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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I will be interested if Breida changes this, because it could be blocking or it could be that both running backs we run with are similar styles. I do also wonder if the numbers changed much from week 1-4, when no one believes Josh was MVP player, to later in year when they had to be more honest defensively.
  2. Nice equivalency of destroying and murdering people in inner cities compared to delaying the vote by a few hours. Your side is not the bad guys in regards to riots over the past year. To argue otherwise you must believe that a politicians time is more important than a human life.
  3. The biggest lie with this election is that it ran well and was secure. We had Pennsylvania literally violate its own constitution, we had ATL officials remove observers and then continue counting, we had ballots sent out to people that did not request them or recieve them, in Michigan they covered the windows so observers could not watch. It took us a week to determine the winner because so many states were not prepared for what was clearly coming. I accept the results but to be unaware of the issues and then pretend they don't exist is sad.
  4. Are you being philosophical or just stupid? Either you have oppressed people or not, whatever your ancestors did you cant fix so how you just fix your own screw ups.
  5. I am not sure if this is real but it is not from a satire site https://www.yahoo.com/news/justin-trudeau-carolyn-bennett-resignation-jody-wilson-raybould-text-message-172439202.html Apparently it is racist and misogynistic to infer that someone is doing something for money. Last I checked every race and creed likes getting paid
  6. You are truly a racist if you think the issues in Portland and Minneapolis were caused primarily by black people.
  7. Not only the cops are being vilified but so are the DA's and it is apparently causing a shortage of DA's which might be part of the reason why they are dismissing so many cases.
  8. Went to AP site and first political article:https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-fl-state-wire-ohio-campaign-2016-trump-impeachment-939c98aadd22d09056e9ce5a7c79064f If you think this is centrist you are an extreme leftist. I will agree AP does well with non political stories but politically they are definitely leftist.
  9. I know it was dumb of Herm but if a player is on campus there is no logic in limiting meeting him. If the purpose is to give players space if they want it then it should limit any communication off of the campus. These kids who are talented get literally dozens of text a day from colleges starting sophomore year- if not earlier- so the texting is not giving them a break.
  10. Coaches can't meet with recruits on campus visits? No wonder the NCAA is constantly pummeled in court, most of the rules are just for control.
  11. Those that believe he will make another leap- what does that look like? 50 passing tds, 10 running tds, and 6000 yards? Seriously he had one of the best seasons in NFL history last year, y'all might be expecting something super human.
  12. I think you might be misapplying this ruling- you are not a cheerleader nor popular 😁
  13. California actually has an intelligent law? I am so confused 🤔.
  14. I did not explain it properly- my increase can only be 3% per year- so if I pay $2000 this year my max is $2060 next year- it has nothing to do with current value of house. As I said 400k house and 2500 is taxes is less than 1% of value
  15. On a similar note, in Florida we have a cap on property tax increased if you remain in your home of 3% per year. My house is now valued over 400k and my property taxes are still less than 2500 a year, not to mention no income tax. My friends in Rochester are afraid of the tax increase coming their way
  16. Guaranteed housing is extreme and if you look to California it is impossible to implement. Good intentions are not enough for good policy. Good intentions without a solid efficient plan just makes people rich who never accomplish anything.
  17. An unarmed group of people who advertised their protest weeks in advance? I am very happy to arrest these people but your ability to compare murder to a delayed vote is a little troubling.
  18. The only reasons I say probably not is I am married and she is from Jersey- but everything else about her checks very nicely
  19. My goal? You have to lie to have any point. You have been around long enough to know I have never defended those rioters. But I appreciate your honesty that politics is more important than the people who run their business, or people that live downtown in cities. It is actually refreshing for someone to be honest. I disagree with you and thing a persons life is more important that a delayed voted but we can disagree.
  20. Why do you feel that delaying the certification of the vote by a day is worse than the murders and destruction of entire city centers during last summer?
  21. Y'all strange as all heck- I have never thought to identify as anything other than I am. Maybe it is part of the privilege of being great at everything I do.
  22. I can not find where he did repeal it, I am assuming you mean by one of his executive orders, do you know which one? I honestly can't find it quickly using Google Never heard of them, they make no sense and are not recognizable, so why bother with them? You don't worry about people who can't effect you generally
  23. I am not happy that the Church is going down this road because I have not heard Biden praise women who have had abortions. If he would sign a bill promoting abortions I could see an argument but right now I don't think he is actively undermining our teachings, he is just not actively supporting it.
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