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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. Implementing this kind of policy after people have already bought them is illegal I believe. What a way to slap your own fan base down, I am glad Bills are unlikely to ever have this happen.
  2. I will give officials this much Defense- the NFL does not want them to be too good because then the headlines go away. If the NFL was truly motivated to improve officiating they could do a complete overhaul using the cameras and officials in the booths so the guys on the field would have less responsibility. It is impossible to expect an official to be good at everything when you are asking them to monitor 20 moving parts at once. NFL is very ok with poor officiating
  3. So Marino and Kelly are not as good as Doug Williams? You have an absurd standard
  4. They amassed the weapons for an insurrection but left the weapons behind to do the insurrection? The whole story does not make sense. Where was the FBI when all of this was happening, what happened to the weapons, how could it take a year to discover this? I am not calling out 716 but the whole thing makes no sense.
  5. I definitely think the situation is strange but his entire situation is strange. He is Tebow if Tebow was better, his running sets up his passing. If Lamar can't run well he is not very effective, even when he is throwing for 300 yards the threat of run is important. So a bone bruise for him is different than others.
  6. The insane part of this story is you must believe they can set up a secure line for Sotomayor within a few minutes for her remote choice to be effected by Gorsuch. Also those writing this should know that he Grosuch, and all the Supremes, are tested the day before any court argument. This article is one part fact 5 part lie. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/justice-neil-gorsuch-slammed-not-wearing-mask-endangering-diabetic-sonia-sotomayor-1670586%3famp=1
  7. Last year during game I was pissed against KC at the level of non calls but after a day I recognized they were extremely even. I can deal with that and hope Buffalo adjust faster to whatever level they are calling.
  8. I watched the Colts playoff game with my cousin who is a Colts fan and he agreed with my assessment that Josh was the best player on field by a decent margin.
  9. I read ana article trying to speculate that Stefon was contemplating a move since he was there, and did not mention his brother plays for Cowboys.
  10. I was being sarcastic- when I wrote it the FBI had just announced it was not anti semitism.
  11. It is actually at a point that I look at where a package is coming from before I order now. If it is coming from LA or further west I look to see if there is another similar priced option.
  12. Hahahahahahahaha- how about you remind a year after he is out of office, ya know next week?
  13. The article was about BB cheating, what were you talking about? I agreed teams fear him.
  14. Good we agree that BB is universally recognized as a cheater, which is what the article was about
  15. https://www.sportscasting.com/the-late-don-shula-considered-patriots-head-coach-bill-belichick-a-cheater/ That is only Don Shula who is universally thought of as a great coach and man but please keep running about universal.
  16. This is why I can't believe the officials allowed it to stand, the DB clearly stopped and while a pick was not gonna happen a small tip of ball could have been difference in game. Officials need to be better, though that was clearly not only problem with officials in game
  17. It is not universal- but why don't you think the cheating matters? He is feared because he has no integrity when it comes to the game.
  18. Anyone who says a guy that clearly cheated and has been punished for cheating in unprecedented ways is the greatest clearly ranks winning over integrity. Seriously 4 of his 6 super bowl wins ended up causing major punishments to the Pats*, how do you argue that does not matter
  19. Billzy you have spent 18 months on this endeavor and only on page 7 where you are responsible for about 80% of it, it kind of reminds me of Don Quixote and his windmills.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nikki-fried-claims-ron-desantis-163350000.html The fact that anyone is giving this women a voice to lie so much is disgusting. She is a political hack of the lowest level. She literally says that giving people freedom is what Hitler did. "Instead of listening and trying to govern with the people, he is trying to govern over the people, and, you know, that, I’m sorry, I’m a student of history, too. I saw the rise of Hitler,”
  21. At end of game the officials did not do well but the Cowboys screwed themselves also by not making room for official who was late to set the ball. No body looked good on that last play.
  22. I am actually wondering if anyone can defend the vaccine mandate now that we know for a fact that the vaccine does not stop the spread at all? Especially with children? What DC is doing is immoral.
  23. I though do hope you realize it was not anti semitism that cause his actions.
  24. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/16/us/spanish-homework-racist-new-york-mill-middle-school/index.html According to the person offended here there are no good looking Americans and no ugly Mexicans.
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