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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. What did I say that was false? That I had to move to get a better job? Or that grown ups should make that decision for themselves? Your issue is that you want more govt intervention to fix the intervention they screwed up. I want less govt because it rarely works in the long run.
  2. No one is applying for jobs because they can get paid not to work and not look for a job more than if they worked- that is a broken government. I can't argue with the stupidity that argues govt must subsidize people's lifestyles and then complain the companies don't pay enough. The problem is govt and peoples choices, not the business. I had to move from Buffalo to Florida to find a good job. I had to leave my extended family for us to find jobs. That move made us about 50k extra in the first 12 months and more since, but life in America gives you choices all the time, when you blame others for your crap choices you are a liberal
  3. Why don't you tell me what you think is true about the 1619 project? The women who created it admitted it was not a history but a narrative. BTW who denies that we have a climate?
  4. It is the official standard being taught but since it is only a few places why worry? My biggest worry with the 1619 project is that is proven to be false, but since only a few hundred thousand kids will be lied to I guess I am overreacting.
  5. https://news.wbfo.org/post/your-story-textbooks-ours-isn-t-buffalo-schools-adopt-1619-project This is the official curriculum which does not even touch on teachers who are openly hostile to the concept that any white man prior to 1900 was a terrible person.
  6. How can you violate election law after the election is over? Dems truly seem more concerned about election integrity for the 2020 election then they were before the election.
  7. The entire argument here is that government is more capable of making choices for people then they are as individuals. To bash a job because it does pay enough is amazingly short sighted and shows true economic ignorance. If no one wanted the jobs they would not apply, if there was not a market of employees Amazon would not build it, which does not even mention that Amazon has a ton of high paid jobs, you act like all the jobs are the basic warehouse jobs.
  8. When to majority of the media repeatedly states that 1.75 trillion is more than 1.9 trillion and half the country agrees we know that some people can't determine truth on their own.
  9. Disney does it to ensure you keep coming back, I agree with you but that is why I wait for all episodes and then binge watch whole thing.
  10. Arm arrogance is the equivalent of distance arrogance for Steph Curry. No one should do it because most pro players can't.
  11. It takes a special kind of stupid- naivety- to be aware of the taxation problem and think the Dems are the lesser problem. If you learned anything from the whistleblowers you have not paid attention for at least 40 years. The whistleblowers need to go to jail for breaking the law, the people are doing nothing illegal, they simply are using the system that our elected officials created. I hate our tax system but every time someone comes up with a better plan progressives lie about it.
  12. It was an exciting game but made me realize that we are still a long way from competing for a world cup. I do hope by 2026 we are competitive with the world best but this team does not have the firepower on offense or defense.
  13. 716er and Governor like to make outrageous claims just to distract from the nonsense they spew. He is most likely referencing nothing and I am certain it is unrelated to you if there is something.
  14. I am including a few that are about 65( all friends parents) but all of them are not getting vaccinated for a while, if ever.
  15. Occam's razor has always been clearly the lab leak and all the info in the past few months has made it all but definite. As for Fauci- you believe he was not informed in January of 2020 that he signed off on funding Sars research at that lab? We know now Fauci literally signed the document to make it happen. Yes he might have remembered it immediately but he certainly would have been reminded I short order when it was recognized as a Sars outbreak. Your belief that Trump could have stopped Cuomo from killing all those people is absurd and ignored all the evidence that is present.
  16. Any explanation of how you come to your numbers or just throwing crap?
  17. Do you know a lot of Blacks who actually lived through Jim Crow who trust the government?
  18. It was probably known then but why let facts ruin the narrative
  19. Fauci knew we were doing Sars research inside that lab and lied about until he was forced to admit by Rand Paul. Fauci is more politician than scientist at this point and while it was a new situation he was not upfront about it from the get go. What is it with you defending a guy who knowing that a lab had issues with security and leaks would do research on Sars there?
  20. Wow you are a truly terrible person who are pleased that people are dying so long as they are your political opponents. The fact that that highest death rates is in the most dense areas of liberals in our country also apparently did not occur to you. Lastly people under 30 getting vaccinated will make virtually 0 difference in the deaths. But personally the only people over 60 who are refusing the shot I know are all minorites because they don't trust Fauci or the government, something to do with "good" liberals screwing them historically.
  21. How dare you act like adults should be responsible for their own actions and that society is not to blame! This lawyer reminds of "affluenza" lawyer, some excuse for my client being too dumb to left to his own devices.
  22. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/06/09/politics/joe-biden-domestic-troubles-international-trip/index.html Amazing this is the main headline on that right wing rag today. Even CNN admits he is trouble, good job beIng ignorant.
  23. I think you have been around long enough but here is your warning- BT is a liar who will delete his comments when they are proven wrong and then sent he sent them. He has no intention of honesty and is one of 3 people I have blocked because he is a troll. Just know that if you argue with him you will lose because he will deny his stance once proven stupid
  24. If the XL pipeline, which the president alone shut down, is not a big controller of the price of gas perhaps you would like to share why gas is so expensive when we were energy is independent 8 months ago? The economy, internationally or domestically, is not nearly hot enough to be the main driver. If your argument is that he can't make it be $1 again then please stop.
  25. We are so racist that Obama had the most votes in history when he won in 2008. His argument is similar to Michael Moore, this country is so bad that someone like me is impossible
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