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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Proof that the left wants to be victims. The cops are bad, the courts are bad, but any form of taking matters into your own hands is unacceptable. How do we stop bad guys if all three statementd are true?
  2. Is Lebron James a white supremacist? He uses the ok sign often when shooting threes. Your saying it is a white supremacist sign does not make it true, NPR stating is not much backup. If truly evil people start using the sign of the cross to mean something else does not make it inappropriate to use the sign of the cross.
  3. He is mocking you because you called Eddie Murphy a white supremacist, but you think I should feel shame? Do you work for the Orlando Sentinel because a few years back they literally printed that a friend of mine was a supremacist due to posting stuff mocking rioters, she was quickly able to shut it down since she is the great grand child of slaves on both sides of the family but I am sure that is not enough proof for you.
  4. The ok sign is only a white supremacists sign to about 1% of the world and most of it is liberals. Stop with your pathetic whining and recognize you are so easily manipulated by idiots in the media that you believe the same sign that NBA players use all the time and most Americans have used a million times is really a super secret code for white supremacists, especially when used by black guys
  5. Did Rittenhouse break your brain? What kind of gibberish is this
  6. "Either you force people to do as I tell them or you don't care if everyone dies". Got ya buddy.
  7. stating that it is wrong forcing children to get a vaccine without any long term studies for an illness that has minimal effect on them is not extreme, what is wrong with you? I will guarantee you that there are more side effects for the Covid vaccine among children than lives saved, and by a large amount
  8. The fact that you keep comparing childhood illnesses to Covid means I am wasting my breath. The measle vaccine protects children, the Covid vaccine is to protect the elderly. If Covid only had numbers like we do with kids across the board we would not be discussing it much less have a vaccine for it. I though am getting to the point you might not be immoral, you simply have not thought this through.
  9. It is a video of a kid that looks vaguely like him who was taped a week or so prior to the riots. It is most likely not him but since it fits the bill the liberals say it is
  10. Well by that standard it is clearly Republicans, Dems won't even vote for clearly qualified Supreme Court justices if they have different political thoughts.
  11. I honestly do thank you for stating your beliefs. As I have stated several times your belief that children should be required to get a vaccine that has minimal advantages for then without a long term study makes you immoral. The fact that you believe you can tell another adult what is best for them is egomaniacal. Lastly you literally said a few posts ago that the science is still out on kids, which means you are willing to use children as test subjects to protect from something that is of minimal risk to them.
  12. What is the open question in your mind? We know that children without serious pre existing conditions are not dying from it, or generally being hospitalized, we do not have a long term track record of RNA vaccines. You seem to have a position you believe but are afraid to say it outright, what age is appropriate for the mandate? What exemptions? Also what would be moral about forcing children to get a vaccine to protect the elderly when the vaccine does not stop you from spreading the illness?
  13. It has been happening at least since Trayvon with the Orlando Sentinel. The Sentinel lied in their first coverage of the situation to inflame the situation. Multiple things they wrote were simply inaccurate but they could print because no one could contradict them yet and then submit a retraction a month later.
  14. Fully healthy we should beat the Pats* 80% of the time. If our line is in disarray, I am much less confident. The defenses are pretty much equal, but we have Josh and they have a game manager, so we should win a tight game.
  15. I find it sad that you think not trusting Big Pharma is a conspiracy theory. I think only a fool looks at a situation with 100s of billions of dollars up for grab and believes in the purity of intentions. I do want to go back to the mandate with you- you admitted that asking children to get mandated to protect the elderly is immoral, but did not tell me what age you would enact the mandate? I am seriously curious what age is proper?
  16. So at what age does the other conditions not outrank age? 80? 90? The people who need the vaccine I hope get it but if you try telling me a healthy 19 year old needs to get the vaccine to protect you then you are immoral I definitely trust there motive- money. I have no issue with big pharma, I have an issue with immoral people telling me I have to agree with big pharma.
  17. Or how about we discuss the fact that for people under 18 there is literally a one in a 100,000 chance of dying and it is much less if they are healthy. Your reasoning that children should get a vaccine without any long term studies to protect other people is immoral, and I do not use that word lightly. Adults should be protecting children not the other way around.
  18. Hey remember when some nut job on here went ballistic calling everyone stupid for talking about the vaccine waning?
  19. In England they will likely change the definition of "vaccinated" to mean three shots by Christmas. It is amazing how many debunked and conspiracy theories are true less than a year after they were "crazy".
  20. I think he has potential to be somewhere in the 8-12 range of QBs but he will never win games by himself.like Josh.
  21. Thankfully this year Florida figured out to simply test that we're in area of sick kid. If they don't have illness let them come to school. Last year my son had to quarantine one time but he is 16 and well behaved so not.mich of an issue for the 4 days before Christmas break.
  22. So you thought a cartoon where AOC is bigger than a house is a realistic depiction of them fighting? As I said not much point in discussing.
  23. Did you think the video was really a threat? If you did you are too dumb for this conversation. I think it is a dumb video but this outrage is hilarious. Maybe he should just have had a prop of her head covered in blood.
  24. Your point is about how he was stupid- but he did not start the fight, he simply reacted to it. If I am in Compton at 3 am I am inviting trouble but that does not make it any less self defense of the same situation played out.
  25. The kid is stupid l, which is not in doubt in my mind, but the question is about murder, which he shot people who were over him and pointing guns at him, so definitely self defense. The people he shot were the aggressors initially.
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