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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. And you go back to lying about me, since the science has said since August that for high risk people at 6 months have lost most of the protection. Needing the booster at 6 months proved my point, the fact that I understood the math and you did not does mean I made a crazy prediction, it means I understand math. You are literally right now arguing that you should get boosted despite it working well, how dumb would that be?
  2. This game was the worst because of the 8 most important plays 6 of them were all by the officials. The One interception and the one long pass are the only exception. I think those officials were simply in over their heads.
  3. I did not understand the math in August but my point happened to spot on? Thank you also for admitting you were lying since early September about me. If you want to call me an anti-vaxx apologist go for it, I will defend adults rights to make their own decisions for them and their children. You somehow don't know about the damage government has done to people when they have been wrong about things ( I will point to ethanol as one that comes readily to mind) before.
  4. The source of his disagreement is that he has been wrong the whole time. I misread one study as far as scope, he misinterpreted what it meant in totality. He even admitted I was correct and he has been lying a couple of post above here, pretending it is not what I was saying for months now.
  5. Cherry picking would have been only discussing the .87 because it works for much less than half, but I pulled that from what you sent me so it must be valid. I do appreciate your continued lying about me, it makes you seem desperate. If you look at the data he references the drop from month 6-8 is precipitous. He is just attacking because I misunderstood a study that was focused on elderly and thought it was overall. Since then everything he has said has turned out be wrong so he still focused on my self admitted mistake back in August.
  6. the article you linked to shows hazard rates starting at between .14 and .11 and at end of 6 months it is from .42 and .87- which by any standard is a huge change. I assume you understand that even the .42 is not a strong defense at 6 months.
  7. Once again you lie because it is all you have- I have stated literally for months that I was referring to high risk people, you know that but have to continue the lie. What should expect from an admitted Pfizer employee besides this though?
  8. Are you arguing there is a running back in the league that would have done well this week behind that line? Your point that we don't run is not an indictment of the RBs but an indication of our play calling. Mark Ingram is 4th in rushing right now for the whole league because running is not a focus for the majority of the league.
  9. The backs are not great, the line was horrendous yesterday. They are not equal or similar problems. If the line is fixed the running game will be fine. The running backs can't fix the line.
  10. I know they are not HOF type guys but the line is the problem. Barry Sanders could not make yards with line as it played yesterday
  11. Nice job of not answering the question at hand. This is why no one here takes you seriously. I asked a direct question, and you then lie and don't answer it.
  12. You actually think that we are boosting a vaccine that is fully effective? We boost all of the other shots when the effectiveness wanes but this one is being boosted just to extra special sure.
  13. The part where businesses are competing against other businesses for labor is good is good IMO, the problem now is the government is part of this competition, just not working is becoming increasingly acceptable to some.
  14. You think the false start was worse than calling a penalty on Mitch Trubiskey who was not even in the stadium?😁 No you are right, several of the penalties were drive killers.
  15. I was at the game and the in stadium screens tried to show the penalties a few times but either because of wrong numbers they often showed nothing. The officials controlled that game and it was awful to sit there and watch. Good officiating we probably still lose but they were horrendous and if I was not so invested I probably would have left in the third, just nothing worthwhile happened. Even Jags fans were yelling to just let them play.
  16. The vaccines are not losing their efficacy but all at risk people should get the booster? Or are the at risk people all believers in a hoax? "ALL studies have shown that so far, excepting immunity compromised people, vaccines remain robustly effective for all studied participants" That was in response to the article showing high risk patients need boosters. If you were correct than why would anyone need a booster except the immunity compromised?
  17. Well at least they stopped calling it an insurrection. NYT is the paper for people who like being lied to as long as they feel good at the end of it.
  18. I Need more information- I don't know what this means? Who is that dude?
  19. So you don't believe high risk patients should get the boosters? What you are quoting is true for high risk patients, which I said a few days after that, but you have keep going there because otherwise you have been wrong. In fact initially you stated that booster would not used at all.
  20. So your argument is that those who don't work are the ones changing the economy for the better? Basically you believe that all of the chaos of the supply chain and high inflation is a benefit to poor people? If your point is that someone who made $10 an hour is now making $15 that is great but not many competent people make less than $15 an hour at any job after a few years. I have several students who prior to Covid got jobs with guaranteed overtime at $15 an hour within a few weeks of graduating. They were not brilliant kids but they were competent and hard working. NJ might be different but $15 an hour jobs were not hard to come by before Covid
  21. The only thing I was unaware of is how much of the "News" is paid for by Pfizer. If I want only one opinion being broadcast I am gonna sponsor as much as possible.
  22. Could you tell me which debunked internet rumor I believed? Are you referring to the fact that Covid started in a lab, or the fact that those with the vaccine could still get Covid, or the fact that those with the vaccine could still spread Covid? Oh I know you are referring to the fact that I did not realize a study was referring to those who are high risk vs the population as a whole. Seeing how often you posted "get the vaccine the pandemic ends" it makes you even more pathetic to fight this way of calling me out without linking me.
  23. I am not in denial, I see what the Dems have done but I am a teacher and I am stuck dealing with the union, who has fought for everything but money. They have gone to court to strip my rights away and fought for excessive PPE that is basically worthless, literally the union paid for so many face shields that we could never use them unless our goal was simply to use them. I know your short term life improved and you think you are nearer me but I assure you your long term situation is not going to nearly as good as you thing with inflation about to eat up all those gains and then some.
  24. Yes, the numbers show that Cuomo and his ilk killed more people directly. Florida still has a lower death rate despite having more elderly and much more freedom. Are those the numbers you mean or just some cherry picked crap?
  25. She gave them a short term bonus and long term inflation but keep believing she helped you out.
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