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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/advocates-demand-justice-sex-trafficked-163400476.html Not sure why Rittenhouse should matter to this case because he was acquitted properly and if she was sex trafficked I hope she is acquitted properly. Very little overlap of cases.
  2. When did I say I wanted anything but to allow insurance companies to operate as they have? Your a weird little man who believes he is clever.
  3. So in other words, nothing changes but you get to believe you are clever.
  4. Ok- then what is the point of your original question? Basically it is insurance companies doing business exactly as they have for at least 50 years.
  5. How obsessed with Trump are liberals? When a liberal attacks children their first response is to attack Trump.
  6. Why does labeling it a surcharge matter? If it cost more to the consumer what difference does it make? You are now admitting that you proposed a metric for which there is no standard. Please show me the study on antibodies vs illness or hospitalized? And I am now a conspiracy guy for asking for a study? Lastly what does my request for a study have to with Google?
  7. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/08/28/1031287076/antibody-tests-should-not-be-your-go-to-for-checking-covid-immunity#:~:text=More Podcasts %26 Shows-,COVID Antibody Tests Can't Measure Your Immunity — Not Yet,t tell the full story. I know NPR is right winger but they show back in August that the levels of antibodies is easily checked, as did the link from last year i sent in the last post. Once again you lie.
  8. Sundancer you lie about me because you are always wrong. C3 you act as if you are clever with allowing health insurance to charge different rates, they do that now for a lot of different reasons, so why would it be special this time?
  9. I stated a few days ago that we should study the level of antibodies people have in regards illness and hospitalizations instead of just pushing the vaccine. Sundancer clearly believes that you do an analysis after you have decided the outcome since he has spent the past few days asking what level is safe for antibodies. Since I do not have the results of a study not done yet he claims I am anti science. But to your point that "there is no test" Hong Kong has had one since June- https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202106/26/P2021062600414.htm And you can identify the level of antibodies I have an article from 2020 explaining that they can- https://www.cedars-sinai.org/newsroom/covid-19-what-you-need-to-know-about-antibody-testing/
  10. Science is now for clowns- that is a bold strategy-you went from being simply a douche to a troll.
  11. The idea of tracking people's antibodies and how often they are hospitalized is not science? I am not sure what level is strong enough which is why you do a study. To my knowledge there is no efforts to track that. Also why was the clock ticking?
  12. Are you aware of a study that has looked into this? Or are you just trying to prove again that you have no clue what we are discussing? You first do a study then make decisions, if I have numbers I can make choices.
  13. I have three thoughts on why Breida has only been playing much lately. 1) he did not pick up his assignments as well. 2) we have changed our offensive focus lately 3) he is so effective because he is so fresh. I would not be surprised if Moss is ready to go against Bucs and does well having a couple weeks off.
  14. You use science to determine the number of antibodies needed, that concept you keep talking about without understanding. And I literally quoted the Merriam Webster dictionary for the second part. You are such a tool you asked for the real definition were given it and then called the scientific definition careless.
  15. The original post in regards to antibodies I posted stated that we should be looking into what ever number that is needed for protection, but we are not currently. Reading comprehension should be your first course of action. Also your definition of a super spreader event is incorrect both in actual definition and how it is used by media. The real definition is an event or location at which a significant number of people contract the same communicable disease. The media uses it to blame conservatives for Covid.
  16. I don't believe what you are quoting is correct. I went from your article to the Salvation Army site that was linked and it does not say anything about white vs black anywhere. It talks of actual social justice vs the democrat BS, so unless they changed it real quick it is likely someone either making it up or taking something out of context. Lastly I know a few members of the SA and they are really conservative.
  17. I accepted it immediately because it was not egregious and the officials allowed them to play otherwise. I thought those officials on a whole did well.
  18. I understand it will be appealed but hopefully it is fully rejected by whichever court hears it. All trials have some issues but that should not be enough to get retrial.
  19. I can't believe I have to explain to an adult that if you have a large amount of antibodies to a virus that you don't need the vaccine. If you have the antibodies then you don't get ill from the virus. But what kind of loser has to go to one quote from 4 months ago when I have literally 100's since when I admitted a week after that I needed to be more specific with my quote. You have lost every argument since which is why you keep going there. Within 8 posts you three times asked someone to explain to you simple concepts- this being the easiest. You seem to like the idea of being the fool who has stats but no understanding of what they mean.
  20. You keep acting like I was not overall correct and you have not had to keep adjusting your argument. Also I am missing where the data I you linked shows that the test is inaccurate, it compares some tests but it shows the combined data looks good unless there is data not presented there.
  21. Went out yesterday with a friend who is about 40 and in good shape who had blood work done last week and found out he has a high level of antibodies despite not having been vaccinated or knowingly had Covid. I am wondering why we are not doing more blood tests before giving the shots? It would seem with proper tracking we can start to determine with even more accuracy who is the most at risk with this data.
  22. I am curious if we run out Dane Jackson as our starting DB or do we move Taron Johnson out of the Nickel Back position? Also I expect to see more of Siran Neal on the field, just not sure what role.
  23. She is obviously trolling so why react?
  24. Can someone tell me how more need to vaccinated in order to reach herd immunity? I have not heard about it in quite some time.
  25. You say this while we are winning 24-0 without Star, Tre and Josh throwing two picks. You must be a watching a different team.
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