 15 million when we don't even have that much cap room right now? Either way strange attack.
  6. Assuming Titans are paying him his whole salary of 15 million this year I do not think he would have been a good investment for us. We need to be looking more for a TE, or DB. We are very strong at WR and cost needs to be a major concern there
  7. It seems longer than 2019 to me- still not giving him 15 million but I want him a lot more now.
  8. Not even close- he is talented but has been injured and we use a rotation. I also at this point do not consider him a top 5 Edge guy. 2017 sure but not 2021.
  9. I don't want him for 15 million a year regardless of compensation. If he is cut then I want the talent but not for his cost.
  10. That was the likely the worst QB draft in a long time. We knew we were gonna draft a QB and none of the were decent, though we got the best of the bunch. Acting like there was a chance at a good QB at that time is stupid, no free agents, no drafted players, no good QBs available by normal means. Whaley's biggest issue was he did not build teams around the wants and abilities of his coaches.
  11. HCQ is not as effective as we originally thought, what is odd is you apparently took medical advice from a politician. I take mine from doctors who are not on TV regularly because all the dudes on TV are more interested in looking good than being accurate.
  12. You do know HCQ can be taken every couple weeks for years without an issue? This thread seems to dedicated to your own issues.
  13. I have read multiple stories about the reexamination of the origin of Covid which all state "new info" but not one mention what the new info is. Is there anything new? Or is it lack of expected information that caused this?
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2021/06/04/nyc-pyscho-fantasizes-about-shooting-white-people-in-yale-talk/amp/ Yale is so racist that this women gave this speech in April and no one reacted until it was put online and others could hear it. How does a group of people hear someone say they fantasize about killing based on race and have no reaction?
  15. You did not answer the question asked because you can't answer it honestly. You instead tried to make a different point with the wrong reason again. Minorities can get an ID as easily as whites, gerrymandering is to help the party in power, and you quoted stats without a source because you know that it is garbage. But to go back to the original point, you are arguing minorites choosing to not get an ID is the equivalent of being denied it, which is where you and I differ greatly.
  16. Can you show me the stat that shows in the 21st century showing minorities have a harder time getting an ID than whites? Jim Crow was horrendous and an ID is something that literally every adult I know has one. 90% of my 18 year old students have legal IDs.
  17. Clearly ignorant people to use the star of David to make a political point. The point they are trying to make is completely obliterated by the lack of awareness, just like comparing showing ID to Jim Crow laws. The difference few defend the hats while many are dumb enough to believe the Jim Crow.
  18. I said in my first comment that is was wrong what the NFL is doing but if a insurance company was using a behavior that a cost increase was warranted I am fine with it. The NFL is using something that is not able to be controlled so not a good comparison.
  19. Let me state it this way, the owners do not care about the race of the player they are screwing.
  20. Because to get by on the letter of the law you must have a law to justify your actions. If the NFL could somehow "norm" down all the players to an IQ of 80 after their playing days they would. This is a money situation not a race situation, but it is still wrong.
  21. I watched a couple of bears games last year and he was not the biggest issue with that offense. I also looked at the list of QBs and I had him as my personal #19, but I would state he is no lower than 24th if you are being reasonable.
  22. It is amazing to me that in under 5 years we went from chasing every decent player and having to convince them to come, to this, a top 20 QB deciding to come for less money just to play on a winner. I truly believe that if Trubisky had to start all 17 games we still win 10.
  23. How do you support the NFL then? You should be boycotting it till they make up for this injustice.
  24. CNN loves to trot out this kind of drivel and compare right wingers to "experts". If the "expert" disagrees then the right winger is wrong. A literal "pandemic response expert"(he was trained by the govt in pandemic response measures) told me last July that Florida would catch and surpass NY in Covid deaths by Thanksgiving because we dared open. Of course he was wrong by a giant margin but he still states he was basically right because the FL went up a little.
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