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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I am 44 years old and over the past about 10 years I have made it an effort to not let it ruin my life. I processed the NE game by about 1 am eastern that night. 10 years ago I would still be fuming. I am maturing.
  2. Since it was Moss running the ball I will disagree on whether he should bounce it. If it was Breida due to his speed the outside bounce absolutely gets him in the end zone. Moss is a bowling ball and should either be made into a fullback or cut.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/university-florida-faculty-felt-pressure-022836784.html The headline states they were pressure to delete data but gives no indication of what data was, and only lists specifically that 3 politcal science professors- not related to Covid at all- were told they could not testify against the State as representatives of the University. Literally the headline is a either a bold lie or the article is simply unrelated.
  4. I assume you are being facetious but I do have an uncle who told me in about 2012 that pharmaceutical stocks were the safest aggressive bet, more people on more drugs all the time. I do not know if he has any of Moderna or Pfizer but I will definitely ask him if his advice stayed the same since then.
  5. Oliver about three times yesterday blew right by the running back while 3 yards deep in the backfield. Great move to get into backfield but nothing doing to actually stop the play. I have seen him it don't a bunch this season and think he is only guy I have ever seen do it so often.
  6. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/6136092001 I think this is an offshoot of CRT, but maybe it is just leftist lunacy. The very concept that logic is racist should be offensive to any intelligent person. I read the whole article earlier today and while I understand the praise for this teacher what they describe is not appropriate for accelerated learners. Also the school she teaches at is one of the bottom 10% of the state, Southside should be following the model of the top 10% schools more than the other way around.
  7. I am still waiting on your data to show I was false. You told me I was incorrect, when all the information available says I am right. You are actually calling me wrong based on your hunch not the numbers.
  8. We still are probably gonna make the playoffs and hopefully we get our execution down by then but I am surprised by two things yesterday, one is that McDermott at no point put extra Dlinemen in to force some throws and we did not try to bit any longer throws in the first half. We have a ton of DL and we have Josh, use it better.
  9. I have no idea what to expect from the Bills but I will be in the stadium and hoping for the good Bills. This team really does remind of the 2008 Giants who could not get out of their own way for much of the season, hopefully it ends the same way.
  10. I wonder if they will have more security on site tomorrow due to a known protest happening? Maybe try and stop the bad guys instead of letting them in?
  11. While at school the Court has ruled students have the right to privacy unless it is believed he has a weapon. There is not anything I have heard that makes it seem that anyone had probable cause to search him
  12. NFL is one company with 32 divisions, while the other sports are 32 organizations with agreement with each other. I believe it is due to the TV contracts- no NFL team can make a TV contract by themselves like all the other sports. Seeing as the average game has 6 calls for false starts and off sides kinda calls that number sounds great.
  13. Legally the kid did not own the gun the parents did. Kids can't buy guns.
  14. What law would you recommend that would have prevented this kid from killing people?
  15. I will speak for Florida schools, but I believe these are federal laws not state laws, I have been trained in our counties search and seizure. Students must be given the "benefit of the doubt" when thinks like the drawing are found. I am unable to search a student based on any one indicator, like a drawing, that can be explained in a logical manner, such as it is related to a video game. The searching up of ammo is not enough either unless it is combined with some kind of threat. As for the search of the bag unless you have an affirmative reason to search it you are not allowed to search without explicit consent. Schools hands are tied when it comes to this stuff by lawyers.
  16. Your gullibility that Big Pharma is looking out for us is on you. Your belief that the vaccine is really that effective might be on the media, but the most logical reason for the promotion of the vaccine is Pfizer alone spends 2 billion dollars in advertising. https://www.statista.com/statistics/192112/us-ad-spending-of-pfizer/ I am always pro informed consumer and anti mandate, and I don't think most people under 30 would have gotten the shot if they knew the whole story. Paranoia of this virus is rampant to the point that this summer a 24 year old relative who is healthy and vaccinated would not meet me before I got vaccinated.
  17. I am not sure what your argument is here, are you saying that the vaccine is great for the elderly therefore no one should question it for everyone? Or are you stating that medical companies who have been hit with billion dollar fines are always on the up and up? Lastly RNA is not like the other vaccines since there are no long term studies of its effects on people- we are literally about to hit year one of the large scale study- we had many years of vaccines before they ever became mandatory previously.
  18. I am not gonna rip the OP because there is a very valid point that they are much better than now then the team we stomped twice but they are not a threat to us unless we play poorly we still should beat them 9 out of 10 times but most should be like the second game.
  19. Actually this proves the fact that you can get statistics to prove whatever you want. I right now bet that there are more negative articles about Biden than positive ones on all media channels. The difference is that many of these article dishonestly shade the problem to be out of his control e.g. gas prices, while in 2017 the media flat out lied about Trump to try and make him look bad. Article number vs article quality.
  20. I disagree on one point here- if Biden shows real weakness with Putin, which I think is probable, then Putin is taking the Ukraine and there is nothing anyone but Biden can do about it.
  21. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2021/12/04/more-than-half-of-uk-omicron-cases-are-the-double-vaxxed/amp/ Perhaps you can show me your data that disputes this? Or is your entire point that the data could still change? If you don't have any data to dispute me then I am correct for what is available.
  22. It is not true that the omicron is currently being found in many more people vaccinated than unvaccinated? There is no evidence available at this time to indicate that the vaccine is doing much to stop the spread. The concept of herd immunity is worthless with Covid since we hit it for adults at least 4 months ago in America between vaccines and those who were sick.
  23. Which is why the numbers are so high right now in the states with high vax rates. But seriously every study I see makes the transmission stopping power of the vax shorter. Unless you are advocating the never ending cycle of boosters then self care is the way to go, vitamins and social distancing and keeping yourself isolated when sick.
  24. I have read several doctors have stated that being vaccinated is of little use against omnicron. If in a month that is still true will the pro vaccine mandate people admit that their plans would have done little good in 2022 and beyond.
  25. To anyone who at this point will not go visit a person based on vaccination status is a paranoid delusional.
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