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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. This is something I completely missed-Devin has been the best player on the offense when they have given the opportunity.
  2. I like how no one is taking responsibility for this. The lower people are blaming the government officials and the government officials are blaming the musicians.
  3. He is very good at what we ask him to do but he is not a CB1. I bet we give him the round 2 contract offer for an RFA when it is time.
  4. That is the word I was looking for- Athletic- he is simply quicker and more explosive than the guy he is going against.
  5. I agree with you, he is not in sync right now with ANY of the recievers, much less the offense. Second half he was much better and I think by week 5 he will be at 2020 level.
  6. Voter fraud is almost impossible to prove, especially who did it. I do not find clerical errors on a large scale acceptable either. The primary in NYC where 20% of the ballots were tossed is not acceptable. I actually wonder what it would take for you to believe fraud if someone who did not voted has already been recorded as voting?
  7. So to summarize your point, all the people who stated they showed up to polls and were told they already voted is not evidence of fraud since they were all given provisional ballots. Basically if I can't tell you committed the fraud it is not fraud, and even a career criminal with 300 ballots is not fraud. The fact that Newsome probably wins without any fraud does not change the fact that I want a clean election. Lastly I was very much in the MLB conversation and I was told by lefties how great CO was, not the conservative people.
  8. When it was just Cole and John Brown it was an above average group. Now it is elite when you add Diggs and Davis. Obviously if you lose the NFL leader in yards and catches it drops quickly
  9. One thing is that in GA and TX you will have to request a mail in ballot. There is no permanent mail in situation in them, making people aware that they are recieving ballots. Secondly is that hopefully they are actively trying to stop it, which in California is clearly not the priority
  10. I do see the QR code so that does make sense. Your insistence that that guy was not going to commit election fraud just shows how unreasonable you are, the guy has a felon with weapons, drugs and multiple IDs but election fraud is beneath him?
  11. So your argument is that he had 300 ballots but he is doing other crimes so we can assume he is not doing election fraud? And I ask again- what is stopping a dishonest person from simply printing a ballot 40 times and just signing it with 40 different names? Even if 20 get caught how do you catch others?
  12. You are proud liberal, I make factual statements and you make excuses for them but I am the "half truth" guy. I will admit one thing I have not been able to confirm either way- are the ballots printed with voters name on them? Basically can I print off 40 of them and just sign 40 different names on 40 different ballots? All the sample ballots show no spot for name of voters.
  13. Do you think election security is important? If you think it is important then how can you allow people print their ballots without any confirmation? Please tell me how you can have a secure election where you can print your own ballots, but I notice you quoted me but missed my comment about the dude arrested with 300 ballots, amazing how you personally challenged me for evidence of fraud but somehow missed it. It almost as if you are a dishonest hack.
  14. I have actually asked multiple people who I am friends with who are liberals. How did MLB help GA blacks, blacks in general, or anyone except the whitest major city in America by moving the game to Denver? At some point you have to discuss the impact.
  15. Part of the issue is that two of the three vaccines are created by companies who have been fined Billions for falsifying research previously. The other issue is that since the middle of last year the vaccine has been politicized. First by Dems and then by Republicans and pushed by Fauci who is a lying scumbag. Lastly only an immoral person requires a child to take a shot to benefit people over 50.
  16. I for a minute thought someone had hacked your account, it was very reasonable but then you put in the anti Trump stupidity so I knew it was you
  17. Which policy did Crist propose as governor that current republicans would reject to?
  18. The most productive people in the blue areas are moving to the red areas, how you turn that into a good thing for the blue areas is why you are so special
  19. This is an interesting thread in how much of the argument is not about government forcing people to do things that they might think is detrimental to them in order to benefit older people. If you mandate a vaccine without at least a 5 year study to children who have minimal risk from the virus you are ethically wrong. Every disease prior to this that became a childhood mandate was a large threat to children and currently there is no evidence of that.
  20. These kind of comments are simply click bait. Daboll needs to up his game this week but we should not forget how good he was last year.
  21. My largest issue with the game was how often we went 4-5 wide and no short routes. I have no issue with the 5 wife's even with the great pass rush but we need a short crossing route on every play. I watched two plays where the recievers all went at least 9 yards down field before cutting.
  22. You asked the question about what good it would do to boycott the Olympics and the answer is we can shine a light on the fact that they have slaves and other human rights issues. That answer is so clearly obvious that I assumed you had thought of it, otherwise you are commenting on a topic without any knowledge of the situation of the world.
  23. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/09/13/1036593269/coronavirus-alabama-43-icus-at-capacity-ray-demonia The headline is factually incorrect. The reason the guy had to go out of the area is he needed a high level heart support hospital, Covid is unrelated to his needing to leave area.
  24. You support the Chinese government so you must support them fully
  25. Why are you ok with the Chinese having slaves?
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