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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. So you think Covid is being managed now?
  2. Well at least you aren't guaranteed to die like 99.9% of the unvaccinated!
  3. If logic is racist then so is evidence.
  4. Part of difference is temperature- I have sat in upper deck when it was 40 and was more frozen than being in lower bowl during the Raiders playoff game in 94. When cold you want to huddle.
  5. The profile of those I know that ended in the hospital that I know is 60+ years old, with multiple comorbidities, which I think is pretty much across the board for most. My son has one friend who actually got Delta bad enough that he was given the monoclonal antibodies but he was fine 24 hours after that.
  6. The reason I replied at all is that I once had a coworker who always stopped working before his taxes hit the next tax bracket because he thought the next few dollars would cause his tax rate to jump for the whole of his income. Even though I explained it to him he did not believe me. 34's point is wrong even if he was right about taxable part.
  7. Nate Geary tweeting "Data suggests he is much more likely to have severe symptoms" is only correct if you are comparing him to other physically fit 30 year olds. If you are comparing him to 30 years at large it is not true, if you are comparing him to people in general it is very wrong. This is why believing conclusions drawn by the media from data is dangerous
  8. Even if they are taxable since we have a marginal tax rate it would only effect the last little bit if your income.
  9. My two bugt changes- no more crews of geriatrics. They are too old to keep up on the field, let them do booth review part. Secondly put three officials in a booth to call the definite things, Offside, delay of game, facemask etc. The things that don't need discretion. Allow 4 officials on field to call only a few things but have a true standard. Too many things for any one person to handle.
  10. It was being discussed tonight in LA- SEA game. Apparently they can only step in on topics that can be a coaches challenge, not blown calls on clear holding or PI. Tonight the officials basically ruled you can run into a reciever and grab his arms a full second before the ball gets there without looking for the ball
  11. My initial statement is true- What is wrong with you? I once again point out Cornell with 100% vaccine mandate with 10% getting it in two weeks and NY which is highly vaccinated but exploding with Covid. Show me where anyone can show less vaccination is less likely to get Omicron? I will take additional information but stop making your beliefs be more important than the data.
  12. Not sure who you think you are arguing against but my quote is "I have read several doctors have stated that being vaccinated is of little use against omnicron." I linked to an article that showed data indicating that currently more vaccinated are getting Omicron but that was straight statistics. Once again all data is showing I am correct, if the vaccines were effective against Omicron then Cornell would not have 10% of it's campus get it in a two week span. Everything else you mention is understood- I am very pro vaccine for those over 50 but my 16 year old being told he should get it is stupid.
  13. On a day that Arizona got rolled by Detroit I think we should reiterate that any win the NFL is a good win.
  14. It has been a couple weeks and all data shows my statement is true and you are wrong. Cornell is 100% vaccinated and yet 10% of students got Omicron in 2 weeks. Stating someone who is wrong when literally all of the current data shows one direction makes you sound stupid.
  15. The scale is true in one way- everyone knows that the 2020 riots were simply criminals stealing stuff with no regard for actually advancing a cause but the DC riot was by people who actually wanted to accomplish something. Very few people were dumb enough to believe even for a minute that burning down a Minneapolis neighborhood was intended to help anyone.
  16. You aren't interested in how much it cost a news organization to lie about a child?
  17. I was at the Jags game and the big difference to me between that and Bucs is that the officials in Jax were simply beyond incompetent while in TB they were terrible but always against us.
  18. He is clearly extremely talented but even he is not going crazy like this behind our offensive line.
  19. You are a horrible person to equate not taking away a right to lying to people. But you will always go there.
  20. You are the first person to ever accuse Trump of having a tiny ego. But you did not answer my question- who was first?
  21. When my wife had my 16 year old son she did not work a year and we got an insurance plan that cost $125 a month for her and him that was literally for only emergency type events. We negotiated a rate with our pediatrician and her doctor before hand to make sure they were fully able to be seen for normal things. That kind of thing does not exist anymore as far as I can tell.
  22. You actually need another 9 on the back end to be accurate. But even more important, to me at least, is that for those under 18 unless they can get the Covid deaths to 0 that statistically there will be no significant improvement in the deaths of children for years. Basically when your comparing to 1 in 100k as a baseline it is hard to prove any improvement for a long time
  23. Who arrived first- the Trump controlled National Guard or the DC Police, or the rest of the capitol police, or any of the 12 other law enforcement agencies that have jurisdiction at the capitol building?
  24. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/15/politics/elon-musk-decency-warren-sanders/index.html CNN ran the Steele dossier, knowing it was most likely bogus the entire time, describing women peeing on the president but they draw the line at calling Warren a "Karen". This must be how liberalism works, she can lie about him, since he will pay more taxes than anyone in history this year, and he needs to be polite back or he is the bad guy.
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