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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Dear lord you are an absolute moron, no one said they did not enter the capitol. The fact that your whole statement is predicated on a complete lie is all I need to know. Seriously find one person in this 172 page thread or stated that people did not enter the capitol.
  2. I am not stating you are entirely wrong but the overpopulation and not enough resources part is where new tech is essential. We currently have enough food to feed the planet but must distribute it more efficiently, we produce more power in smaller areas than ever before. The biggest jump, IMHO, is when someone creates a truly efficient solar powered system. We are getting closer but are not there yet
  3. I disagree- the Pats* are not a threat for us to the one seed. I am no longer ok with just make the playoffs- I want a road to the trophy
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/disability-not-a-costume-offensive-halloween-costumes-204019592.html If you think Freddy Krueger is scary because he is disabled or the blind officials is demonizing the disabled, you are beyond stupid. Who.makes comments like this?
  5. For NBA it is now 3 weeks after game occurred. I have sold games into January and despite the team site saying 7 days after sale, the ticketmaster policy supercedes it.
  6. I can't see enough too be certain what is issue exactly but one Diggs feels like he can make a play with and the other he cant. Likely the first one is gonna force him into what happens next and the second he can make the determination. Whether it is height or force or trajectory I can't tell from that video.
  7. My school district just dropped the mask mandate despite our school numbers being very steady across the county. Our superintendent also is allowing teachers to not use mask starting right after Thanksgiving. Why would she choose the time frame that is when the numbers are expected to spike regardless of mask mandates at work? The only reason is that this is political and not science related at all.
  8. As I have stated from the begining if they entered the capitol without permission you can charge them but this "investigation" with it's clearly predetermined outcome is only to please the stupid. If they wanted answers they would need to know what the FBI was told and did that did. I know they were present but were they instigator? In 2015 I would not believe it but after the whole Steele Dossier debacle there is not much I would state is beyond them
  9. If the city really has evidence of this you are 100% correct. How these guys can be dumb enough to put themselves in these situations is astounding to me.
  10. I have only been an active member for about 18 months so missed them. His "understanding" of history is a fun alternative to facts and reason
  11. The other part of that article that is interesting is that the 77% of protection from Pfizer is an average and that those most at risk have the quickest drop.
  12. You mean where did Robert Byrd go? Your comments are so ignorant they are hilarious. But I suppose it comes from brilliance such as this from Wikipedia "Many scholars have said that Southern whites shifted to the Republican Party due to racial conservatism.[2][3][4] Many continued to vote for Democrats at the state and local levels, especially before the Republican Revolution of 1994." So they voted democratic locally since they could still be racist locally. Arguing they are republican when they vote for much more Dems is stupid.
  13. The only lie I was told in school was that Democrats caused the civil rights act to happen. A greater percent of Republicans voted for it than Dems. Also the biggest opponents were Dems. I still remember the teacher I had and what a political hack she was, she is who taught me to verify things myself.
  14. What I realized is so horrible with this WP take is that we should warn girls about doing activities like this because terrible people will take advantage of them. The problem is still the terrible violent person, not the girl who is not wise enough to realize what an awful person he was.
  15. We as Humans have two choices since all scientists- I mean an actual concensus- believe the earth is constantly changing so we either learn to deal with it or we die. We are not going to hold the climate in stasis for a year much less in perpetuity. Anyone telling you otherwise is just stupid or lying.
  16. I am sorry about your son, hopefully it is only ruining a few meals. I also am glad it is an option for parents for their kids, especially for ones with health issues. As I have said to others I support the option not the mandate.
  17. Im middle aged and I have been vaccinated but in regards to my children, who are healthy, the risk from the virus to them is minimal while the long term vaccine impact will possibly not be known for decades. I do not think that any particular side effect is likely but I also know that if they naturally learn to fight to a disease it is good for their long term health
  18. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/biden-vulgar-signs-chants/2021/10/22/6071836e-3122-11ec-a880-a9d8c009a0b1_story.html If you don't know what a terrible newspaper the WP you would read this and think only Republicans are mad at Biden. 60+%of independents think he sucks also.
  19. The redefining of words in America- I was called Anti Vax today because I will not allow my 16 year old or 12 year old to get the Vax. They have every single shot that has a long term track record against every illness that has been known to hurt kids, they even have gotten flu shot a couple of times. I have gotten Covid shot and about 8 times in past decade have gotten flu shot, but I don't want my kids to get a new shot to protect them from an illness that is a minimal risk to them and I am anti science? Anyone who states that there is no long term risk is either stupid or a liar.
  20. If my stocks in my IRA go up 15% but I can't touch it for 20 more years how does it help me with the increase of 20% on most things I buy today?
  21. So everyone that disagrees with you is an idiot and a liar, especially those who quote you. Isn't that your favorite response " show me where I said that"?
  22. Anything other than the Super Bowl is being lost in the weeds. The Bills since 2019 have done everything except win the Trophy. NOTHING ELSE IS AN IMPROVEMENT FROM LAST YEAR.
  23. In the NFL most of the players are an elite physical specimen therefore the mental part of the game is most important and you can tell the guys who are willing to work to be great. Josh is elite physically and mentally. Basically if once you get to the league you are not truly dedicated to your craft you will not last long.
  24. As Levi said he does not answer any questions about his position. He literally told me he works for Pfizer, or Moderna, I can't remember which, so I don't trust anything he says.
  25. What was the point of the research anyways? What do we learn from sand flies eating a living thing?
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