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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. What a ridiculous response, the debate is whether it is right or wrong. It did not end the day he was elected anymore than anything Trump did ended the day he was elected. You act as if people voting for him gives Carte Blanche.
  2. So what is wrong with a Asian being on the court- we have Clarence Thomas, and several women, why not pick an Asian if we want diversity? You don't care about diversity if you want more of the same.
  3. The best part is that there is no option to even see the numbers for anyone under 50. I also know that at least two hospitals in Orlando they are not testing all the people who are vaccinated for Covid when they come in but all of unvaccinated patients are tested.
  4. The definition of liberals has changed drastically since the late 80s. If you had told my grandparents what liberals stand for now they would be disgusted. Open borders, pro criminal, judging people primarily on the color of their skin, all of these are the basis of current democrat policies.
  5. I had forgotten but for some reason people keep bringing up the bad times.
  6. I am hoping they get rid of way it is called in the future but it is a bad look when a blatant example of it happens and is not called. The officials should not be responsible for policing peace signs.
  7. I am not depressed at all. That will be the last time McDermott shoots himself in the foot like that. He is Andy Reid 10 years ago, can't win big one because he keeps shooting himself in foot, now he is at top of profession. That was a learning experience, as painful as it was.
  8. Are you intentionally linking to articles that are poorly written and make no reference to your "concern", or do not know what fascism is?
  9. It is funny to have a guy who fell for Russian Disinformation from Steele Dossier calling others dupes for Putin. You also seem to think it is Republican areas of our country with high murder rates and incarceration rates. Truly curious how many of the issues you see in the country happen much more often in the areas controlled by Dems than Republicans
  10. You do realize to a sane person quoting the Lincoln Project is a sign of dementia? No one of intelligence ever respected them and now they have shown themselves to be disgusting humans. And secondly at no point did Tucker side with Russia, he simply said it was not worth us going to war
  11. I vote for a Republic- which is a concept that is above Billstime.
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/news/were-trouble-kerry-warns-countries-145345144.html This guy has been saying the exact same thing for 20 years about a 12-20 year timeline but nothing has improved in that timeframe as he states is needed. So either he is a power hungry politician or he is stupid.
  13. What is sad to me is that this is news to anyone. Their fact checkers are no more accurate than the random people on Twitter.
  14. I keep reading these stories about people who need their student loan cancelled and so many of them admit they were given good advice but did not take it. Most admit they thought they would quickly be in the top range of their field. None mention working hard or anything intelligent they did to help themselves. The Obama administration caused this mess with the policy and now wants to "solve" it by an even dumber move.
  15. Technically you are supposed to pay taxes on sales over $600 for at least the past 6 years. I know because that is how long I have had NBA seasons and sold at least half. What worries me is that I always able to zero out cost because the ticket sales never amounted to more than cost of season tickets and with the higher scrutiny will they ask what each ticket cost vs individual sale? All under the cover of making Billionaires pay their fair share, so bogus
  16. The overall framing of this thread of the Edmunds basher is insane. To argue that he is not a very valuable piece means you don't understand football at all. The only reasonable argument is how much is he worth.
  17. I agree generally, but that was not the discussion being had at the time. Still not sure why cases have been the dominant number since the entire point was to help hospitals.
  18. I thought they had street free agents in their secondary this year and they were still close to a playoff birth, I know something has to happen but this seems like blaming the wrong guy
  19. Wait are you trying to say that Love is not all we need? But watching them against Burrows I was not impressed at all.
  20. I had dinner with family from NY today and the NYC rules came up. One aunt was very pro the NYC rules and I am clearly not. The discussion was fine until she stated that people who are vaccinated are not getting sick, at which point I stated factually that the majority of people getting sick are vaccinated. She took exception and stated what she had been reading was the opposite. I showed her the CDC admitting that 80% of those with Omicron are fully vaccinated. Her response was to loudly say that since I disagree with how the CDC recommends fighting Covid I should not believe the numbers. It was so odd because we get along but she actually made a small scene in a restaurant to "prove" my facts are not equal to her opinion
  21. I actually have a hard time believing this is real- they stand by the story even though everyone actually involved in the story said they were wrong. Please someone explain how this is not proper at this point?
  22. Closest I came was at a UCF game in 2004 against Syracuse. It was at old stadium and before UCF was good and I was with my pregnant wife, brother with a broken arm, dad, and two other women, and these two dudes were throwing stuff at me like popcorn buckets and paper towels. It was about the 20th time right before half time we all got up to leave and the one dude tried to get me one last time with something and the people around him told him to cut it out loudly. Most people are cool but some suck, I enjoyed the rest of game, which was a Syracuse comeback from a different section. And to prove I don't hold grudges forever I just bought UCF season tickets.
  23. For a dude who quits sometimes his numbers are outstanding.
  24. I think we also need to thank who ever leaked his tweets with bad words from when he was 16- I think he would have been gone by 7 without that "concern".
  25. At one time the chance to score was basically how many yards from end zone are you- if you start 80 yards from end zone your chance is 20% but if you are 40 from end zone it was 60%. I think KC and Buffalo destroy that percentage because they do not seem to care where they start. So my decisions on this team is based on what play I can call and what I expect Josh to do.
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