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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. This case to me is murder when you try to detain someone that you have no legal right to detain. No one can claim self defense when they chase someone, and point a gun at them. I assume the jury will see it that way but I do worry because "beyond a reasonable doubt" is a high standard to reach.
  2. I am assuming you did not follow the case closely- Trayvon was not walking directly from the store to the house he was staying in- he was wondering through people's yards, and Zimmerman at no point tried to detain him he simply followed him through his neighbors yards, until Trayvon attacked him. As for your cop, I agree with you, he was being a douche.
  3. If the "antivaccine" crowd wanted to stop your right and ability from getting it you would have a point about shifting goal posts but since you are the one trying to force people to give up there rights the responsibility falls to you to prove your point well, not simply say " hey you are doing the same thing I am"
  4. I am ok with patience from the media about terrorism or hate crime part except for the fact that if the races were reversed you know this would already be deemed white supremacists. This though is likely an act of terrorism since it was most likely done in reaction to Kyle Rittenhouse. I don't think your overall point is bad but the media is certainly dishonest.
  5. What kind of person was Trayvon? Why was he in Orlando? Unless that is a relevant question than Zimmermans other behavior is not relevant. Both parties that night were stupid and the physical confrontation was started by Trayvon, therefore self defense comes into question.
  6. From what I have heard these guys are guilty of flat out murder, maybe legally manslaughter. The Zimmerman case was completely different, Zimmerman was simply following him but Trayvon initiated the confrontation and made it physical. Zimmerman was not standing his ground but at that point it became self defense.
  7. It is sad that you don't care about all the young black kids being murdered in Democratic cities but you still have the white kids from Sandy Hook ready to go 10 years after it happened.
  8. One thing that Democrats seems to have in common is sympathy for criminals, especially career criminals. This is shown by ensuring the Waukesha murderer being free despite plenty of warning he would do exactly what he did.
  9. It would appear that some people are equating killing a convicted pedophile with killing innocent 12 year olds. If this applies to you then you truly need counselor of of the most intense kind.
  10. There is a different system for the poor vs the rich because good attorneys are expensive. Anyone who thinks different needs to look at OJ Simpson and Robert Smith, rich walk, not the poor.
  11. This team is not playing well but is seriously talented, the 2020 Phins played well but lacked talent. Of those two it is better to be the talented team if you want a championship. Right now of champions they remind me of the 2008 Giants who were 9-7 in the regular season with some dreadful games. I hope we end the same way.
  12. I stand corrected, I am glad I put in my conditional to begin the post.
  13. I have become so cynical that I barely react to this. Soon most business will move out of those areas and then be called racist. The cycle is so obvious and predicable it is hard to care, so long as my area is safe, when liberals allow it to happen.
  14. I could be wrong but weren't you one of the guys bashing Florida for our spiking cases in August? It seems interesting that cases are the best way to track Covid until it shows the vaccine is so limited
  15. Definitely a playoff team but SB would need all of our big name players, which includes Star, Edmunds, and Spencer Brown, to be healthy
  16. Today's game actually was pretty much what I expect from our defense without Star and Edmunds. I suspect we would have seen a bunch 4-3 defensive fronts and fought differently if they were available. The offense certainly needs to execute but the only part that scares me is Josh seems to have major issues in weather and our team is in Buffalo.
  17. Can we link to another thread on TBD? Backintheday in the Rittenhouse thread is a perfect example.
  18. Proof that the left wants to be victims. The cops are bad, the courts are bad, but any form of taking matters into your own hands is unacceptable. How do we stop bad guys if all three statementd are true?
  19. Is Lebron James a white supremacist? He uses the ok sign often when shooting threes. Your saying it is a white supremacist sign does not make it true, NPR stating is not much backup. If truly evil people start using the sign of the cross to mean something else does not make it inappropriate to use the sign of the cross.
  20. He is mocking you because you called Eddie Murphy a white supremacist, but you think I should feel shame? Do you work for the Orlando Sentinel because a few years back they literally printed that a friend of mine was a supremacist due to posting stuff mocking rioters, she was quickly able to shut it down since she is the great grand child of slaves on both sides of the family but I am sure that is not enough proof for you.
  21. The ok sign is only a white supremacists sign to about 1% of the world and most of it is liberals. Stop with your pathetic whining and recognize you are so easily manipulated by idiots in the media that you believe the same sign that NBA players use all the time and most Americans have used a million times is really a super secret code for white supremacists, especially when used by black guys
  22. Did Rittenhouse break your brain? What kind of gibberish is this
  23. "Either you force people to do as I tell them or you don't care if everyone dies". Got ya buddy.
  24. stating that it is wrong forcing children to get a vaccine without any long term studies for an illness that has minimal effect on them is not extreme, what is wrong with you? I will guarantee you that there are more side effects for the Covid vaccine among children than lives saved, and by a large amount
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