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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/10/babylon-bee-news-kyle-mann-wokeism/620376/ This interview is awesome, the Atlantic reporter tries so many ways to trip him up but she comes off as just stupid and unaware. He is nice to her but I don't know if I would have been
  2. Why do you say there has been an investigation? There was a trial for it and everything, Dems have no evidence and are fishing for anything to take the focus off of the disaster that is Biden.
  3. Do you trust Milano to be there week in and week out? He had 75 tackles last year so whether by design or chance he was involved a lot. If Milano is healthy the whole season he will have limited plays but he is our insurance policy.
  4. I can thankfully say I never wrote him off- I remember Eric Moulds sucking his first two years before being good- but this explosion is impressive.
  5. AJ Klein is not a star but he is being paid mid level money and playing above it, not sure why you think he is cut one especially with Milanos injury history.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/news/17-florida-school-district-workers-123600099.html This article is misleading and then flat out lying. Of the 17, 5 never even showed up to school. Then the board member states there is no virtual option which is a lie. FLVS is likely the best virtual school in the country and is available to all children in the state. For a board member to not know would be pitiful,but is likely a lie.
  7. It is funny with me that the Pats* are such an afterthought to me in the division that I kinda hope they win and we get to be the team that stomps them. Everything else I agree with.
  8. Actually it would be hard to argue that the side that wants to protect a child is not morally superior to the side that wants to assure woman can kill the child for being an inconvenience.
  9. Your not wrong but I was unaware that large numbers of people were trying to get the government to ban the shot.
  10. If you want to be safe from Covid don't go out. You pretend it is not a simple fix for those in fear. You literally can eliminate your Covid risk to just about zero.
  11. Can you imagine Couric censoring Trump to make him more palatable? The sad part is she censored RBG because on the left you are pure or you are garbage and RBG despite all the good she did was going to be garbage
  12. As stated prior, there is a second life in regards to abortion. To call it hypocrisy shows you are completely unable to even consider the anything but the most base viewpoint.
  13. I simply do not see anyone who is likely to come in and help us this year that is likely to be available or whose cost will not hinder us in the future. But I am always looking at DBs who fit our mold for our dime package
  14. Those are the 4- we have had other good signings but none who changed the teams ability to win like those 4.
  15. As you are saying for a pick to be called you must engage a defender without looking like you are running a route.
  16. Your point is valid- the fact that they all seem to interpret it the same way means the league has been clear what it means. I should have stated the league is clear in the rule meaning.
  17. I agree we got all of the calls vs Houston especially and it makes the games less enjoyable when the officials don't seem to have a standard. KC was just an extreme example
  18. The rule is written plainly and the Oliver call is within the parameters. I don't like the rule much but it was called correctly. The RTP on Josh was also correct due to falling him with weight. That rule I like better but neither call was why the crew calling that game was garbage. Let the players play and only call which must be called, like RTP.
  19. As I think most have stated is that officiating is awful overall. Of course we see the bad against us more but when the NFL could improve it quickly and easily and choose not to it is maddening
  20. Ted Washington is my definite pick. He is one of the few guys who improve this defense drastically right now.
  21. Often my middle school daughter will be walking by when the obscenities start to fly and comment because I am a truly calm guy other wise. As for the stadium I try not to swear but always have a few full tourette moments during game, but I try to say it softly.
  22. I find it funny that an idea that is impossible to recreate, and therefore not provable either way, you call incorrect. If Covid ripped through our country in the first 5 months of 2020 and we all had natural immunity before it was able to mutate we very well might be better off now. The simple fact that " you are right" because you say so with literally no historical precedents to reference is interesting.
  23. https://www.yahoo.com/news/im-teacher-parents-stay-classroom-130400597.html I am going to state a few things without knowing this guy: 1) he is a democrat 2) he is not a math or science teacher 3) he does not have children 4) the students who do best in his class are the ones who simply parrot his beliefs.
  24. You were the one mocking others, not me. You asked a stupid question that you yourself just admitted you understand the answer.
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