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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. My quote today- perhaps you can tell me what these words meant to you?
  2. You have to feel bad for Zach Wilson- what is he supposed to do? His line is either bad or unaware of what is happening, his receivers are completely covered, and his team was losing. Darnold must be so happy
  3. That was my original comment when I was looking at the same info Biden was still using this week. I admitted I believed the wrong source, but I admitted it weeks ago. How are you doing on your unethical stand?
  4. Yeah because the president was not pushing for a 6 month booster last week and Israel is not giving them to everyone, but "no reputable scientist" ever said the effects were waning. Keep pushing your unethical belief that children need to be vaccinated.
  5. I admitted a while ago that I was reading the same bad info that Biden and his team was about the 6 month issue, but you like to keep on it for some reason- probably because it makes you feel better about your unethical decision to force children to get a vaccine for an illness that is almost no threat to them
  6. What is more important- the story or accuracy? I will give a specific example- when the WP states that Trump's $1.9 trillion tax cut is less than Reagan's $1.75 trillion tax cut is that a fact or a good narrative?
  7. Of course I am for trying to get a straight answer out of you. I will ask again- in the US media which is more important facts or narrative?
  8. I don't believe natural immunity is 13 times better, but going back to my original point- why mandate a vaccine for someone who already has the antibodies? A 25 year old who had Covid 3 months ago is not going to as much as of threat as a 65 year old who got vaccinated in Feb. The govt making a one size fits all for this situation is the problem
  9. What a moronic answer- you sound like a toady for fox news
  10. So you are actually arguing that the media reports facts only, that it is not more about narrative?
  11. I Am not sure how they came to their conclusion and on the flip side we have this from Israel also being published the same week: https://www.news-medical.net/amp/news/20210830/Does-SARS-CoV-2-natural-infection-immunity-better-protect-against-the-Delta-variant-than-vaccination.aspx As for the Kentucky study, it was not comparing natural vs vaccine but natural 6+ months ago and then getting vaccinated. Since the antibodies wane the proper comparison is those who were vaccinated 6 months ago and those who got it natural 6 months ago. Right now is the first true comparison we can make.
  12. Requiring a worker who has natural immunity to get the shot is pointless and is counterproductive if it is causing people to quit. Both are just as likely to get Covid and pass it around, so why pretend that one is superior?
  13. Your blaming people for not wanting to do a job when one of the conditions of the job changes is ridiculous. It is especially absurd considering how many studies show natural infection and response will give you at least equal protection. But keep pretending the problem is their not bending to your will, not your one size fits all solution when multiple solutions exist.
  14. I wish this was inaccurate- often the fruit they serve is clearly been around a few days. Despite the lunches being free the past two years we still make our kids take lunch so that it is somewhat healthy.
  15. I appreciate the article and agree with the overall sentiment, that Josh was been better than his numbers this weekend. The scoring that Kubiak uses makes no sense, how is the 2nd qtr not rated very low since he made no good plays and several bad ones. His third quarter was much better than his second but the scoring was 14% different.
  16. I am one of the large never of people who might figure out a way to get the airport if they win the Super Bowl but if y'all want to make the players realize how much we appreciate them, go for it.
  17. Obama stated he could not constitutionally do the Dreamer act but then did it. The WP agrees with me: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2014/11/18/obamas-flip-flop-on-using-executive-action-on-illegal-immigration/%3foutputType=amp
  18. Trump said his wall was unconstitutional? Could you show me that quote? Why are you stating all executive orders are unconstitutional? You really come off as stupid so often.
  19. The team has been caught multiple times cheating in similar fashions, what evidence could he provide that would satisfy you?
  20. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.axios.com/russia-election-fraud-state-department-a22847f9-415e-4d3b-bbe0-efc7eba2bc6c.html Wow that sounds familiar- our govt must just be sore losers then.
  21. Can you tell me one time a republican stated "I can't do this constitutionally" for years and then did it through executive action, ala Obama and the Dreamers Act?
  22. https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2021/awards/news/no-poc-win-acting-emmys-diversity-mj-rodriguez-michael-k-williams-1235068182/amp/ This article is great, no comments on the overall talent of the actors but mentions that several dead black men lost to British dudes. Also calls a white girl who lived about 5 years in Buenos Aires a latina. Lastly it gives credit for a few things in the last two paragraphs. The obsession with race over quality is pathetic
  23. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/04/california-and-texas-voters-faced-hours-long-lines-on-super-tuesday Now California is a red state? I'm Florida the counties control were precincts are and only the blue counties have that issue.
  24. Then why does all the long lines to vote exist only on liberal controlled communities?
  25. I don't care what others think should happen, I got the shot due to my own cost benefit analysis. Anyone who says a child should be forced to take a medication without a long term study for the benefit of older people is immoral. This is not smallpox, polio, or measles that is devastating to those who get it young, Covid in the young is usually a flu at worst.
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