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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Just playing devil's advocate- maybe she assisted in getting him ousted because of his actions. I have no inside information but I want to give her a fair shot
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/florida-teacher-couldnt-vaccinated-because-133051272.html This kind of stuff is bordering on evil. The Union has no clue if she got the virus from her classroom. Secondly there are still openings at Florida Virtual School for those who don't want to do face to face. Lastly their are ways to keep distanced from students even when in your classroom. This women dying is awful but the implication that she was sent to death because children don't wear masks is wrong.
  3. I have sat in the upper deck first few rows many times in different stadiums and they are my preferred seats for watching football. Biggest issue there can be the sun beating on you. Definitely upper deck sideline is better than any endzone if you want to really watch game.
  4. I feel very bad for Etienne, even if I thought he was overdrafted, and it sucks to have his career start this way. I don't feel bad for Urban because he is such a tool.
  5. Why does it seem that both parties biggest selling point is " we might be horrible and incompetent but they are even worse".
  6. He is attacking school board members and increasing pay for teachers. You seem to think school board members are as important as the teachers. Florida public schools passed NY public schools on about the year 1998 and now is one of the best. The amount of people who believe it is still 1985 is astounding.
  7. If you simply pick your survey people well enough you can get any response you like. From the same survey: Just over half of independents give DeSantis a favorable rating, and a majority of no-party voters favor him over Crist and Fried. If you think he is down 10% but independents favor him you will believe anything.
  8. I can see the draw but the two big returns were allowed mostly because he sent the ball long but not high. Stevenson had an absurd amount of room.
  9. Part of watching bears kicker I truly saw the definition of outkicking your coverage. We had two returns of punts that would have been nothing if the punt was simply 5 yards shorter. If Haack can place punts I will be happy vs just booming it like Bojo
  10. I was very impressed with Groot just watching casually but this video makes me see Basham is further ahead then I realized. I had no idea they doubled Basham and still could not move him out of position.
  11. This makes me happy that so many people aren't least doing the first step to vote. It also proves that Biden is lying about Jim Crow.
  12. Hurricane gloria was in mid 80s and super storm sandy was about 10 years ago. He might be right though, his father might have handled it much better.
  13. It is interesting that you make this comment this weekend- my wife this week had her first right winger try to censor the movies they were seeing in her American history class. The most liberal member of people that teach with her was quick to point out how Trump caused the reaction from this women. The liberal was unaware that that my wife and the other teachers who teach history have a form letter to go home to liberal parents who complain since every year they get a few dozen complaints since one of the movies is 42 and the N word is used frequently. So basically in the 20 years of teaching my wife has had literally 250ish liberals complain about movies that show a portion of history accurately vs one conservative. But please continue to believe whatever fiction you want.
  14. I thought he was better than he is but he can definitely be a weapon. I think he is on team but might get cut for someone more versatile.
  15. I am Groot!! He looked good today. His natural talent is impressive
  16. My sorta prediction is based on the fact that Mitch will be had for about a 3 year 45 million contract. Denver needs a good QB and I think in the right system he Mitch is the guy
  17. Preseason wins don't matter but the fundamentals are very important. Are we tackling, hitting the right holes, do our QB and reciever make the same read of Defense. I was impressed by that today more than anything. Good points
  18. I did forget about the shade issue. Even in November that much direct sunlight is bad for my Irish skin. That will have to be a consideration.
  19. I see a world were Mitch ends up with Daboll in Denver next year and they are immediately playoff contenders. I understand today was a preseason game but that is an offense without much talent.
  20. I appreciate all of the suggestions- I should have clarified I always check StubHub, tixmaster, and the team site but was curious where best experience is. It has been too long for me
  21. I will be going to my first road game in 15 years in Jacksonville. I have honestly never bought themselves, always had my dad buy them because he always had people in Miami and Jacksonville then. Basically do you worry about section, and is there a "normal" place for visiting fans to sit? I know Bills fans will be 40% of fans at the game but curious on thoughts of those who go to road games often.
  22. So you don't care if we steal the next election?
  23. How would you stop this from happening? Or is widespread fraud good?
  24. Are you really going to pretend that you thought that comment was anti anything except opening the border? If you did not realize it you truly have no sense of humor.
  25. Well they are following in the fine fine tradition of the Orlando Sentinel who called one of my teacher friends a white supremacist for a tweet that was anti Sharia law. She though is the direct descendant of slaves and the tweet was all about the rights women lose under Sharia. The Sentinel though called it a white supremacist tweet.
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