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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. This sucks- the NFL should simply freeze any new coach hires from December through Feb 14th
  2. Your right why would anyone not trust a government who turned "two weeks to flatten the curve" into 2 years of lockdowns? But your point is still wrong because we know for a fact that a teenager is more likely to get Myocarditis from the vaccine than die from Covid itself. If it was political I would not have gotten it, I am the norm, you are a political hack
  3. This is the one time I could not believe him- this legitimately could have been a blow out had he simply plowed ahead on those play.
  4. For it to be non QB the QBs would have to all have a down year. Since Allen and Rodgers are both playing well I think this year it is less than 10%
  5. I will state when healthy 4 of them will be Morse, Willis, Brown and Dawkins. The guard is the only question I have
  6. If we take all of Europe they are better than average of deaths, though you are correct that they have more deaths than the countries that are basically still locked down. My relatives in Ireland still can't go out like normal and even Mass is a shell of what it used to be.
  7. Making sure books are appropriate for a child is the same thing as burning them? Perhaps you should leave this discussion to people with some sense of history or ability to apply basic logic
  8. This one is especially for @Sundancer who told me I did not understand the math. Apparently the vaccine is even less effective more quickly than I had thought. It is weird how literally everything he predicted has been wrong. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/dec/24/millions-more-australians-to-be-eligible-for-covid-booster-as-interval-reduced-to-four-months
  9. The death rate in Sweden is still less than the US. Your comparison is built to cherry pick the numbers and reinforces my point of people will find a way to justify their decision. Please look at the two graphs in these links to realize that the person writing your article knew Sweden bounced back quickly and that Finland did not, even with Finland having a much lower bar to reach due to having one of the lowest workforce participation rates in Europe. https://tradingeconomics.com/finland/gdp-growth-annual https://tradingeconomics.com/sweden/gdp-growth#:~:text=GDP Growth Rate in Sweden is expected to be 0.80,according to our econometric models.
  10. I don't know where you live but if a person destroys their own life willingly for 12-18 months for a "cause" then they will do whatever they must mentally in order to justify those actions. I have still heard people say Sweden was wrong to not lock down despite there numbers being better than ours by a wide margin.
  11. Just read that a 100% vaccinated naval ship is too crippled by Covid to be active. I am curious how sick they are- are they really sick or all just like my son who had a light cold last week? If they can work and are not among high risk people get them working.
  12. Merry Christmas to all here and I hope we are all happy the morning of February 14, and not because of Valentine days.
  13. "Unlike other research that focuses primarily on academic outcomes or school finance" That quote is from what linked to, meaning that actual success is less important than something else. I truly understand why we can't agree, I want me son to be able to take whatever classes he wants to and have success academically but you prefer to simply measure if the teacher has a doctorate in educational administration.
  14. Do you think it is proper to mandate a vaccine for a 6 year old who has virtually no threat from Covid?
  15. I think this means no one has explained what that means to him. I know Trump was over sensitive at times but this is just being oblivious.
  16. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/white-house-defends-bidens-handling-231738477.html Biden actually said no one predicted Omicron- which amazingly ABC news corrected him and stated EVERYONE knew another variant was coming. I am wondering if the media has decided that Biden is too screwed to save so give him all the baggage and let the rest of Dems survive.
  17. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2021/12/24/who-on-boosters-n2601008 It is weird when I agree with the WHO
  18. I am not one for hyperbole but I have not wanted a regular season like I want this one since at least the 90's. To beat them in their house with just as much on the line for them as us would make my Christmas .
  19. I am surprised they are even hiding the reports since no one batted an eye when during the last renovation of the stadium the contract stated politicians were given a suite at taxpayer expense. No one left on NY seems to care.
  20. The world has not changed much since the beginning of the pandemic the same people are in danger, older, obese, with heart or lung problems. The vaccine is showing little effect on Omicron, you simply are being told you are safe by the people who told you to lock down last year. I do truly hope you and your family enjoy your holidays together and I am glad you feel safe.
  21. So what is your opinion of black slave owners in the US? Or are they not worth your discussion?
  22. Omicron is making more people sick quicker than anything before it by a pretty large margin regardless of vaxxed status, so if you were afraid last year you should be afraid this year if you are making decisions based on numbers or science, but you make sense if you make decisions politically
  23. At this point I truly think that the entire purpose of the committee is to stretch this out until just before the elections, possibly September, make vague lies about not being able to do their jobs do to obstruction, and then make more dishonest comments through the press that can't be proven wrong because there is not information.
  24. He was off by about 97%, so in Tibs world that is basically correct. It is a shame that is so easily manipulated by stupid people.
  25. What stupidity it takes to act like slavery was mainly a racial act and not just evil. Generally the blacks that were taken from Africa were first made into slaves by other black tribes. Native Americans had slaves in the USA before the Europeans arrived. Not sure why you would also focus on the south when the North was cruel to blacks also. Slavery is evil and needs to be addressed as such, regardless of who did it. To make a child responsible for what their parents did is the act of truly damaged people. We already had this discussion and you have nothing to back you up except your lies.
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