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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. There is an experiment with chimps where they hung a banana from the ceiling and put a ladder under it. First they put in one chimp and every time he went for the banana they hit him with a water spray. They started adding in chimps and when any of them would go for the banana they would hit all the chimps with water spray. After a little while the banana was completely safe without any water spray, the stupid chimps would attack any chimp that went near the ladder even though the water spraying had stopped. We are now at the point that some people are so conditioned to fear that they will attack anyone who wants to be free
  2. Sadly that was a better thought out response from you then I expected, you at least did not lie this time.
  3. It takes a special kind of stupidity to be a lawyer and try and claim that the right politicized the supreme court. From Robert Bork to Clarence Thomas to Kavanaugh the left has given credence to absurd notions to try and stop qualified judges from being seated all the while pushing Sotomayor that clearly does not belong on the highest court.
  4. DeSantis is against punishing children, right now OCPS has a mask mandate for children but not adults in Orange county overall, but you believe that punishing those at virtually no risk is proper. Secondly what law has he passed that took away freedom from individuals? People who want to mask have always been allowed to mask. Spare me your belief that my rights can be infringed upon by your paranoia.
  5. What is appalling to me is the number of people who are very willing to punish children in order to protect themselves. Every mandatory vaccine prior to this was to protect children, which I agree with since a 16 year old can not be trusted to make good decisions. Now locking down children to protect old people is considered proper by selfish people.
  6. Your right, letting US citizens died in Afghanistan because of an entirely predictable situation is much worse than trying to give people freedom. Allowing non citizens to freely move about the country while trying to force citizens to give up freedoms is terrible. DeSantis is not perfect but he values freedom while Biden values government power, you are correct that one side is far worse than the other.
  7. If we are ever in the same city for a game you can buy me a beer, I appreciate you making easy to make fun of a liberal. For once we agree- most of posts are full of hoaxes.
  8. I just want an explanation of how Trump, who I have been assured is a racist, allowed blacks to be so much more successful than Obama or Biden. Dems create programs to "help" the blacks but somehow they always fail.
  9. The more he responds the dumber he looks. He thinks Socialism is conservative and Progressives are extremely conservative.
  10. Your ignorance of history is hilarious- the National Socialist is a Conservative- please tell me how progressives are conservative?
  11. She believed in eugenics along the same lines of most progressives of the time. Basically you cleanse the gene pool by limiting the ability of your inferiors to have children. At that time anyone who was not white, often specific versions of white, was considered inferior.
  12. I don't try to put labels on the current intent but it certainly had a racist intent at the beginning and it currently is having a devastating effect on the size of the black population. If I believed in the liberal standard of disparate impact it would impossible to argue otherwise.
  13. I am pissed because I have plans to go to Jax game and I got real scared for a minute.😃
  14. I realize on a different level but Bill Cosby did not have character issues either until he went to jail.
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/straight-line-us-racial-segregation-101534714.html This article is pathetically bad. It finds information to support a forgone thought but ignores the two biggest facts: Planned Parenthood was built by Margaret Sanger to suppress the black community and the fact that eliminating abortion will increase drastically the number of black kids in our country. From 2009-2017 the number of black children aborted vs the number born was about even, if this law was nationwide those numbers would never be close again.
  16. Often the drug overdoses are suicides also, just without a note. The fact that middle age men is usually the highest number of suicides and last year was so odd the numbers could be up with teens and still down overall.
  17. I think that scale is actually very accurate. MT is a little worse than Baker Mayfield, and a little better than Bridgewater. In fact the only player I noticed that is ridiculously wrong is Russell Wilson but maybe his last month last year was that bad.
  18. She is from Carolina so apparently the Carolina to Buffalo connection is not just for players.
  19. I understand your point but the primary beneficiary of the cheating was Brady, being able to know where the blitz was coming from is a huge advantage. I also doubt he did not know about the spying. But as I said if the fact that his entire early legacy would not exist except for the worst cheating scandal in NFL history does not bother you he has to be #1.
  20. I hope you are right but his job does not require much coordination with the rest of team. Basically line him up and let him go do his thing. But a 80% TJ is still better for the Steelers than his replacement.
  21. When this topic comes up the main contention is how do we rank Brady and his accomplishments vs the cheating. If the cheating does not bother you then he is the best ever. If blatant and repeated cheating does bother you then he is not even top 10, I do not see any middle ground here. Few in baseball consider Barry Bonds the greatest of all time because he cheated, despite being an MVP before he ever cheated but for some reason Brady gets a pass from many football fans.
  22. I keep reading Watt might not play due to contract. He is the main guy on that defense that scares me, in 2019 he was the most disruptive player on the field.
  23. Parents taking responsibility for their kids not committing suicide is much more important than keeping them from a a virus that has 99.99% full recovery. You make it clear often that you have no idea what it means to help children or mentally ill people.
  24. Of course he is still beating this drum- his side has screwed the pooch at every turn so he has to pick on the Latinos who believe information coming from south America.
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