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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Terry I think is slipping into dementia, and don't say it meanly but seriously. He has said some things the past few weeks as I have watched that would not be acceptable for a person new to the sport.
  2. As I said you don't care about honesty, your response is unrelated to what I said.
  3. I would argue with you but you obviously feel truth is less important than narrative which is why you can't see the difference between not trusting a liar and the government stopping the truth.
  4. Normally you are correct but since 2020 my wife's father has been stiffed on half of his rents( he owns 6 low value houses) and he can not sell since no one will but with non paying tenants.
  5. I did not mean it to be as snarky as it came off. We definitely agree overall
  6. I don't have much concern but since it is Erie County politicians I am not nearly as confident as some of you. I have seen the city of Buffalo and Erie County screw up easier things than this.
  7. You do realize equity would also be no one gets to see the game also? That is how it generally works in school therefore I much closer to equality. I will not have my good students fail so the kids who don't work at all can pass.
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/news/florida-shatters-record-coronavirus-cases-194649707.html The Dems must be terrified of him if they are running this article. They admit that Florida is doing better than NY, that virtually no one is dying from Omicron but DeSantis has not been seen in two weeks, which is school vacation time. The worst accusation in the article is the long lines for testing in the Miami area, though testing sites are run by counties and maybe DeSantis should take over the testing sites in Dem counties so they can actually run well
  9. I agree with a lot of this except I think that everyone already knows he can't be MVP Russ anymore. He will only succeed where the team is good and I doubt anyone will be that surprised. If they overpay it will be expecting him to be the final piece, like Denver.
  10. I agree it was the wrong time and I would have preferred he not have done it but I don't believe Biden was making the the best, he did not know what it meant.
  11. He won't discuss that only what CNN discussed. The main reason CNN is upset is that there is no real way to spin it that anyone of above room temperature IQ will not think Biden was clueless of what it meant.
  12. I have fought about your question as it directly posed and the cheapest part of the state is either in the panhandle or the area near Lake Okochobee. Between the two the panhandle wins easily in my opinion.
  13. Why do you believe that? NYT wrote article this week about the least vaccinated places and the death rate in these counties from Covid seem in line with everywhere else. https://www.yahoo.com/news/where-vaccination-rates-low-u-130823481.html And Boris Johnson is now stating that booster is needed for protection: https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/uks-johnson-says-people-without-covid-boosters-ending-up-hospital-2021-12-29/ I will
  14. I certainly agree with this, in 2001 I saw what NY was becoming and decided to get while the getting was good. Literally since I move to Orlando Orange County has GROWN by more people than are in Erie County.
  15. Montgomery had a ferocious run as did the Dolphin back so any of the three would likely win most weeks, especially when compared to Tua winning last week
  16. It depends on so many things that it is hard to give you too many thoughts. Biggest ones is how much is "reasonable" to spend and what do you want? Beach vs Theme parks? Land vs amenities? City vs rural? Even weather is quite different from the Keys to north Florida. Also if you have kids school districts are by county but schools still are zoned so you need to watch that. If you want to look in central Florida I have lots of thoughts but give me more of what you want.
  17. The vaccine was not available widely until 2021 so them not overwhelming the hospitals there is not due to the vaccine, not sure why you think it is related. Them not testing for Covid is also not related to people having serious symptoms causing hospitalization. Not sure what your point is about Russia or outdoor events since they are not related to the American version of lockdown. Not one point you make justifies the lockdowns one bit
  18. I used to work in small business finance and I had a client who did government work and only bid on jobs he could mainly farm out. He was a black man and knew he could pad his contract by 8-10% and still get a contract. He would do a minimal amount of the work and pay out rest to contractors and still cleared over 100k for himself each year. His biggest issue was that government in his case paid slow, hence needing us.
  19. WTF is this? We can go back safely- we in Florida have proven that- but this would make teachers less responsible for the failing students.
  20. The "he keeps it real" crowd is probably young and does not know that during the 90s he wrote of all the bad things happening. When the Bills were 13-3 he reminded you of what the team could not do without any good stuff along with it. He is a hack who can turn a phrase, which is not nearly as important as he wants you to believe. Also his "embarrassed" question is not a problem if he gives them good questions after a good game.
  21. I get a strong Chad Pennington vibe from him in the few games I have watched, that I think is his ceiling.
  22. QBR includes some kind of analytic about how important a play is to the outcome of a game. Basically if you fumble on 50 yd line in a game where your team is up 40 pts it is not the same as fumbling on the one yard line when your team is down 5 in the last minute. Though sometimes it gets stupid obviously.
  23. Why do you think the conservatives are are socialists?
  24. Sweden did not overwhelm their healthcare system without a lockdown, so I would say your "success" would only be considered such if your only metric is one dimensional
  25. "This last-minute maneuvering never had any chance of actually decertifying the election results on its own, a point that Navarro quickly acknowledges. But their hope was to run the clock as long as possible to increase public pressure on then-Vice President Mike Pence" you missed the part where this was all a legal maneuver, might not be a good look but still more proof the committee is out here simply for those too stupid to read 5 whole paragraphs.
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