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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. There is no reason to be uninsured in this country except for laziness. If you are willing to fill out paperwork you can get Medicaid or you can get insurance supplemented by the government. The uninsured are chosing to be uninsured.
  2. You also said "And for giving crap governments and businesses rationale to do more stuff to make my life inconvenient" when we have hit herd immunity. Govt action is not caused by people who are not vaccinated but by overzealous politicians. Also vaccinated people are not getting as sick as unvaccinated which should make the hospital situation better.
  3. This is much more light hearted but this guy often tried to mix sports with politics and always comes off this stupid. The US has always counted total medal and this article pretends we started this method because we were losing the gold medal count. We usually win all three medal counts handily so this year being an odd year is not related to why this is happening. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/sorry-america-chinas-leading-the-real-olympic-medal-count-081228981.html
  4. So who did Trump sexually harass while president? Or do you mean all the allegations? Cuomo has had the same allegations for literally 5 years at least and he was reelected in that time frame. I will not rip on you for waiting for the investigation but don't compare where Cuomo is to Trump since he was never charged.
  5. Your lack of understanding of this illness would be funny of our govt didn't keep taking away rights based on your idiocy. If you are under 30 you are just as likely to be murdered as die of Covid. This week Penn St had its second student die of Covid, that would be 2 in a body of 100k. Penn State has had more students die of car accidents recently than Covid. I am over 40 and have a vaccine but to force a healthy 20 year old to follow me is immoral.
  6. You do realize the adult population is well into herd immunity? 165 million through vaccines out of 225 million total population. So being conservative with 50 million who are naturally immune but not vaccinated makes it over 90%.
  7. I find it interesting how many people on here, and public in general, blame the unvaccinated for the government going backwards. It is almost as if people believe if they do the right thing the govt should force all others to do the "right" thing also. Unfortunately many do not realize how often govt does the wrong thing even when truly attempting to the correct thing.
  8. I actually have this at home- my wife likes it unlike other whiskeys. It is not bad if you like peanut butter.
  9. I am surprised the govt is not pleased since we have hit herd immunity if there numbers are even close to being accurate. The death rate is about .25%, which is 1 in 400. If we have 615k deaths that means 240million with natural immunity. Then we add in 80 million, which is half of the 160 million with the shot, and you get 320 million of a population of around 350 million. Even if all the CDC numbers skew 10% wrong it is still going to be near 300 million, which is herd immunity.
  10. I appreciate your looking out for me but I will tell you that I spent all of last year in class and no infections happened at my school. The masks do little when you are near each other for 45 minutes at a time, so in school they are just theatre.
  11. Even within the old definition I could get a few hundred million for roads, sewers, street lights, and all of the external needs of the stadium. The stadium itself could then come from state money and Pegs. As you said the new definition might include the stadium itself.
  12. I misinterpreted what you said- you and I agree completely- you are a pretty smart guy!
  13. So you think my 16 year old son and all of the healthy 25 year olds are " playing Russian roulette"? If one of my students tried to tell me that a 1 in 6 chance was equal to a 1 in a million chance I might just fail them for that stupidity.
  14. It might be odd but I completely agree with the court on this one. The people can choose what standards business must live up to as long as they accept the added cost. There is nothing in the US Constitution that says this is illegal, just like they can have their own standards for cars sold in California.
  15. Now I understand you- and I mean that- when you speak of your freedom from children. I obviously lost money when I changed to being a teacher to be a better father for my kids but nothing brings more joy than they do. Of course I say this with two kids who are recognized as by everyone who knows them as exceptional but I do not understand seeing your own children as more pain than joy
  16. I would pump him up at n preseason and trade him back to green bay where Rodgers likes him, unless he is clearly better than the young kids. 8 catches for 3 tds, just imagine he had 48 catches he would have 18 tds! Why did we not get him the ball more! 😃
  17. How many cases of the flu have ever been diagnosed that were without symptoms? Diagnosing someone with the vaccine without symptoms is political theatre at this point. Compare headline: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2021/07/20/central-florida-hospitals-close-to-icu-capacity-as-covid-19-cases-increase/%3foutputType=amp To line in article: “It is typical for hospitals to have capacity figures in the 90th percentile even in pre-COVID times, so these numbers do not cause for concern or alarm. While we have seen an increase in hospitalizations in Central Florida over the last few weeks, we still have significantly fewer COVID patients compared to what we saw during the peak. Even during the peak, at no point did we reach capacity. Nothing but theatre for the dumb and scared
  18. I actually only had to look at the larger picture to see that NO ONE ELSE is wearing the face shield. So for you to be right EVERYONE else who was in the picture was immediately arrested, which we know is not what happened.
  19. Why are you still fighting? You stated the mask was required and you are wrong. That is the only fact ever in question and YOU are wrong, I can prove it by looking at the picture showing more people and the Sec of Def is the only guy wearing a shield. Also You arguing that" blindly posting things with no understanding of context" and "ignorant" are substantially different is stupid and I am done with this.
  20. You looked up an article about something the government was discussing but never implemented. Once again you were 100% wrong and the person you called ignorant was correct. Your defense for your mistake would be much more understanding if you did not call them ignorant.
  21. Nice recovery- you call someone ignorant when you are the ignorant person. You initially said that the face Shields were required, which is completely incorrect. You clearly believe that liberal news is honest when they defend Biden, which is why you are terribly ignorant. If you stopped believing the MSM is honest you will not make so many mistakes, I don't quote OAN because I know they are terribly biased.
  22. They in June looked into it, but no law was put into place. Look at the rest of the people around him the vast majority have just the cheap masks we wore. Seriously you need to not call out others ignorance when you you don't know the whole stories.
  23. I can explain why old man believes that the Delta is hitting the younger harder. He reads CNN too much and believes there coverage of the New Orleans Mayor and others who have pointed out that the younger are now more likely to be I'll as a percent of those ill. It is true as a percent not as a whole number.
  24. There is nothing in the Philippines that requires that. They have masking rules like we do. The over the top shield and everything is theatre. If you are gonna call someone out for ignorance it would be helpful if you knew what you are talking about
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