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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. True immunity would be the protection you get from the measles, polio, chickenpox vaccine. They are not perfect but 99% of people are immune. As for the rest, you keep claiming it works better than it does but that does not surprise me since you admitted you work for Pfizer Immunity does not have to be 500 years but 4 months does not cut it. The Covid shot simply lessens the illness for most people. If it provided real immunity then the vaccinated would be afraid of the unvaccinated.
  2. Like you pretending it is provides true immunity. It does not and only you are pretending it is a permanent shot also
  3. Your data points are crap if they say you get proper herd immunity against a rapidly mutating virus. I also never said nursing home- it is a retirement community and most of the people I am speaking of are relatively physically fit and under 70. You are clearly paid by the one of vaccine companies because literally no one but you is arguing anymore that the Covid shots last forever, and the main mistake on my earlier analysis was that I did not recognize the study was the only in the most vulnerable.
  4. Both ends of this is a terrible idea. Community colleges should be cheap relatively speaking but definitely not free, the student should have some skin in the game. As for the preschool in Florida we have VPK which is funded by the state and was created to help lower socio kids get a head start. Part of requirements to use it is mandatory attendance by kid and those parents who are low do not make their kids go either, so the gap is not being helped. Quality daycare is expensive but it is better than free terrible daycare.
  5. Herd immunity does not work with viruses like Covid that keep mutating, if it did then we would not get colds or the flu anymore. For a guy who claims to understand numbers perhaps you should learn about the virus. Not to mention that in my parents community they had certainly hit herd immunity (90+%) and more than half their friends got Covid
  6. It give it immunity for a short while- I have watched it rip through my parents retirement community over the past 6 weeks. All of them vaccinated who caught COVID, thankfully no one has died but stop with the immunity talk. If true immunity then you would require people to be vaxxed to attend events, or wear masks when at school.
  7. Completely agree- I am truly impressed with the way the Bills has handled two average teams the past two weeks. The Phins and WFT will each win 7+ games this year but to be able to dominate them is impressive.
  8. Josh had no talent around him and had no idea how to play the game for his first few games. The best thing that helped him was sitting out a few games and watching guys with a quarter his physical talent. Josh is a supreme physical athlete but Zach is just a normal QB physically.
  9. You keep banging the same drum and ignore the bigger point- it is not a vaccine. A vaccine makes you immune to an illness. This is the lesser equivalent of the flu shot. I have gotten my Covid shot and usually get a flu shot but the vaccine for teen is immoral. And lastly only a few people argue the vaccine is completely worthless
  10. I am not a gambler but if I had to bet I am taking the Bills until it hits 21 pts at least
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/meet-single-dad-550-000-100500003.html Who is dumb enough to create a program where you give someone a loan that you know they will never conceivably pay back? Oh yeah Barack Obama. $100k per kid and he blames the colleges but my students who did 2 years community college then 2 years state school are out with only $35k in debt if their parents did not help.
  12. I just saw that in California that anyone over 12 must be vaccinated to attend Warrior games, is there anyone who believes the vaccine is for the 13 year old and not for others? The mentality that makes a healthy 13 year old do something to protect a 55 year old overweight smoker is absurd
  13. You might not be aware but Nazis are not right wingers- they are socialists- they believed in the govt over the individual and that certain groups deserve special rights.
  14. I need to stop responding to bots- it is as if you have preprogrammed word and concepts but no idea what any of it means.
  15. So your response to a post on the bill of rights is to be confused about why I am referencing the bill of rights. Perhaps read a post before you comment
  16. Which amendment are you referring to?
  17. Is he that good of a blocker? I am certain you are not insinuating that the receivers are the reason our offense is not clicking
  18. 7 times if we won 2 more games we would have been over .500, but keep pretending that the Pat* games did not matter.
  19. Your plan is to take away from those who don't have issues and punish them for being anti communist?
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/news/founder-1970s-underground-abortion-network-024225623.html This is such a stupid article because the headline screams that the writer has no idea that the communist countries were the first to allow and even promote abortions of minorities groups. USSR is the first major country to allow abortions and East Germany allowed it before us.
  21. I am not delusional in believe that we were well run but their dominance of the division made it difficult to get free agents and they had a 9 year time frame without a super bowl after they were cheating the first time. Please don't pretend their dominance was not a factor in our inability to be a decent team.
  22. How anyone picks a team besides the Pats* is beyond me, unless it is real personal. The Pats* cheating is part of the reason we had the 17 year drought. I was at game when Bryan Cox came out with the double bird but that was theatrics, the Pats* are what makes sports unwatchable
  23. I propose to solve this issue we take all guns away from liberals, which since your goal is simply less death you agree with this without reservation.
  24. 400 million guns in America of which about .001% are used improperly and somehow the fact that 90% of the problems with them happen in liberal towns and states becomes an issue conservatives must solve.
  25. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article254111268.html No no you dumb plebeian, the words just mean something different now.
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