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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. If your point is that Trump is not an ideal Republican than I agree but as I stated I prefer America first over whatever this is. Biden is most of the things I dislike about Trump without the good results for America.
  2. Just read separate stories of how San Fran is protecting unvaccinated criminals while stealing but shutting down In and Out burger because they are are not stopping paying customers who are not vaccinated. Seems kind of messed up.
  3. You allowed one man's behavior to make you change your principals? I can't relate, I don't like Trump but I prefer an America first policy
  4. As I have said I am a teacher and last week my school reinstituted "no usage of water fountains" because kids were removing their masks to drink. Literally the administration at my school has determined that Covid amongst students is such a threat that kids who use water bottles during the day are less a threat than water fountains. This is legitimate paranoia.
  5. Do you work for Biden? The Covid problems of higher costs is from Bidens incompetence, these problems were getting better last December but Biden made each one worse through his plans. The vaccine is not the cure-all you are pretending it is and your taking away freedoms makes you the villain in the history books.
  6. Why does a physically fit 18 year old need the vaccine when he has a literally a 1 in a 100k chance of being hospitalized from Covid? Vaping is much more deadly for those under 25 but I don't see anyone pushing that as being banned? There will not be any bad long term consequences to a person except loss of freedom. Your willingness to take away someone's freedoms because of your paranoia is astounding.
  7. Are you actually so dishonest, or stupid, that you believe the vaccine saves all lives? Or are you just speaking in hyperbole?
  8. 231 of almost 700,000 officers, or around 160 annually of 700,000. How dare they think that the risk of less than .01% is a reasonable risk!!!
  9. So you think Americans should lower there expectations of standard of living? If not what was point of this post?
  10. We put up 31 after putting up 35, 43, 40, 38. You are not being reasonable. This is acceptable if they are clearly not looking for holdings otherwise. If you take two TDs off our board on small holds and allow this one to stand it is unacceptable.
  11. You know both his grandparents who raise him died in the past few weeks? Maybe cut him a little slack for yesterday since he was so good in KC, not to mention we put up 31.
  12. This game to me is the definition of better to be lucky than good. They got the pop up interception, they caught the ball of Poyers helmet, the horrible officials hurt us more( though bad all around), Josh slips at end when we need 6 inches. Lots of little things that if one goes the other way we win. Feels like Cardinal game last year, we lost because of a few funny bounces to a team we should have beat. That being said if they get healthy I will not want to face them again.
  13. So how is my not being vaccinated harmful to people if I already had Covid? Also we are 100%certain that the vaccine does not stop you from getting it or spreading it, simply makes you less likely to be as ill.
  14. I think Star was built to help us win this game. We missed him last year and I think we win today because of his and Josh being 100%
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/over-100-black-teachers-build-180100815.html The only quote I need to say this group is anti American is "Schools need to have systems, programs, and curriculum in place whose main goals are to foster and celebrate people of color.” Your main goal must be to educate the student, regardless of color or race. These people sound like the descendants of Bull Connor
  16. I was amazed by the big deal made of the "Fail Mary" by the officials. The call was difficult and the only issue is they were a few yards out of position. There should be a review process with coaches and players having input. Coaches won't destroy all officials knowing it could be worse.
  17. You must be a millenial- having not enough workers healthcare it is a major issue and liberals are not making things better. Putting an National Guard soldier in place is dumb. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-york-may-tap-national-guard-replace-unvaccinated-healthcare-workers-2021-09-26/
  18. He is definitely not "Joe Biden" since you can actually get his response. Biden is just missing.
  19. The fact that you feel protecting children who can not protect themselves is the same as people who are adults and can protect themselves shows that your opinion is not worth listening to.
  20. I just watched a large portion of the game again and I can state with certainty that the vast majority of the calls( 70+%) were incorrect or ticky tack to the point that if that is the standard there would be a call literally every play. The holding calls, the PI, the defensive holding was terrible and even the few on KC I think should generally be not called. The two RTP calls have been called like that for several years, I might not like the rule but I accept it was called correct. It is sad that was the super bowl crew last year
  21. I am definitely rooting for Ravens because I think there division will beat them up more than Chargers will. Other than that I do not see anyone else finishing with less than 4 losses.
  22. Thank you for admitting you are incapable.
  23. How about you just explain how MLB helped the black people of GA by moving the game?
  24. It takes a special kind of stupid to believe this guy sat on this info for more than two years when he could have gotten this printed before the election. All of what Wolff is printing is from man who had nothing to lose by lying and everything to gain. Also it is very public that Trump barred Epstein from Mar a Largo years before he was formally charged, if he was afraid of Epstein he never would have done that. As I stated a special kind of stupid
  25. Word of advice- maybe wait for an adult to respond before printing what a high schools kid says is true, especially if the discussion is about fairness, kids and liberals don't understand the concept. You also seem to never have answered how did MLB help the black people of GA by moving the game to the whitest city in America
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