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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. This is stupid after watching the TB game. With competent officiating we win that game. I am not speaking of one play but multiple plays, all which went against us and several which were absurd. The league is close in talent from top to bottom and often luck or officials are the difference.
  2. Collecting data is exactly what the Dept of education should be doing. I would assume certain states have much higher instances of this happening and we need to find out why and stop it. Data is not enforcement
  3. I am still glad I went to that game despite being jobbed by the officials. Josh kept me interested and when he went full MVP mode it was probably the best individual performance I have seen at college or pro level live. The fact that Brady got closer to the MVP from that game and Josh further shows how bad the officiating was
  4. This is true- sometimes it takes hitting a low to reset your beliefs. Reid was a good coach for eagles but is a much more "wide-open" coach with KC and KC has benefitted
  5. Tom Brady senior is not worth 3.1 billion. I know it is on the internet but it is not true. He was an insurance salesman so 3.1 million is possible, maybe even 31 million but he is not worth 3 billion.
  6. The armpit where the rest of the country is moving to, interesting theory. I am not sure if I want to meet you, if you are a nice guy it would make this less entertaining, but I I was there also.
  7. What liberal crap hole do you live in that your children fear for their lives?
  8. Are you actually saying the network that allowed the governor of New York daily time on a "news" program is less state run than Fox? Or that CNN allowed the white house to have edits on some stories? Dude you nuts
  9. Which shows how dumb you, and the media are, because we live in a republic and it is the best version of government. Unfortunately too many liberals don't understand basic government structures
  10. The scary part of the CNN response is it acts like it being ruled a runaway makes not worthy of concern. A child who is a runaway is easy prey for bad people and missing means they have not been found.
  11. The lack of chains is something I have noticed this year as a running trend. Basically if it is close they give them a first it appears. The only time I remember even seeing the use the chain in the past month is against Indy after they already moved the chains and then brought them back to measure.
  12. Baltimore was down 24-0 yesterday and KC when winning the super bowl was down 21-0 in the playoffs so your whole point needs to be refined.
  13. Unfortunately I can point out in Indy game, where they moved sticks and then brought them back, which was quite the crap show. Obviously Indy beat our butts but the officiating there was just comical.
  14. Good job of proving that you don't understand the basics of football. I don't blame the officials for being down at half but you don't understand consistent officiating is essential to a good game. If you accept that kind of calls you must think the officials in the Super Bowl this past year were good.
  15. So you truly believe that the game if we'll officiated would have still been a Buc win? I can state the officials are likely +8 points for the Bucs and -7 for Bills in regulation.
  16. As I stated previously, in a game that went to overtime and several scores were heavily effected by poor officiating and all went against Buffalo, you sound stupid as all get out. Any professional team given enough chances will win.
  17. A game went to overtime with terrible officiating always against us but it was not officiating? You sound dumb as a rock
  18. I agree in general with Carter, he was trying to help America become great again- he simply was not thean for the time. Biden is an not just incompetent but also disingenuous.
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/news/green-lantern-theory-destroyed-jimmy-095529854.html Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha, this is funny stuff
  20. https://nypost.com/2021/12/08/new-poll-finds-hispanic-voters-split-between-dems-gop-for-midterms/amp/ I understand demographics and they are no longer on your side. These numbers keep rising for GOP in Hispanics and they are the fastest growing demo in country. I don't think you do understand demographics well.
  21. How about we give workers power simply by making jobs highly available? Unions are currently only useful in jobs where safety issues are a major concern otherwise they simply take money when you can simply switch jobs to the higher paying place. When cashier's at Costco can make $30 an hour the issue is people not worth the money they want.
  22. CNN where the the word "exclusive" means totally made up and we are hoping it actually works out our way.
  23. I am really curious what they are looking unionizing for, is it just more money? Is it better work conditions? It just seems like a bad idea on the surface but maybe there is something in it that makes sense. All the Starbucks I go into seem to have happy workers
  24. So if one poster makes one claim that is untrue then the whole thread is fake? Well you have ensured that virtually every thread is fake by that standard.
  25. I would want him if we can pay him league minimum the rest of the year. He would be useful against run first teams, like Pats* and Colts.
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