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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Not to attack you but of the adult population over the age of 30 we have absolutely hit herd immunity. We are likely in the 95+% of people with antibodies naturally or through vaccine. Anyone who requires over 80% for her immunity is being unrealistic.
  2. I watched about five minutes of that "debate" and if someone think Nance won they are a lunatic. The best part is that he won't defend it but he will attack those who are against it.
  3. Why would you comment on my 11 year old daughter? You are an inappropriate and weird dude.
  4. I do understand that but it seems to me that google is more beholden to the paid people. One example is this week I was trying to find info on the people who wanted to make it illegal to criticize Fauci and google kept pushing to articles about people who threatened Fauci from CNN and WP. Bing first articles were from lesser websites but on material I wanted.
  5. It is amazing how often the proper words in Google or Bing bring up the correct information in the first few lines. I actually prefer Bing because google more often puts the paid ones to the top
  6. "Pay for your misbehavior" when liberals are the ones who support criminals, drug use, and other self destructive activities. It is time for you to explain how you are not a racist when the largest segment of those who are not vaccinated are blacks.
  7. The Taliban had knocked down the twin towers and a response was necessary. I at this point recognize this war was not the proper way or at least run poorly but at that time a response was needed and this was supported by the vast majority of Americans in 2002. https://news.gallup.com/poll/8038/seventytwo-percent-americans-support-war-against-iraq.aspx
  8. 3 points- I never said it was a economic benefit to the city, you had to pretend I said that in order to say I was wrong. Many cities larger than Buffalo have downtown Stadiums so it is clearly possible to have one down there, it would just take competent leadership. I have never been to Gillette but it's location is the one terrible thing about it I have heard from many people that the public transport sucks and the one road in and out sucks. You are correct about the tailgating but I doubt tailgating will away the Pegulas much, but that is an opinion.
  9. He played and did not know the plays, which was mentioned earlier. I was told by a member of the front office that they cut him before the next practice partially for his own safety- the OL apparently stated out loud they might block so well for him in a game situation. Most likely the Line would have done it's job but even the threat is bad.
  10. The fact that they are probably the worst NHL owners reminds of when Illitch of Detroit was ranked the best NHL owner when the Red Wings were winning every other cup and dead last, I think, in baseball. Winning cures all
  11. You are right that the current infrastructure could not handle the stadium downtown but a competent mayor and county could make it work. The lack of competence is why they are keeping the stadium where it is
  12. I watched Jimmy Johnson discussing that trade at some point in the past decade and Jimmy basically stated he lied to the Vikings to get that trade done. He was supposed to keep about 4 of those guys as a cost cutting move for the Vikings and instead cut them to get the draft picks instead. The Vikings were used to dealing with the gentlemen who used to run the Cowboys
  13. I knew you were being funny and no offense taken- heck that play is what made me think it odd the way the official ran out and made certain there was no confusion.
  14. I agree with you about talent and ability to win but LJ is an MVP and Baltimore built their entire offense around him. They would need to completely retool the team if they have a different QB.
  15. I hope Baker get more- part of an NFL GM job is get value for money and Baker is a lesser player than Josh.
  16. Honestly it is because so many of the kickoffs are simply knelt but I wonder if that play had anything to with the official making VERY clear it was a touchback.
  17. On the opening kickoff the official ran out to "protect" the returner after he knelt it, is that normal? I don't remember seeing it before but I don't pay attention to kickoffs much anymore.
  18. It is like spring training in baseball, it is fun but very light.
  19. I am impressed at the honesty of Yahoo news- Charlie Crist criticism is under "Yahoo entertainment". https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/florida-gubernatorial-candidate-slams-de-santis-for-playing-russian-roulette-with-floridians-065803092.html
  20. Thanks for showing how stupid you are- he is not from a wealthy family and did everything on his own. I guess you are discussing Biden.
  21. This topic came up amongst about 10 teachers last year during the school year and one of the liberal men spoke on the evils of guns until three of the women at our table told him that they own guns as self defense. He was kinda stuck because how can a good liberal question women?
  22. He sounds stupid, first Yale, then Harvard,then a JAG, but it is hard to compete with Biden who never had a non political job in his life.
  23. The fact that you are comparing childhood illnesses that cripple someone for life to an illness that is not even as bad a flu to those under 25 means you are simply believing your govt. We can disagree on something's but I will always protect children where you seem more concerned about protecting people your age. They copied mine from my driver's license I had to show to confirm I was eligible. How else has someone gotten one?
  24. When do we expect most of the cap casualties? I am too lazy to look up league calendar
  25. Have you been vaccinated? Did they require your ID? If not how did they know whose name to put on card?
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