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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I realize on a different level but Bill Cosby did not have character issues either until he went to jail.
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/straight-line-us-racial-segregation-101534714.html This article is pathetically bad. It finds information to support a forgone thought but ignores the two biggest facts: Planned Parenthood was built by Margaret Sanger to suppress the black community and the fact that eliminating abortion will increase drastically the number of black kids in our country. From 2009-2017 the number of black children aborted vs the number born was about even, if this law was nationwide those numbers would never be close again.
  3. Often the drug overdoses are suicides also, just without a note. The fact that middle age men is usually the highest number of suicides and last year was so odd the numbers could be up with teens and still down overall.
  4. I think that scale is actually very accurate. MT is a little worse than Baker Mayfield, and a little better than Bridgewater. In fact the only player I noticed that is ridiculously wrong is Russell Wilson but maybe his last month last year was that bad.
  5. She is from Carolina so apparently the Carolina to Buffalo connection is not just for players.
  6. I understand your point but the primary beneficiary of the cheating was Brady, being able to know where the blitz was coming from is a huge advantage. I also doubt he did not know about the spying. But as I said if the fact that his entire early legacy would not exist except for the worst cheating scandal in NFL history does not bother you he has to be #1.
  7. I hope you are right but his job does not require much coordination with the rest of team. Basically line him up and let him go do his thing. But a 80% TJ is still better for the Steelers than his replacement.
  8. When this topic comes up the main contention is how do we rank Brady and his accomplishments vs the cheating. If the cheating does not bother you then he is the best ever. If blatant and repeated cheating does bother you then he is not even top 10, I do not see any middle ground here. Few in baseball consider Barry Bonds the greatest of all time because he cheated, despite being an MVP before he ever cheated but for some reason Brady gets a pass from many football fans.
  9. I keep reading Watt might not play due to contract. He is the main guy on that defense that scares me, in 2019 he was the most disruptive player on the field.
  10. Parents taking responsibility for their kids not committing suicide is much more important than keeping them from a a virus that has 99.99% full recovery. You make it clear often that you have no idea what it means to help children or mentally ill people.
  11. Of course he is still beating this drum- his side has screwed the pooch at every turn so he has to pick on the Latinos who believe information coming from south America.
  12. It is interesting your first choice was ISIS when ISIS did not exist when he left office but the generals did not know what would happen in Afghanistan. It would appear he did know.more than they did.
  13. With your paranoia, and yes that is the level you are at, it is a good thing you don't have kids. My son goes to a 4000 student school, with zero hospitalizations from COVID-19 for students. They had two suicides last year, a kid die from an auto accident but not even a hospital from Covid. 2.7 million students across the state and our peak number is 224 kids hospitalized in a two week period.
  14. Millions of kids lungs- you are either lying or stupid. There is nothing to indicate that for 99.99% of kids that they will have any long term damage, most kids have minor issues with the initial infection. Secondly you think mental issues are easier to fix than physical? I will state with almost certainty you have never dealt with the mentally ill before.
  15. So your argument is that to prevent a small number of long term lung infections you are ok with the high suicide rate in teens? Kids need mental health help and the adults that are making children responsible for saving the old people are causing it.
  16. https://www.salon.com/2021/09/04/why-satanists-may-be-the-last-best-hope-to-save-abortion-rights-in-texas/ When the satanists are your best advocates you might want to reconsider your believes
  17. At this point he has, he was not one of the first in line because he felt he was relatively healthy and could deal with it better than most.
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/news/zealand-supermarket-chain-removed-knives-045833774.html This is a rational response to a bad man doing bad things, take away good people's rights when literally 99.9999% of knives are used properly. It makes as much sense as removing cars because of drunk drivers.
  19. Are you arguing that Russia is more important than America? If not thank you for proving my point.
  20. My vaccine was put improperly into my arm and caused my much pain, does that make it not worthwhile? HCQ is good for lungs as a preventative measure against infections that stiffen the tissue of the lungs. My uncle took it for year many times (50+)while working in India in the 1980s
  21. Delusions of grandeur? Like he was president of the most important country on the planet? Dude your defense is moronic
  22. I am curious how many people knew Joe had two brain aneurysms in the late 80's? I literally just found this out and I can't believe this was not brought up during the election when discussing his cognitive issues. I understand he has had a long career since but it explains his issues even more.
  23. I have said for the past 11 months when asked why I am so confident in the Bills my only response has been " we have Josh". One of my students said I sound like Tony Stark when he says the Avengers have a hulk.
  24. I was given training this week that stated I am not to teach "culture" in my room. I watched Wisconsin game today and they discussed Barry Alvarez and the way he turned A team that had 9 wins combined in the 5 years before he showed into 10 wins his 3rd year alone was "Culture". Culture is not related to race but who are winners and losers
  25. You might want to consider a simple warning to both sides that if your feeling are hurt easily this is not the place for you. Also something along the lines of the only thing off limits is any version of a personal threat. I don't think many of us mind a little name calling even if it childish.
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