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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. In orange county FL our superintendent the week that it was announced by the CDC that cloth masks don't do anything reinstituted our teachers must wear mask policy. I have since found out that some teachers were threatening not to work since they are afraid.
  2. The officiating in this game was poor, reminded me of the Jags game, far too involved and not accurate enough. Brees was highly annoying in defense of them also.
  3. Watching the game yesterday I realized something about this Defense- they are not on the field enough for anyone to excel. Basically everyone does their job and it is hard to show individuals. I think of the Jets game and we got 5 picks by 5 players, so who is best?
  4. Give it another 80 years and it should be truly appreciated. 😀
  5. I give the other announcers credit for being honest and I will point out that Buffalo is why Miami and New Orleans are not in the playoffs. Michael Holley is a clown who is stuck on the Bills losing to Jags, which is one of biggest surprises in a lot of years That should not be that funny.
  6. They lost by 4tds and it was not even that close on the field. The scrutiny will be intense.
  7. It was a ball with a small chance being caught but most likely out the back of the end zone, so basically a throw away that Knox made an amazing play on.
  8. Where was someone to hand him a phone last night? It was so disappointing.
  9. Why would it bother you that some random person called you pathetic? If he threatens you I would say cause for alarm but that is just juvenile name-calling.
  10. What? I am arrogant for asking why I should give up my freedoms?
  11. Truly he could save even more than that if he would cap the speed limit at 20 mph, made all recreational drugs including alcohol illegal, and outlawed sunbathing to stop cancer. Intelligent people weigh the cost of these measures, you obviously don't.
  12. If we ever went to a civil war the conservative people would win because we have the guns, but it won't happen because we would peaceably agree to split before it happens.
  13. So your friends, who are clearly not paying attention if they feel the elderly are not susceptible to Covid, mean we should give up our rights? Covid is a big threat to those over 70, especially those with comorbidities, but that is not the case for younger healthy people.
  14. Right winger positions are give me freedom from government and protect the most likely to be injured from bad guys, basically it is do no harm first. Left wingers feel that damaging people is fine so long as the damage is spread out equally.
  15. Who insinuated the government should shut him up? I will tell that person off right along with you.
  16. He is a hero to you? I don't think he deserves to be charged but that is a long way from hero. He certainly could have handled it better and no one would have died that day. You don't have to canonize her to realize that he should not have shot her
  17. I actually had a subscription to the Orlando Sentinel until I got sick of the lies, similar to this one. People will pay for access to high quality information but not to pay the salaries of incompetent or disingenuous people.
  18. The reason for not putting the dome on is based primarily on cost and very little to do with Buffalo pride. At an additional $300+ million it is not worth it to the powers that be.
  19. This article from the Miami Herald is why newspapers are dying. They are either ignorant that the vaccinated are passing it to other vaccinated people at a high rate, which makes their opinion worthless, or they know it but are going to pretend it is not true which makes their opinion disingenuous. Either way their opinion is pretty pathetic. https://www.yahoo.com/news/thanks-supreme-court-now-free-114111819.html
  20. The explanation is that most intelligent freedom loving people recognize that the USA is the most important country if we want freedoms in the world. When I was in Ireland in 2004 they knew all about our President, the 2000 election, and even some Senators. The world know more about the USA then Americans know about anything else.
  21. I had not thought about it that way, but I would argue Rodgers is the best guy for GB the way they are built, but otherwise you are likely correct, Miami would be in playoffs easily, Jets would be 500, Colts would be a1 seed.
  22. When you look in the rule book it should not have to say injuring other players is illegal for you not to do it. But your comment completely ignores the blatant rule breaking the Pats* did. The one that annoys me is the Raven game in the playoffs where they blatantly broke rule 5.2 but the officials refused to call it. Since then the NFL has made the rule clearer but the officials should have called illegal formation each time they pulled that crap. 5.2 Position of the Players at the Snap 5.2.1 The offensive team must have the following in their formation: (a) No more and no less than seven players on its line of scrimmage at the snap. (b) All players who are not on the line, other than the snap receiver under center, must be no farther than 5 yards from the line of scrimmage at the snap. (c) All guards, tackles and tight ends must be at least 1/2 yard behind the center. (d) Offensive linemen must be ½ base lengths for minimum distance (e) The QB can be positioned under the center or up to a maximum of 15 yards from the line of scrimmage 5.2.2 The Line Progression will be in the following manner: 1 Center, 2Guards, 3Tackles, 4Tight Ends, 5Wide Receivers, 6QB, 7Running Backs This will insure a constant progression, which limits stall tactics. Once the line progression is adhered to and the defense has been set, the roll of the dice dictates the blocking schemes. The coach looks at the blocking schemes and adapt accordingly. Once the offense has made the necessary adjustments, the defense is allowed one change to counter in a 3:1 audible ratio. If the play changes the position of the players altogether, for every offensive skilled player that position changes, the defense in turn, will change that position as well.
  23. So you think calling someone a racist and them endorsing them is a sign of not being in a cult?
  24. This is why they overpaid for Haack- he might not be great at punting professionally speaking, but we rarely need it but even so it is 4 yards of field position on average. if he gives us one field goal in the playoffs due to his holding he is worth itAs for the shanks I think it was him learning how to kick in Buffalo. I expect him to just kick it hard from now on and not try and place it so much.
  25. As someone who was at that game I can state that if you are in the lower bowl, especially low inside, the wind is not bad, but definitely have layers.
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