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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I am oddly confident in this game, I know losing Tre is a big loss but I don't think the Pats* are the team with the right talent to exploit that. I think our defense is better and our offense has Josh. I don't expect an easy game by any stretch but I think getting Star and Brown back are huge. BTW the Colts game I saw coming when Star and Edmunds we're out so I am not completely wrong all the time
  2. Would you tell me how? What is off the rails for conservatives that compares to open borders and the spending they are attempting?
  3. The Dave bit on Jussie is funny in presentation but pathetic in what it shows. What i mean is that you have to be so stupid to listen to his story and find 80% of it plausible. Nothing in the story made sense, the reverse would be believing in the backwoods of Texas that two black guys attacked a random white guy while shouting "this is Biden country" in the middle of a snow storm and happened to be carrying a noose. The whole thing was stupid and only morons believed it for more than a few moments.
  4. If i had told you 5 years ago that Clinton, Prince Andrew, and all these other rich dudes went to a private island to have sex with under age girls you would have said I was a lunatic and now we know that is most likely true. It is amazing what "conspiracy theories" are true after all. Tuskegee experiments, birth control trials in Puerto Rico, Ultra MK, Covid is from the Chinese lab and we helped fund it.
  5. Please explain your thought here that I don't believe in science when what I requested in exactly what scientists are doing now? Your point there is not already determined "levels", which is what the study is trying to determine, makes you sound like a Luddite.
  6. It is either propaganda or biography? The Fauci one is certainly the first and I hope the RBG is the second since she was an impressive woman. Other two don't matter.
  7. I must say I appreciate you being honest about this. Trump for his many flaws has never been shown to be a pedophile. James Patterson wrote a based on truth book about Epstein where Trump banned him from Mar a Lago when it became apparent Epstein was a pedophile years before the government got involved.
  8. I appreciate the support but he actually cracks me up. His lack of understanding of science is hilarious and reading his responses reminds of simpler times.
  9. So you clearly think the desire to study how many antibodies provide strong protection against Covid is not science also. When liberals call me names it cracks me up since you sound like my friends when I was 12.
  10. I thought he could not do anything about the jump of $1.50 a gallon but he gets credit for a drop of 2 cents? This is what you celebrate when you are an amazing failure.
  11. If what I am reading is true about the parents about allowing their son who was not mentally well to have a gun then they should be charged. Also the mother of the Waukesha dude should be charged for allowing him access to a car after he tried to kill someone with a car.
  12. You stated that my desire for a study into what is being studied by scientists was not "science". You are an especially fun troll because you sound like a grammar school kid with your name calling added to your inability to put together cogent thoughts.
  13. Scientists are using these antibody tests to learn more about the level of antibodies needed to protect people from COVID-19 (threshold of protection) and how long this protection lasts. I just found this from the CDC- it appears my request is being looked at currently. It also appears you don't understand science or how antibodies work. I am actually glad I did not have this article when I started because it is entertaining to watch you call me juvenile names as you are definitely wrong. By the way the article is here https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/about-covid-19/antibodies.html
  14. Hey we are making progress with your understanding of science. The level of antibodies at this time is a limited measure of your ability to fight infection, maybe if we do a study we might find out that at certain levels your immune response is substantially better. There is no reason not to do the study unless you are invested in a certain outcome.
  15. You are literally arguing not to advance science and are to dumb to understand that you do a study to learn all the things you just said we don't know. In February we did not know how much the vaccine wanes over any period of time, therefore we did studies. Your last line though is precious" get vaccinated. Get on with your life" as if Cali is doing that. I live in FL and thankfully I have been living my life since June 2020. Don't waste your time- his argument is simply since we don't have an agreed upon threshold at this time that we don't do a study. He did not even realize that they could measure the protein until after a few dozen posts condemning the idea.
  16. The mother of the terrorist is blaming the lack of mental health services for her decision to bail him out of jail and give him use of a car after he used it to try and kill someone.
  17. Russian roulette? When you compare a 1/6 chance of death vs a 1 in 100k for healthy people under 50 you know you are paranoid.
  18. http://nsl.orlandosentinel.com/T/v60000017d787062eebb6551f4bbe5be68/c8e297c0cece4acb0000021ef3a0bcc3/c8e297c0-cece-4acb-a720-0a01bed86f33?__dU__=v0oQlZ2XmHtXikQD7JcGzKzq8-oev_GxelPY-oKBNIvqU=&__F__=v0fUYvjHMDjRPMSh3tviDHXIoXcPxvDgUUCCPvXMWoX_0JoZLAZABQF6RAPslwbMrOrz6h6_8bF6Vy40hZ1bi15U0W62Ms06ySHEjd1b8jSvW3Z_lmxZgbDwNV814JTDF6v1dHO275gnnAwBo4WwMlAhHkj7kVD7Puwndkd8NSlf7hCUJeYxgLdGqifLSUwJXyD3A67Br_mUp-Gbdlxp7vt1UqrX07APbV4pTiJ6Vi4Z6U9b4aqG7Mxb0lKb34ipMwspr3rcITRVuY8o7ktsFtYW-YMoRJKaS5t-F-rOrCEuuD0xttspZbyJ25ON-xWueUECJ2KQuT6Fo9_szGPU_Ju88yKm9t1Rbei3HUOPLG9xKFrEjbAucuLkf50WwPhSIjcqK_LJEuumrAI32ndiBAvRqBfdFwAfNlUTqBQwYa1FGa-jt3plckiK_JDWldyeI4QabgXm2RS3c5SCFfSYRNgRmgJIUGTBi7HsVaD9p-9vNlvbq1z7m6T7H1mEgxT0iE_VCgEKYlv-27ufD4UO0Ngp0P4DJ3ie7HXcLZwthTHE9Fp0B5dGKYyw= Sorry for long link but article is pointing out that the CDC way of counting Covid is not only way to count Covid. This from the Orlando Sentinel who lied about DeSantis and the numbers multiple times and every time he disagreed with the CDC the CDC was "correct". It would seem the Sentinel has one goal and that is scare people and defeat DeSantis
  19. As I stated several days ago, how about we look into what numbers of the protein would be an effective in stopping hospitalizations? It is fun to watch you catch up after a few dozen comments, the fact that we do not know what the number of the protein is does not mean it can not be found out. In order to determine how high the level of proteins need to be you would need to do a study. I would try to dumb it down further but to a troglodyte it would still be confusing.
  20. Two things- I am not offended that use that word since I work with students who would have classified that way 30 years ago and they have explained to me that the only people who use that word are on their level of intelligence. Second you can measure the amount of the protein that the body uses to fight the infection, which was mentioned in the articles I linked to previously. The fact that no study has looked at the amount of protein in your blood and hospitalizations is what I am advocating. And the protein is Nucleocapsid protein.
  21. That is not even in the realm of what I was discussing. Show me where I asked for that? Oh you cant but keep lying
  22. I will say it will likely be as bad as Cowboys vs Raiders. I actually felt bad for Cowboys on some of those calls and I hate the Cowboys.
  23. Please show me some of this data because Google did not show me it.
  24. https://sports.yahoo.com/twitter-reacts-enes-kanter-freedom-174752013.html The headlines is literally not what he says . The writer thinks saying don't insult America is the same as don't insult the American govt. The Govt is not the people, and only low intelligence people are not aware of that.
  25. No one will ever accuse me of being fairweather since I have been a true fan since the late 80s but I have mellowed some recently and don't die after every loss
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