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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I do not understand those who bash her- she is not the best but I only like listening to Romo because I learn something. She is in the 80% of announcers who are interchangeable because they know enough but are not special. On the low end is the Dan Fouts of the world who don't know much about who they are covering.
  2. Yesterday was a poor day for most individuals on defense since there was so little work to judge. 😁 It is hard to get 3 sacks when their are only 20 drop backs
  3. If true a large part of the solution is to run on a defense that is sitting back. I just looked and saw we are 5th in NFL in rushing yards which is a great thing.
  4. This past summer I visited NY and we were supposed to see my wife's 25 year old physically fit cousin who declined to meet us because we were not vaccinated. We had no symptoms, she is vaccinated, but her paranoia was so strong she could not be in the same area of us even though we offered to only talk on the back deck area of the home we were staying in. That is an unreasonable fear.
  5. I have several doctors who have told me they keep their opinions to themselves in NY about the vaccine. Now they are pro vax for those 50+ but under 25 and healthy they do not recommend it. All of the people in between it depends on their individual situation, they are the ones who convinced me to get vaxxed before school started due to my specific situation.
  6. You state you don't know what I asked and then proceed to quote it in same post and then not answer it. You are correct though your not worth trying to have any kind of conversation with.
  7. What is craziest to me is our offense still seems to sputter at times this year but we have won 3 straight by 5+ TDs. I also want to point out that Diggs has not had a dominant game yet, so we can definitely turn it up another level.
  8. So as long as you don't make a stand you can't be wrong? You still did not give me your timeline for the booster which is interesting since you were very worked up over that a month or so ago. I did not watch but the fact that you linked to a video on a Chinese govt app says a lot to me.
  9. Parson is easy to see why he is on list, so Slater must be playing great for LA to be above him.
  10. Trump has been gone for 8 months, and most people rarely think of him but keep discussing him, it makes you seem rational.
  11. I don't know what you believe because you never actually state what it is you believe, you simply state what you don't believe. So tell me at what age you believe the vaccine should be mandated, and when the boosters should be administered?
  12. You act as if I am flippant about Covid when you are the one making absurd comparisons, but please answer me one questions- what is an acceptable death count to you for Covid?
  13. Got it- saying either get vaxxed or die is not satire, it is math when 99%+ survive.
  14. So you admit your original post was a poor version of satire?
  15. You are defending poor satire by pointing out that my survival rate was far too high? The world has less than 5 million Covid deaths and for my number to true that would need to be closer to 25 million.
  16. You are unable to accept that Covid is a minimal risk to those who are in good health and under 50 but especially those under 18. My son had many wrestling practices cancelled due to one of the kids having tested positive for Covid but none of them developed symptoms at all or caused a breakout amongst the team. As far as actual deaths, my son's high school has had at least 2 suicides, 2 deaths in car accidents, and a drug overdose but not one Covid death or long term hospitalization. To equate a 16 year old risk with a 70 year olds risk is improper and leads to unethical decisions.
  17. Gentrification is by any standard improving a neighborhood. Often it forces current residents out, but that is not the definition nor necessary. This article states the way you stop the improvement is to sell to black people, how is this printed without the obvious racism being called out. https://www.yahoo.com/news/letters-editor-south-l-gentrifying-100006234.html
  18. I honestly don't call this a happy ending but it is better than him hurting an innocent person
  19. I do not exaggerate when i say that my students missed more days over past year and a half from side effects of shot than from actual days with symptoms from Covid. Once again to those young people I keep referring the risk is minimal.
  20. From the Onion but seeing as 99.5% of people survive- and higher than that under 50- it is a pretty pathetic parody. It would be the same as saying if I don't get the flu shot I will most likely end up in the hospital
  21. You are always good for a laugh, you present a poorly developed thought and then reply Trump when it is shown how dumb you are.
  22. How about a Republic? Maybe a nation of laws and rights not just swaying to the masses?
  23. So what is objectionable to you about the quote from Michael Burgess then?
  24. You added after the actual quote that you believe an infant has sexual thoughts. That is not part of the quote and is disturbing that someone would sexualize a child that way.
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