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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Singletary this past week was a very effective weapon and Daboll used him poorly. I don't think most teams will play defense like that this year but when they do we must use him better
  2. Killer instinct like we showed against Steelers the past two years, or against NE last year, or against Colts in playoffs? Or do you mean the ability to go undefeated?
  3. When many people who have not voted is informed that they voted the only two reasons are either gross incompetence or fraud. But proof is the man arrested with 300 ballots that is fraud.
  4. Quoting Politifacts is one step higher than Alex Jones but I know fraud is never the culprit when Dems do it, simply incompetence.
  5. You would consider people needing O2 supplementation as non symptomatic? My back and forth in this regards was to non symptomatic people. I expressed myself clearly with a link and explanation the first- you tried to reply to a one line response I had to someone and acted like it was my whole topic
  6. Can you explain how it was that these people voted without voting? I am impressed you realized that this kind of shenanigans will not happen in GA again.
  7. Thank God you know so much about people who are recovering from cancer. You would truly rather they have a terrible reaction to the vaccine than weigh their own risks and simply keep themselves safe.
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/news/frustrated-la-voters-given-provisional-011200032.html I do not think these are the same precincts as previous post. This is proof of fraud and I don't know how you could argue otherwise.
  9. You always show what a small minded person you are. I have family who can't get the vaccine due to underlying health issues but you would not help them.
  10. In the Covid thread, where I specifically mention Covid, you actually are confused about what I mean. I am not going to respond further because you are either intentionally being belligerent or too dumb to discuss.
  11. If we win the SB I don't care how it happens. The Bucs were 11-5 last year against a week schedule, hardly impressive.
  12. Who gets a hospital bed for Covid unless they need ICU care? If not ICU send them home.
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/news/57-percent-vaccinated-covid-19-203448111.html I have not found this elsewhere but if true it is very concerning. Keeping people at a hospital simply for the money and then complaining of being overrun is appalling.
  14. I just watched again for the first time and there was definitely some responsibility on the punter- he was 4 yards closer to line of scrimmage than at snap when it was blocked. Blocking was suspect but Haack was certainly part of problem.
  15. Well the NYT is reliable like in 2016 when they discussed Russian disinformation but somehow never realized the Steele dossier was 100% Russian disinformation. They peddle so many lies they certainly should know them when they see them.
  16. I understand that Covid is real and dangerous but I need someone to explain this to me. We literally dropped the Flu cases by 99.999% last year but Covid is still raging after more than half the country has a vaccine. My contention is that many of our Covid cases have really been the Flu and both numbers are off by 20+ million.
  17. I just read the in California you can print out your own ballot, without any version of verification? This recall is as crooked as a Saddam Hussein election
  18. I am already over it because I have watched enough seasons to know that the first two weeks teams are still finding themselves but the loss might cost us at the end of the year.
  19. Trained people say that WSJ is as far right as the Washington Post is left? I will state that must be specialized training to prove that 1.75 is more than 1.9.
  20. Miami has 13 DBs- whatever you read must had listed all the DBs as CBs.
  21. Two reasons the fans who were here in 2017 will never be: 1) we will not defend a cheater the way they did which is why they truly suck. 2) Bills fans are passionate, we will be more obnoxious but nothing bear the milquetoast Pat fans.
  22. Do you think pandemics do not come with a financial cost? I think everyone over 40 should have the vaccine but you need to allow those who don't want it to have freedom to assess their own risk. What kind of pathetic loser tells someone who is healthy with a .0001 chance of dying if they even catch it that they must take a drug without a 5 year study?
  23. I might try to sell you on the benefits of the vaccine at a later date when there is even more data but I definitely will never try to force an adult to do something to protect against a 1% chance.
  24. https://www.yahoo.com/news/california-moves-outlaw-stealthing-removing-182749429.html I want to be very clear that guys that do this are scumbags but how do you prosecute? This seems like a law with good intentions that will be used mainly by pissed off one night stands. How do you prove he removed it vs it broke? Scumbag guys will never admit it and good guys would never do it to start
  25. I am not sure if you want a precise number or are you arguing obesity I'd not the number one risk factor when it comes to Covid? A precise figure I'd hard to come by but I have not heard anyone say there is another risk factor nearly as important
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