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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Pay is by county but the point you were making of "a few thousand" is not valid if you are successful. If you buy a home you will pay 12k more in taxes to the state and local govt than I do every year. Also my standard of living is very high.
  2. Me and my wife are teachers and in the past 20 years one of my good friends from NY has made about 50k less than us in total. His home in NY was 18 months ago valued about the same as ours. In the 20 years though he has paid 250k more in income and property taxes and I am rounding down. Every year his income tax is 6k more than me and his property taxes are 7+ k more than me. Also my quality of like is better than his by almost any standard, the only thing that keeps him his family
  3. That is interesting and will make me have to try Ebay again- thanks.
  4. How anyone likes government is beyond me, but I appreciate the honesty
  5. Governor and I have gone through this many times but he thinks that high taxes are good because government is so efficient. He also thinks that the areas shutting schools down due to depopulation are better than those that are growing. The only thing he is correct on is that the rents in Orlando area have gone nuts due to amount of growth which is why I am so glad I bought my house when I did.
  6. None compared to one on January 6th- is that really the dividing line you want to set for what deserves a deeper examination?
  7. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/senate/409999-scores-of-kavanaugh-protesters-arrested-after-descending-on-senate-building%3famp You mean like this?
  8. The city part is my opinion, your math being wrong part is logic and fact.
  9. If you are substantially smaller than Lehigh Acres FL then you are not a real city. I understand that technically city is in regards to the structure of your town government but a city should be at least 150k. Also by your argument- which your math is wrong- how do you know about the police force size in the bottom 10k cities? Just because they have not been published does notean it has not been shrunk
  10. I love studies like this especially when the "facts" are that Corona started naturally, that the US was not funding research in that lab in Wuhan, children wearing masks is important in the fight against Covid, and HCQ is dangerous. When your "facts" are so blatantly false and only stupid people believe them it is easy to see how crap like this is printed.
  11. The USA does not have 20,000 real cities- if you have less than 150k you are not a city therefore we have 200. But your math is still pathetically wrong even for the standard you set.
  12. So you are actually defending putting the test ballots into the actual count? Since it was the only thing I commented on you must be.
  13. So it is the moron who thinks that adding the test ballots to the real ballots is a bad idea. Got it. Please change your name you are shaming a great American with your stupidity.
  14. Actually heard one even worse today when I mentioned to a coworker- she is in charge of track team and actually had parents accuse her of not timing their child correctly. In the discussion the parents did not realize that any "extra time" on their child's run was same with the other 5 kids running the same race.
  15. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/7778194002 I found better written articles on more conservative sites but picked a left wing one so the source is not the issue. Why would the NIH agree to give up information on a virus that is killing so many unless they were covering up the origin? I understand there are normal protocols but that is not a rational response at that time.
  16. Yes- the colts outplayed us overall but we have Josh. My cousin is a Colts fan and said that only josh could have done that.
  17. I think you mean anyone with honesty and intelligence. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/footnotes-in-watchdog-report-indicate-fbi-knew-of-risk-of-russian-disinformation-in-the-steele-dossier/ If this happened in a major city last year would they have admitted it or would they have simply ignored it? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nyc-mayoral-primary-in-chaos-after-adding-135000-pre-election-test-ballots
  18. I realize not a straight political comment- just had a player leave practice last night because his mom was upset I did not get him enough touches in our scrimmage. This is not an overly competitive league but he is my only defensive liability and offensively the ball dies in his hand, he only ever shoots on a team that passes extremely well. The reason this ends up here is his family has worn Biden shirts and Deming's shirts to the games and practices and has made it clear they will make a stink if they don't get their way. Their son does not improve, listen, and literally brags about how he is my second leading scorer because he breaking for a basket when his teammates are cleaning up his mess. His mother is what democrats have become, loud mouths who have no interest of improving themselves but want the team to warp around their desires. And if it matters we as a team are 3-0 and winning well.
  19. Russia disinformation was the entire basis of the Steele dossier, but all Russia had to do to disseminate that to the American public was give it to democrats who do the whole leg work for them
  20. I will be interested if Breida changes this, because it could be blocking or it could be that both running backs we run with are similar styles. I do also wonder if the numbers changed much from week 1-4, when no one believes Josh was MVP player, to later in year when they had to be more honest defensively.
  21. Nice equivalency of destroying and murdering people in inner cities compared to delaying the vote by a few hours. Your side is not the bad guys in regards to riots over the past year. To argue otherwise you must believe that a politicians time is more important than a human life.
  22. The biggest lie with this election is that it ran well and was secure. We had Pennsylvania literally violate its own constitution, we had ATL officials remove observers and then continue counting, we had ballots sent out to people that did not request them or recieve them, in Michigan they covered the windows so observers could not watch. It took us a week to determine the winner because so many states were not prepared for what was clearly coming. I accept the results but to be unaware of the issues and then pretend they don't exist is sad.
  23. Are you being philosophical or just stupid? Either you have oppressed people or not, whatever your ancestors did you cant fix so how you just fix your own screw ups.
  24. I am not sure if this is real but it is not from a satire site https://www.yahoo.com/news/justin-trudeau-carolyn-bennett-resignation-jody-wilson-raybould-text-message-172439202.html Apparently it is racist and misogynistic to infer that someone is doing something for money. Last I checked every race and creed likes getting paid
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