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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. It is interesting your first choice was ISIS when ISIS did not exist when he left office but the generals did not know what would happen in Afghanistan. It would appear he did know.more than they did.
  2. With your paranoia, and yes that is the level you are at, it is a good thing you don't have kids. My son goes to a 4000 student school, with zero hospitalizations from COVID-19 for students. They had two suicides last year, a kid die from an auto accident but not even a hospital from Covid. 2.7 million students across the state and our peak number is 224 kids hospitalized in a two week period.
  3. Millions of kids lungs- you are either lying or stupid. There is nothing to indicate that for 99.99% of kids that they will have any long term damage, most kids have minor issues with the initial infection. Secondly you think mental issues are easier to fix than physical? I will state with almost certainty you have never dealt with the mentally ill before.
  4. So your argument is that to prevent a small number of long term lung infections you are ok with the high suicide rate in teens? Kids need mental health help and the adults that are making children responsible for saving the old people are causing it.
  5. https://www.salon.com/2021/09/04/why-satanists-may-be-the-last-best-hope-to-save-abortion-rights-in-texas/ When the satanists are your best advocates you might want to reconsider your believes
  6. At this point he has, he was not one of the first in line because he felt he was relatively healthy and could deal with it better than most.
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/news/zealand-supermarket-chain-removed-knives-045833774.html This is a rational response to a bad man doing bad things, take away good people's rights when literally 99.9999% of knives are used properly. It makes as much sense as removing cars because of drunk drivers.
  8. Are you arguing that Russia is more important than America? If not thank you for proving my point.
  9. My vaccine was put improperly into my arm and caused my much pain, does that make it not worthwhile? HCQ is good for lungs as a preventative measure against infections that stiffen the tissue of the lungs. My uncle took it for year many times (50+)while working in India in the 1980s
  10. Delusions of grandeur? Like he was president of the most important country on the planet? Dude your defense is moronic
  11. I am curious how many people knew Joe had two brain aneurysms in the late 80's? I literally just found this out and I can't believe this was not brought up during the election when discussing his cognitive issues. I understand he has had a long career since but it explains his issues even more.
  12. I have said for the past 11 months when asked why I am so confident in the Bills my only response has been " we have Josh". One of my students said I sound like Tony Stark when he says the Avengers have a hulk.
  13. I was given training this week that stated I am not to teach "culture" in my room. I watched Wisconsin game today and they discussed Barry Alvarez and the way he turned A team that had 9 wins combined in the 5 years before he showed into 10 wins his 3rd year alone was "Culture". Culture is not related to race but who are winners and losers
  14. You might want to consider a simple warning to both sides that if your feeling are hurt easily this is not the place for you. Also something along the lines of the only thing off limits is any version of a personal threat. I don't think many of us mind a little name calling even if it childish.
  15. I understand not wanting the vaccine but I my job is so focused on one day- Super Bowl- I would be considering that after the PA agreed to the huge difference of treatment of players.
  16. I don't understand the hate for BWW. Their Buffalo sauces are garbage but the mango habanero is good and so are a bunch of the others. Also every one I have been to has had great service and put on any game I wanted. I don't go for buffalo wings but for other things.
  17. Definitely a QB in football, he has to know everyone's position and then physically make all the right moves. There are only about 12 great QBs on the planet, much less than all other positions, hence why they are paid most.
  18. I have read the law and feel that this is one of the situations where the right is acting like the left, pass a law with good intentions and don't worry about unintended consequences. I would love to see children being protected more but this is not the way to do it. Sometimes abortions are the choice between two terrible options and to interfere at that point is not the place of government. I want what the law wants but it is not a proper way to get there.
  19. I am not disagreeing but this to me is especially heinous- calling a grieving family a bunch of liars when you have not done the research. Also the media lied about doing the research.
  20. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/5663427001 This is horrendous- the families of the men killed because Biden is incompetent state that Biden was checking his watch during the ceremony. The USA Today, Politifacts, and others call them liars. The "news" base their accusation on limited video of what occurred there. Now they admit the families were right and google is making it difficult to find the initial posts from Politifacts and USA today. This is absurd because the fact check, once again, is the lie.
  21. You said you live outside Boston- I assume Mass but it could be Maine or Connecticut also.
  22. You are a small and weird dude- you live in a state who still has a higher per Capita death rate but seem to be celebrating our struggles. Us allowing people in is causing us issues, just like Hawaii, but I am still able to protect myself and am not worried.
  23. It is the problem with growing so fast, it is difficult to keep hospital building up with the number of people moving here. The three closest hospitals to me do not have ICUs yet because they have to get clearance. This would be so much better if my governor had simply killed all the old people last year, or we simply did have freedoms.
  24. I generally try to be more diplomatic in normal life than here, and I have been clear that the mask mandate on the kids is absurd, so on topics I find important I have a big mouth.
  25. Israel is making their policy based on the research that shows among the most vulnerable the efficacy wanes usually around 6 months. The US govt agrees which is why medicare is offering booster shots. If you want to argue another reason for the policy have at it. The lack of large studies is due to the fact that we are 6 months from most people getting their vaccines.
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