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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Dude you believe in the goodness of politicians to an absurd level. The idea of equity is the opposite of judging someone on their character. Equity says that people should have the same outcome regardless of character or skills.
  2. You never once showed where I was wrong- you simply stated my actual facts were not facts. You have presented nothing as far a recent study.
  3. The vaccines have only been used widespread for 8 months but we know about an 18 month robust support. Dude do you work for the Pfizer?
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna757526 1/3 of drugs have unexpected side effects, which is not extraordinary rare. Old school vaccines are not as problematic as they used to be because we have spent 80 years making them better. RNA effects on the body is still an unknown, which you seem to admit. While I doubt there will be any life threatening problem in a decade we don't know because we don't have a long term study
  5. I am not a climate change denier- I simply do not believe man is at all equiped to stop it. We adapt or die. You keep stating we understand things so well but our predictions suck terribly, so you are definitely wrong somewhere in a big way.
  6. https://sports.yahoo.com/mlb-umpires-show-discrimination-against-non-white-players-according-to-new-study-191649525.html The worst thing about this study is they went straight from small correlation to complete causation. If they were to show one umpire is garbage and is racist I might believe it but this study says that one pitch every game is worse for minorities vs whites. No discussion of arm angles, pitch speed, catcher position, all things that effect close calls. This was a "study" with a decision made and then research to prove it.
  7. I just watched the highlights on NFL network and the 6 minute highlights did not have the Bills TD but showed an offside. Highlights looked good for our Defense.
  8. The article about people in Orlando getting a third shot because they have no immunity left is not in support of what I said? Why is Israel giving a third shot if not for waning coverage? Please tell me how these two facts don't back me up?
  9. Dude your willingness to mock black people for not acting as you think so is racist. You go to the Georgia thread to discuss Texas and act surprised when people think you are discussing Georgia? Got it, smart people admit when they miss context.
  10. Wow your a tool- I did not change topics- you stated everything I linked to was focused on the most high risk. I simply pointed out that is main focus of smart people is high risk people. What did I evade? Your brilliance that those under 25 have virtually no risk, which has been known since March 2020.
  11. I think you think you are clever. Any discussion about Covid that does not focus almost exclusively on the high risk people is not worth having. Any discussion that tries to discuss the 1 in 50000 people as being nearly as important as the 1 in 50 is not worthy of time. Of the 600k deaths at least 550k are high risk people.
  12. https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210728/pfizer-vaccine-protection-wanes-after-6-months-study-finds https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-health-israel-coronavirus-pandemic-775e772a7507bcab708e9eea4bdcc50a https://www.wogx.com/news/local-physician-already-prescribing-3rd-covid-19-vaccine-to-some-patients I should have stated people who are keeping up with the news know, not people like you
  13. The group with the lowest vaccination rate is blacks. I have seen several reports it is less than 25% in parts of the country.
  14. What kind of dummy do you have to be to believe we can stop this thing from mutating? The vast majority of the world is not vaccinated and will not be for at least a decade, so if the mutations don't happen here they will happen elsewhere and then be brought here. Anyone who understands how virus work will understand that it will mutate differently for different populations. Of course we now know the vaccines are not lasting more than 6 months in most cases. https://www.wogx.com/news/local-physician-already-prescribing-3rd-covid-19-vaccine-to-some-patients
  15. My next question is how many of the children are here illegally? What were their living conditions prior to getting ill? Nothing is being reported on how to fix the problem except getting a vaccine that we are now finding out last 6 months or less.
  16. I clearly said you are blaming the vast majority of black people, not that blacks are the majority of non vaccinated. Your stat is not applicable to my comment.
  17. Sorry that is key- Nikole Hannah-Jones who is the person who produced the 1619 project.
  18. Why are you blaming 75% of black people?
  19. I’ve always said that the 1619 Project is not a history. It is a work of journalism that explicitly seeks to challenge the national narrative and, therefore, the national memory. The project has always been as much about the present as it is the past.” I think this quote shows it is not a history.
  20. If you mean it is not the primary ciriculuum for most of the country that is correct, but it should not be allowed to ever be used. Buffalo is going to be teaching there children many things that are not true based on the choices they made. This is the other side of the old history books that discussed how wonderful life was for slaves, no more accurate
  21. Your comment that CRT is not real is stupid, and I don't use it lightly. Buffalo city schools adopted the 1619 project as the basis for their history ciriculuum, which is not history but a narrative. It might not be that widespread but it is a problem that was becoming worse and now is being stopped in it's track. As for the parents that are using their kids as political pawns, I don't respect them but when I am told math is racist roots- which I have been told - I get pissed at intentional ignorance.
  22. I think he was discussing the principal in Atlanta who was segregating her kids based on race. Correct city, correct problem, wrong people causing problem.
  23. I think Wilson is in the worst situation, so I doubt he survives enough to be good. Mac is in a good situation but lacks ability. Lawrence and Lance will be good but not hall of Fame good. Fields I don't want to predict because my biggest insult of him is he went to OSU and all their QBs suck as pro.
  24. In N Out burger is a privately held company with centralized distribution centers. They only enter markets that they feel they can place dozens of restaurants in at a minimum. If they could figure out a way to set up shop in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo at once it could happen but there business model is similar to Wegmans, never find one all by its lonesome.
  25. We knew since early March 2020 it was worst for the elderly, so while we did not know how to treat it we knew who to protect, which is why FL has so many less deaths per Capita despite having more in the age range of danger. You simply killed all of the high risk people as fast as possible
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