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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I think the Church should consider separating the sins into some categories. Maybe call one mortal sins and the other group venial sins. The mortal sins could be for really bad things and the lesser sins could be for smaller much more common ones. Maybe if we did that then countries could set up judiciary systems with similar idea of felonies and misdemeanors. Your shallow thought process misunderstands what it means to be Catholic.
  2. It is now a conspiracy to state the FBI has done some screwed up stuff in it's history? You truly believe a bunch of unarmed dolts were able to overpower all those cops. And you actually believe NPR is a right wing rag now? https://www.npr.org/sections/insurrection-at-the-capitol/2021/02/19/969441904/capitol-police-suspends-6-officers-investigates-dozens-more-after-capitol-riots Or you believe 35 of the less than 200 cops were all individually choosing not to do their job and let the idiots in? Your ability to never see malfeasance except for by Trump people is astounding.
  3. If we use the holiday to point out that we as a nation are at our best when we are free to pursue our best life then I am all for the holiday. When liberals try to use to promote CRT then it becomes a worthless day of more division.
  4. The church is not pure but you must truly hate yourself if you are a Catholic but believe the overarching church supports pedophilia. The greatest stain on the church during my lifetime is allowing priests to move around after being caught. Abortion is another topic if you believe life begins at conception, since you are taking a life. I don't have a good new law to protect both the mother and child because there are proper reasons for it and I don't trust politicians with something so important but the casual way some people go about it is wrong.
  5. Weather eventually equals climate. But I assume you mean crap science that is being quoted below where they argue the water has raised 9 inches, if it had raised 9 inches in 150 years the Florida Keys would look much different, as well as many other areas. If you believe stupid crap like this I can't help you.https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/12/us/hurricanes-climate-change/ As for gore and snow here is entire comment: "And now we’re beginning to see the impact in the real world. This is Mount Kilimanjaro more than 30 years ago, and more recently. And a friend of mine just came back from Kilimanjaro with a picture he took a couple of months ago. Another friend of mine Lonnie Thompson studies glaciers. Here’s Lonnie with a sliver of a once mighty glacier. Within the decade there will be no more snows of Kilimanjaro.” -Algore, “An Inconvenient Truth” (2006) Of course 2018 had more snow on Kilimanjaro than in recorded history. We also would be in the hockey stick part of the graph if he was right based on the amount of pollution from China and India if he was correct. Lastly there are no peer reviewed articles because the data is controlled, we know all the data prior to 2005ish was questionable and the raw data is gone. If you only question the data that disagrees with you then you are not a scientist, and most of these guys are trying to prove their point
  6. I thought he was arrested?
  7. So he was totally and completely wrong on the two things I remembered. Your argument is that I am right but some caveat that is trying to save face. He predicted much less snow, which has not happened and he predicted more hurricanes right before the longest period of no hurricanes in US history, almost as dumb as giving a speech on global warming in NYC on the coldest day in the city history, which he also did.
  8. I had a job where I traveled the country and spent at least a month in more than dozen states working. NJ, outside of the Cherry hill area maybe, is not great and not even Cheryl Hill has anything over my town except Wegmans. My area has had to open 3 new high schools in the past 5 years because so many northerners are coming to live here, along with foreign nationals. Your argument is for a state that is losing people to my state, so keep believing what you want but there is a reason my town has exploded in population while yours doesn't grow.
  9. The line in the federalist article is the defining comment for our media now- if they were trying to create racial division how would they act differently? The media no longer reports the news, they try to create it in their image.
  10. As I said if spending more money is a good thing, as this study believes, FL will be hurt by it. The study mentions in the writeup how much they pay per teacher.
  11. I have been to Patterson, Camden, and Newark and if you think they have anything good vs where I live on Florida you are nuts. And we have already had this discussion the only ranking that NJ beats FL educationally is in spending, as far as performance FL wins.
  12. HCQ is generally harmless and is a medicine given to fight malaria. But I know you say gargle because you still believe that women in Arizona used the fish tank cleaner for a reason other than murdering her husband. The woman is a liberal who knew other liberals are so dumb they would believe her https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/woman-blamed-trump-giving-her-133613382.html
  13. Kay remember when he said no more snow? Or that hurricanes were part of global warming and then we had a record long time without hurricanes in the USA? He got one small part "right" assuming the data is not manipulated again. I will believe it is correct when the data is opened up to those whose openly disagree.
  14. I will make my last points and then I am done with this thread- those who are against the expansion to include at least one of the non power 5 teams each year are the worst kind of elitist in the sports world. They don't believe the Miracle should have happened, or Hoosiers should have happened, and truly do not think BYU deserved the title despite being undefeated. Because it is unlikely it should not be given a chance. And to the two Bama fans downplaying the UCF 2017 team I just watched the entire peach bowl and UCFspent 3 qtrs kicking the crap out of the Auburn team that decimate the Bama team. It reminds me of the Bills vs 49ers this past year. UCF offense was clearly better than Alabama's unless your beliefs from before the season mean everything and what happens on the field means NOTHING.
  15. Please explain- you think these protesters are better than the trucker?
  16. I can say with certainty you did not watch that UCF game vs Auburn because UCF had a terrible first quarter and then smoked them. As I have asked what fact based argument do you have that Bama would have smoked them? Bama lost while putting up 13 points. I am not stating UCF was clearly better but all your arguments are not based on what happened that year when the premier win for Bama was a team not in the top 20. As for the random facts he stated the better QBs are all going to the great teams and that is certainly not true.
  17. Tibs might be my favorite- he asks for lesson plan, is shown lesson plan, and then states he can't see lesson plan in detail enough to decide if Critical Race Theory is really his version of CRT.
  18. Buy it ya dummy- I legally can not share it on a public website. Though I am sure you would be happy if I broke a law so you call the cops on me.
  19. https://www.pcc.edu/equity/tools/critical-race-theory-toolkit/ How come you pretend you can't find anything that takes me less than 5 minutes to find? Is it "official", of course not but terrible ideas try to be diluted
  20. I have more proof than you do, since there is no lessons on TPT or any other teacher website promoting white supremacists but you still complain. You as usual hold yourself to a lower standard than conservatives
  21. https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Browse/Search:critical race theory This is from Teacher pay Teacher where teacher put up for sale lessons that they have done. I doubt many lessons are done just for TPT since most people only make a few hundred bucks a year on it
  22. You are also a conspiracy theorist when it comes to 2016 so I am not worried about your opinion.
  23. I have watched it and Fahrenheit 911 to try and understand what the viewpoint was based on. F911 was garbage propaganda, it would wrap sleazy innuendo with slightly related facts and then draw a conclusion that always made Bush look the worse possible. An Inconvenient Truth was not as bad as propaganda to me because I think most of the scientists believe it but they are simply not great at their jobs. They drew conclusions based on incomplete data sets but thought they were complete.
  24. Your argument is simply that because historically it is true it is always true. Your comment that UCF would not have scored against Alabama shows your ignorance of UCF in 2017. UCF put up 31 against Auburn which is more than any other team that year. UCF actually scored the most points on every team they played that year. I think most of your football thoughts are good but this one is awful because it restricts who has a chance based on the money from their fan base and that is not right.
  25. Gerrymandering is not a topic that is only from one party but with the way that people move to areas it is not like there are red blocks. There are areas-places with high crime, low level public schools, poor infrastructure, high taxes- are almost straight blue but nice places are much more diverse.
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