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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Since any results today are both good and bad I will just try and enjoy them. If Chris Jones is not 100% when we play that will be the biggest result I can imagine
  2. Wow you are stupid. The point I am making about the DOJ is they chose who to prosecute based on their threat to the Dems, not the nature of the crimes being committed. The fact that Gaetz is just a lesser version as Clinton, without the sexual assault, makes me glad he is out of Congress and hopeful he is not going to be my next senator.
  3. So your argument is that Biden is a liar? Interesting approach. As for evidence, the DOJ was happy to indict people on weak evidence so far, so why not on such "strong" evidence that you truly believe Gaetz is a pedophile?
  4. Watched "First things First" for one of the first times and was very annoyed. Nick Wright was the only reasonable one when it came to college football and one of the other dopes said Josh can't win a SB because he seems to only go Superman against bad teams which apparently means KC, Lions and division leading Rams are all bad teams but the Pats* are good.
  5. I at no point defended him, I literally just said "he is likely a scumbag", I bashed the DOJ or Congress. I like proving liberals don't need facts to make decisions which you prove all the time.
  6. Nice job of proving the point that you don't need facts, you just need the NYT to tell you what to think. Dude is likely a scumbag but at least I need evidence
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/adam-mckay-says-wicked-could-165037967.html This article is hilarious, no one has promoted to ban the movie but he has still made himself a victim, truest Dem ever.
  8. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/01/politics/joel-greenberg-sentencing/index.html Gaetz does not have the pull in central Florida that Greenberg does. I had not heard of Gaetz until Greenberg was charged but the reason I believe that no one local has pursued it is Greenberg would have to be your star witness and he is an unreliable scumbag. Feds getting Greenberg but not able to even charge Gaetz is odd to me unless the majority of "evidence" is testimony from Greenberg.
  9. Ok if it is a false choice- perhaps give me the third option? And 4th why do you think the DOJ did not proceed after him? I have no love of Gaetz but after Kavanaugh I don't believe any political accusations until the evidence is shown.
  10. Why are you guys defending the DOJ for not prosecuting a pedophile? If they have evidence he is a pedophile throw his ass in jail, what kind of degenerates are you three that you find Trump having classified info more important?
  11. This is the first game all year I thought Shakir played poorly, I am really hoping he is not the kind of guy who faded in the cold.
  12. Your still wrong- why argue the point when literally everywhere else agreed the Bills have 8 TO?
  13. They are wrong then- team has 8 total TO
  14. I said at the beginning of the season I just want us healthy for the playoffs, and I feel that way more today then ever before. I do think we are playing more vanilla now then we will in playoffs but we will see.
  15. The Biden DOJ went after Trump for everything they could make up but Gaetz might be a pedophile and they could not find time to get him? Either the congressional report is complete garbage or the DOJ is entirely political, not much in between is possible.
  16. NYC used to be a city were good people would stand up to criminals but this setting of fire to this women and no one reacting is making me think people might be done with it. I do think the Penny trial might be the end of the good guys in NYC doing something to help others.
  17. Why would you bring that back up? The trauma had finally subsided. 😁
  18. We play like garbage for an entire half and still get the win, I am thrilled. Too many people forget we lose this game every single time in the past.
  19. I am definitely ok with the win, division games often come closer than they should. The team looked like garbage for the first half but they won it anyways, so good enough
  20. I am sure your correct, more games means .ore money, but it does make for some crud games.
  21. This topic coming from @Tiberius is insane seeing as we just ended 4 years now knowing that Biden was not making almost any decisions for all 4 years. It also destroys his Trump is a dictator tripe.
  22. Josh is a top 8 RB in the NFL and is a top 3 passer, which could only be said of potentially Cunningham and Vick at any point in my lifetime. I though don't think Cunningham was THAT good at running and Vick was not a top 5 passer as I remember.
  23. I am aware of that but whenever it can be changed I hope they go smaller, not bigger.
  24. It is becoming apparent 12 teams is too many, so maybe we go to the smart version all along, 8 teams, 5 conference champs and 3 wild cards. The lowest rated conference champs don't get a home game, but the first round is at home for rest of conference champs. This way everyone deserving is in every year but the last 4 likely will never belong. I will bet the champ comes from the top 3 seeds and the top wild card 90% of the time but one unlikely bounce in an entire does not kill your chances.
  25. You are defending a probable terrorist because he lived in Germany for a decade? Or do have another point
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