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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Obviously the teams we have played are part of this but those numbers are insane. You can state they are not perfectly indicative of our team but they are hard to not recognize our defense is great.
  2. I am actually surprised that we have not had anyone else poached yet. Good for him.
  3. I was about to write this out but you did it for me. His biggest problem with getting going is the defense in the backfield, but anyone not named Barry Sanders would have issues. Overall he is good, not great.
  4. I realized how spoiled I was by Josh when the Jets game ended and I was "not that impressed" until I looked at the numbers. My expectations of him now is 300 air yards, 50 yards on the ground, and at least 3 tds with no turnovers. He is quite good.
  5. I wish I could copy and paste on my phone- in the middle of article they have a graph showing that people who believe whites are more violent than blacks prefer Obama by more than 80%. Basically the whites who don't understand math love Obama but those of us who do judged Ben Carson is on his character are the racists. This is the definition of having a narrative and wrapping any info around that narrative.
  6. I think might be one of the people you are referring to, and I have stated I think he was dumb to be there but this is a clear case of self defense. It would have been better for Rittenhouse not to be there but stupidity is not illegal and this trial is absurd. He had the right to be there but that does not me he should have used that right.
  7. I am not sure how much you pay attention but most of these takes are terrible if you understand what the Bills are doing. Haack is supposed to be slow so the coverage can get down field, he doesn't outkick the coverage which Bojo did a few times. Obada and Butler are not the same position. Davis has been injured. AJ Klein is a good player, Edmunds is pro bowler. I have no issue with the RB stuff but I I think Breida is a lesser blocker on passing downs so that might be part of reason.
  8. Good points- I think Rittenhouse is an idiot who put himself in a bad situation but nothing is clearly criminal. If he is found guilty of murder then I will be disgusted with these jurors.
  9. Your sarcasm is hard to tell in this format. I don't recommend coming in with just sarcasm at this point.
  10. In order to cancel the contract they would have show that he did more than say some insensitive things. They would have to prove his actions negatively impacted people. Now the fact he resigned is a valid point and will make it interesting for him to prove that he was forced to resign.
  11. https://www.yahoo.com/news/jury-must-weigh-complex-legal-151502912.html Complex legal issues such as does a liberal pointing a gun at you count the same as a conservative? This is a prime example of self defense.
  12. Several levels of this: one he did not ever insinuate he hated blacks, gays, or women. He stated using inappropriate terms he hated Demaurice Smith and did not like the drafting of Michael Sam. Second: he had the the first openly gay player in NFL and supported him. Third: he was not in hot water until they got leaked from 8 years ago. The NFL was fine with comments and language until recently. As for me personally I would not use derogatory terms for people in writing or verbally for many reason.
  13. Actually that is exactly how the law works. Why do you think otherwise? You have to show his views improperly impacted someone's career.
  14. The headline made me think of the Washington Capitols when they got Ovechkin. It seemed often the team would almost sit around and wait for him to make the play. I do not think this Bills team is the same way but they seem that way in Jax.
  15. I am serious what would call someone who allows paranoia to rule their life? I think coward is an appropriate term. If you have been vaccinated then others actions should not be needed. If everyone has to protect from a .1% event that you can protect yourself from you are a coward and likely an idiot.
  16. Why is the FBI not going after him? I am serious, if he knows something why is the FBI not checking him out? Congress virtually no power,FBI does.
  17. It is not the same but says a lot that you compared January 6th to the civil war. But I appreciate you admitting you have no intelligent response on what is expected, which defines political stunts and witch hunts.
  18. I see what you are saying and If i could ask one question- what legislation could be passed that would prevent further events like that be sides simply having more cops on site to stop it?
  19. You let a cartoon convince you it is good for you, I should stop arguing with you since it now feels like punching so far down.
  20. Are you a mental midget if you think you are clever. anyone who thinks this is anything but a political stunt is too dumb for this conversation. As for supporting police could you tell me how it is related? You are actually arguing the house committee is now doing criminal investigations? Is your IQ above room temperature? We literally have over a dozen law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction on Capitol Hill, how about let one of them do their job. And I can solve the future riots on Capitol Hill, when someone has a protest planned that close to the building about something going on in the building have more than 50 officers present, probably closer to 5000 since there are over 50k who can be brought in.
  21. I wish it was surprising but the FBI seems to be a political party of it's own right at this time.
  22. Have they looked into why we the security was so poor on a day that there was a fully public and announced rally to protest the vote?
  23. Let me restate in a different way- if he was blocking an ongoing investigation into a crime I would care but since the trial has already happened in the house and Senate I do not care. Once again since the trial happened 10 months ago I do not understand what they are doing, unless they feel the FBI is so corrupt they can't handle this.
  24. You can start the " don't trust govt in regards to the vaccine" with Fauci lying about the virus origin. Anyone paying attention started questioning then, and then we had "just get vaccinated and we go back to normal" which was lie also. I think people should choose when to get vaccinated on their own and it is pathetic that anyone believes they should force others to get something that is still being figured out.
  25. You might not know this but I am a math teacher so I am looking at that and seeing a bright side to my profession.😁
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